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EWB's Top 25 Films of 2009


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I know that it may be a little too soon for another list, seeing as one if already being done, but GA said something in the "What Have You Watched?" thread which got me thinking; what have people's favourite films of 2009 been? I thought we could do a list similar to something which would go on in the music thread. Plus, I think it'd be nice to keep a little record of favourite films of the year.

If people think it's too soon, I'll happily hold off; but I thought with 2010 coming up - it might be nice to get votes in, the list might be able to start around the time 2010 comes along. If people are happy to take part in this; then list your Top 10films of the year in ranked order, 1 being the highest, 10 being the lowest. If interest is high, I could expand the list to a bigger number. To qualify for the list, the film must've had a cinematic release in either the US or UK.

But yeah, if people are interested, let's give this a go? (Y)

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Yeah, I was fully intending to do a Top 25/Top 50 but I wasn't going to start it until after Sherlock Holmes comes out.

I do think one of these needs to be done for TV, though, it's not too early for that. Maybe I'll start one of those.

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I feel bad for the Immgainarium of Dr. Parnasuss, as it apparently doesn't come out in the states till 2010 in a wide release and will most likely not feature very prominently. :(

EDIT: It also saddens me that Crazy Heart is only seeing a limited release apparently.

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The lack of choice of English language films at the cinema means that I've only seen Quantum of Solace, Watchmen and Burn After Reading at the cinema this year (they were all released after the rest of the world). They were all great though.

Also Blu-Ray / DVD releases drag behind too and the only Blu-Ray I've bought that was theatrically released in 2009 (in Japan at least) was RocknRolla which was an excellent movie.

So sadly I can't involve myself very well in such a list :(

I also REALLY wanna watch Sherlock Holmes but it's unlikely it'll get released over here at the cinemas, so I'll have to wait for Blu-Ray release. Boo.

EDIT: Oooh, hold the presses - "Inguroriasu Busters" is out at my local cinema. Oooh, let's read the translated plot to see if I want to go....

"Nazi-occupied France. 家族を殺された少女・ショーシャナ(メラニー・ロラン)は、劇場支配人として身分を隠しながら、ナチスを根絶やしにする壮大な復讐計画を進める。 Shoshana was killed by a family girl (Melanie Laurent), while hiding the identity as a theater manager, proceed to a grand plan to eradicate the Nazi revenge. 時を同じくして、アルド・レイン中尉(ブラッド・ピット)率いるユダヤ系アメリカ人兵士の特殊部隊が、各地でナチスを次々と始末していた。 At the same time, Lt. Aldo Rain (Brad Pitt) special forces soldiers, led by American Jews, following in many parts of the Nazis and we had to dispose of. その残虐な手口から"バスターズ"と呼ばれ、恐れられる彼らは、ドイツ人女優になりすました英国スパイと共に、打倒ナチスの極秘ミッションに参加する。 From the brutal tactics "Busters" are called, they feared, as well as British spy posing as a German actress, a secret mission to join the Nazi defeat. 周到な復讐計画を進めるショーシャナと、ナチスを片っ端から始末するバスターズ。 Shoshana and careful advance planning revenge, one and all to get rid of the Nazis Busters. それぞれの作戦は、ショーシャナの経営する劇場で開催される、ヒトラー総統を招いたナチのプロパガンダ映画のプレミア上映会で交錯する… Each campaign will be held in the theater run by Shoshana, a mixture of the Nazi propaganda film premiere screening led to Hitler ... "

Sounds interesting :shifty:

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