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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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So, Lost returns for the Final Season tonight. I am pysched as hell and will be eagerly awaiting for it to be uploaded by eztv. smile.gif

Also it has taken me all this time to figure out the whole 'What lies in the Shadow of the Statue?' thing. It's Jacob. I don't know how I never got that until just this second.

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RIP Sayid


I've literally called almost everything thats happened so far to my friends at various times from the time season 5 ended to before season 6 began...i must be psychic or i should become a tv writer


Yep, he got healed afterall just like Ben as a kid, and doesn't remember it now.

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For fuck's sake, that explained NOTHING and only served to raise more questions.

A huge :lol: to next week's tagline, "the time for questions is over." I think they'll manage to answer maybe two of the 100+ unanswered questions.

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For fuck's sake, that explained NOTHING and only served to raise more questions.

A huge :lol: to next week's tagline, "the time for questions is over." I think they'll manage to answer maybe two of the 100+ unanswered questions.

It answered some stuff


Richard being on the black rock, man in black=smokey, what the temple really is, did jacob really die, and other minor tidbits

but it also created a hell of a lot more questions

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Yeah, it answered quite a few things to be honest and sure it raises more questions, but it's so annoying how all everyone says is "Oh god more questions". If you've stuck along so far, you're clearly going to get rewarded in some way for the time you've put into it. I look at this series and I can't understand how you can't expect more questions to be raised in order to explain the back stories that will result in us knowing what is going on.

The smoke monster has constantly been built upon and we've found out more and more as time went on. Sure we wonder why the fuck Hurley can see dead people, why Libby was in Hurley's back story and why she gave Desmond her boat, but I just feel like, what's the point bitching about all these questions when we are about 3 months away from all the answers. Of course I'm sure not everything will be answered, but if they leave gaping holes in the story then they'd get roasted alive I imagine.

Summary: We will get our answers, hold on a bit longer.

Loved the two new episodes, can we speak out of spoilers since it's in the title? Well, I'll speak vaguely until I know I can but yeah loved it. Saw the swerve coming at the end of episode two, especially after Miles' reaction. I'm wondering how they're gonna explain the sideways flashes (I think thats what you could call them?) and whether it did actually work. Fun stuff all in all. Kate episode next week, probably not gonna be the best, although she's had some alright episodes more recently.

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I think a lot of the answers from this episode were less "answers" and more confirmation on things that most people have suspected for a long time, it's a comfortable easing into a new season.

As stated on Twitter, I will be referring to the "new" timeline as "The Fighting Mongoose Timeline/Universe" in honour of the greatest alternate universe in fiction :shifty:

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Awesome, awesome opening two episodes. I know it didn't really answer anything, but I get the feeling that some of the stuff they've introduced (the third selection of others, the list, the temple, the healing spring) will all factor in as part of the answer to the big question - What is the Island? We also learned the motivation behind Smokey The John Locke, he just wants to go home. crying.gif

...Fuck the opening bit though. I'll follow Lost until the end, but what the fuck? Why was the Island under water? Why did Juliet say it worked? WHY ARE WE SEEING FLASH...SOMETHINGS OF WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!? That's the only part that pisses me off. It's awesome seeing what could/will/did/should have happened, but why are we seeing this? Is it just a look at what should have been, or did the Hydrogen Bomb's explosion mixed with the Energy Pocket somehow create an alternate time line, where in everything happened like it was supposed too. That's my best guess. That what we're seeing is an Alternate Time Line that was created. And our heroes that are still on the Island, they're still stuck in the present because in THEIR time line, the plane still crashed. With the ultimate reason being that you can't change the past, because there's more than one time line for every little choice.

Now I have to go lay down. sad.gif

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Awesome, awesome opening two episodes. I know it didn't really answer anything, but I get the feeling that some of the stuff they've introduced (the third selection of others, the list, the temple, the healing spring) will all factor in as part of the answer to the big question - What is the Island? We also learned the motivation behind Smokey The John Locke, he just wants to go home. crying.gif

...Fuck the opening bit though. I'll follow Lost until the end, but what the fuck? Why was the Island under water? Why did Juliet say it worked? WHY ARE WE SEEING FLASH...SOMETHINGS OF WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!? That's the only part that pisses me off. It's awesome seeing what could/will/did/should have happened, but why are we seeing this? Is it just a look at what should have been, or did the Hydrogen Bomb's explosion mixed with the Energy Pocket somehow create an alternate time line, where in everything happened like it was supposed too. That's my best guess. That what we're seeing is an Alternate Time Line that was created. And our heroes that are still on the Island, they're still stuck in the present because in THEIR time line, the plane still crashed. With the ultimate reason being that you can't change the past, because there's more than one time line for every little choice.

Now I have to go lay down. sad.gif

It's an alternate universe and somehow Juliet knew this, hence the "it worked"....I think. :pervert:

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I gotta admit. I'm a huge fan of the show and almost never have a bad thing to say about it, but I feel like this was a very underwhelming start to the final season. For the first time ever, I found myself bored while watching LOST. I didn't feel satisfied with the answers we were given, and the questions that popped up didn't carry the same intrigue for me as they have in the past. LOST is one of those shows that always made it absolutely necessary for me to watch the next episode. This episode(s) didn't have that. It'd be one thing if it were mid-season, but as the season premiere? I was highly disappointed.

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It answered some stuff


Richard being on the black rock, man in black=smokey, what the temple really is, did jacob really die, and other minor tidbits

but it also created a hell of a lot more questions

Exactly, every "answer" just raised another question:

Okay, so Richard was on the Black Rock, but what is the Black Rock, and who or what is Richard?! The guy who hates Jacob is the Smoke Monster, cool, glad we got that figured out, but who the hell is this guy?! He was just introduced in the previous episode, so we're really just answering questions with unanswered questions. The Temple is a Temple, I got that, but does it resurrect people? Is it how the island heals people? Is that really Sayid or Jacob in Sayid's body? And if the latter is the case, is Jacob a person at all, or was the guy we saw before just another shell?

Summary: We will get our answers, hold on a bit longer.

But there's not much longer to hold onto. They've got 16 hours to answer every unanswered question of the last five seasons, and probably a dozen+ more they'll raise along the way, that's a lot of loose ends to tie up. Don't get me wrong, I liked the premiere, Lost is the only show that can cocktease me for two hours and still keep me coming back for more, I'm just worried they're not going to get to everything.

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Well I doubt they'll get to everything. I think we probably won't get answers to a lot of the questions that popped up (I'm fully expecting all the Libby stuff to just be left alone).

As for your questions...

The Black Rock was a Slave Ship that set sail from Portsmouth England (My home town!

w00t.gif). The same ship that was seen by Jacob and Anti-Jacob at the end of S5. I'm pretty sure it's been implied (well, I'm piecing this together) that Jacob brought the ship to the Island... for some reason, which Richard was a slave on. We've seen that The Others have taken people who land on The Island, so I'd assume that Richard was one of the first people to be on a list and taken by the others, then integrated into their society. (Same as the air hostess that keeps popping up every now and then.) Obviously we don't know what happened between Jacob and Richard and why Richard doesn't age though.

I'm guessing The Temple is where on of the pockets of Energy that have been referenced is. (Like the one in Australlia Rose & Bernard went to visit) I think the general idea is that it's some kind of... Healing Energy or something. Again, it's not been answered yet, but it's pretty clear that The Temple has something to do with the 'energy' of the Island.

As for Sayid and Jacob... yeah, I got nothing. I hope we see more of Jacob though, because I love me some Mark Pellegrino.

...Okay, maybe I didn't really have any actual answers. >_>

Though if I'm honest, I don't really mind not knowing the truth yet, because one of the things I've always loved about Lost is how much it leaves you to just think about and try and figure out for yourself. In that way I'm a little bias towards the show, because where other people tend to think 'wtf, how/what?' I end up thinking 'Oooh! I bet that's because...!' shifty.gif

edit: Okay, I've just read that The Temple is Dharma Station. I... what? huh.gif

edit 2: wait, that's my bad, the Dharma Initiative were aware of it, they didn't build it.

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It answered some stuff


Richard being on the black rock, man in black=smokey, what the temple really is, did jacob really die, and other minor tidbits

but it also created a hell of a lot more questions

Exactly, every "answer" just raised another question:

Okay, so Richard was on the Black Rock, but what is the Black Rock, and who or what is Richard?! The guy who hates Jacob is the Smoke Monster, cool, glad we got that figured out, but who the hell is this guy?! He was just introduced in the previous episode, so we're really just answering questions with unanswered questions. The Temple is a Temple, I got that, but does it resurrect people? Is it how the island heals people? Is that really Sayid or Jacob in Sayid's body? And if the latter is the case, is Jacob a person at all, or was the guy we saw before just another shell?

Summary: We will get our answers, hold on a bit longer.

But there's not much longer to hold onto. They've got 16 hours to answer every unanswered question of the last five seasons, and probably a dozen+ more they'll raise along the way, that's a lot of loose ends to tie up. Don't get me wrong, I liked the premiere, Lost is the only show that can cocktease me for two hours and still keep me coming back for more, I'm just worried they're not going to get to everything.

I was just reading a snippet of an interview with the writers. Basically, if the characters on the show don't care/aren't affected by the mystery/question, then it's probably not going to be answered. As an example of what they meant, they said that we're not going to find out who the statue was built by. And that's perfectly fine with me. They'll tackle the big mythology questions of the show. I don't think they have an obligation to get to every little thing, though, because the fans have picked up on "things" (aka questions) that the writers may not have intended to be "things" in the first place. For example, I don't think there's an overwhelming impact on the show as a whole that Libby gave Desmond the boat. A lot of "questions" I've seen tossed around that people are wanting answers for seem to fall into that category. I'm confident they'll deliver big on the important stuff involving the things everyone was dying to know early on in the show.

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Some entirely random thoughts:

JULIET :crying::crying::crying:

Seriously, Juliet was, without a doubt, my favourite Lost character and it sucks that she's now finally dead. Damn you writers for making me think that she could be alive (let's set aside the whole nuking thing for now).

John Locke as the show's new uber-villain? Fucking brilliant. I can't wait to see Terry O'Quinn heeling it up. And that his interaction with Ben is continuing. Every time those two are on the screen, it's just electric.

Jack continues to give me zero reason to care about him. It's a shame he's suffering from the syndrome of the side/supporting characters eclipsing him. I really hope that the series ends with Jack dying. He's already gotten off the island once.

Sayid's death and resurrection... well, at this point nothing's shocking me. And to be honest, if Sayid had died as well as Juliet, I would be beyond pissed.

Hurley continues to rule.

Every time Lost throws more curveballs in, it just keeps me gripped. I'm really not going in to this series expecting to get many of the answers I'm looking for, really. For my money, that's just the nature of the show I signed up for. If they wrap everything up at the end then, frankly, it'll just kill the mystique which, for me, has been built on the fact that we don't know everything (or, indeed, anything, in the grand scheme of things). I love the direction this season opener took. It began to draw the threads back together again, but ultimately, reminded me that the answers are not going to cohere to any idealised roadmap.

In short, I quite liked it.

RIP Juliet. :crying:

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Yeah, fuck me did they almost get me with that 'JULIETS ALIVE!' only to take her away. :( On the plus side, she's now the star of her own TV show (And easily the most entertaining thing on V. Apart from Laura Vandervoort who can abduct me any day. wub.gif) and we got a little bit of closure for Sawyer. I'd rather her last words were 'I love you' or something though, the whole 'It Worked' thing didn't really do it for me.

As for Jack, I totally agree he needs to die at the end. As the hero of the piece, I think it's fitting. Jack has made so many descions that have resulted in the death of others, I think him taking the final bullet to save everyone would be the right way to end it for him. I've got a horrible, horrible feeling that Sawyer will die though. crying.gif I honestly don't think I will make it through the day if they kill off Sawyer.

Also wow, I still couldn't care less about Kate. I don't hate her like I do Sun (god, please let Sun be the next victim. Give us back ANGRY MOTHERFUCKER JIN and take away the least interesting part of the show.)

I also definitely get the feeling we'll see Ben meet his end at some point. If the Island ends up sinking (which it might, I guess. Going off the fact it was underwater in the opening) then I can see Ben deciding to go down with it.

Also what happened to 'They're coming'. I thought there was going to be a new villain that wasn't Anti-Locke that would threaten the Island?

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