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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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Yeah, I don't think she meant Sayid. I don't know who... but it seems unlikely that she would consider him a candidate after what he's done.

Its not her picking the candidates, she just protects them

I'm not saying that at all, I mean that if she knows that he's turned, she'd probably put 2 and 2 together and figure out that his name would be crossed off. Therefore, no longer a candidate.

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I'm guessing that only Jacob could disqualify a candidate

I'm not saying she disqualified him. I'm saying that she is GUESSING that he most likely wouldn't be considered a candidate any more, considering he murdered Dogan and Lennon and doesn't exactly care. It's not like Jacob is around to say 'Oh, no, he's still cool.' The whole point of this series is that Jacob is gone and all hell is breaking loose now. Illana is probably just doing the best she can with what she has and has to decide on things for herself. And if I were her, I'd come to the same conclusion, that if Sayid is murdering innocent people and siding with Fake Locke, then chances are that he doesn't really qualify (in her eyes) as a candidate any more, and that's why I don't think she'd consider him one.

Please don't make me explain this again. tongue.gif

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So, that was an awesome episode. I've been waiting for a Richard (or, Ricardos :D) episode for ages.

So now we know that the Islands sole purpose is to keep The Man in Black trapped. It's like Pandoras Box, except inside the box is Fake Locke. I still don't really understand what it is that's keeping him on the Island now, though it sounds like all he needs now is a way off and he'll be free. (Something that Widmores Sub will allow him to do.)

edit: Also, I'm calling it now, Hurley is either the candidate that will replace Jacob, or he's going to be the next Richard. Either that, or they find a way to kill The Man in Black and The Island will be destroyed. I didn't even think about that before, but now that Jacob has given Richard the order, I can totally see it coming down to Jack/Locke in a Knife Fight.

I think we'll be seeing a lot of the survivors against each other in the Finale, which makes me think we're totally going to see Sayid/Sawyer in a fight to the death, along with Kate/Claire.

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Which I'm totally in favor of. How Lost-esque and amazing would it be if Jack and Kate ended up being on the evil side this whole time. They may/may not have meant to be, but it's just where they've been convinced to be. I can see them doing something like this, and having Hurley find out the truth and quickly switch sides, thus becoming the new Richard. I just think it'd be a really entertaining finale if Sawyer is now "the good guy", and Jack sort of snaps Sayid-style.

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Awesome episode! Another one building the tension before shit goes down, but 19th century Richard + more Jacob and MIB = brilliance. And yeah, I love how everything seems to be a game of who can manipulate the best between Jacob and MIB. All we have to go on that MIB is evil is Jacob's word. Maybe he's been manipulating and killing people because he's a nice guy? :shifty: Jacob's definitely no angel when it comes to behaviour, either, so it's conceivable. I've got a feeling the finale is going to be absolutely insane and the rest of the series will work on everybody's individual motives so they all come to a clash in the end. Already we've got Ilana's group, Widmore's people (who definitely need some more explaining - why does he want to kill MIB?), Sawyer and Kate and MIB and his followers with their own motives. Plus all Jin wants to do is find Sun and Sun find Jin so that counts as separate. Sayid and Claire are bound to do some more batshit crazy stuff as well.

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I don't know, I think Jacob is the good guy. It kind of goes with his whole thing of helping people 'save themselves'. He doesn't treat everyone amazingly, but when he does things, it's usually to let someone decide themselves how to act. He's obviously not pure good, I'd say he's more of a Lawful Neutral if that makes any sense. It really is like the whole God Vs. The Devil thing, where MiB tries to corrupt people whilst Jacob just tries to have faith that people will do the right thing. And even when they don't, they can still attain his forgiveness. (Which I believe Ben has now.)

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If you haven't stumbled upon these yet, they're pretty funny: http://forum.lostpedia.com/meanwhile-yet-another-timeline-t50109.html

They're basically pictures of actors from Lost in other TV shows or movies with the caption, "Meanwhile, in yet another timeline..."

I created one, but I don't have the ability to post on that forum so I'll share it here because I have to post it somewhere.

*Not spoilers*


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(TKz look away now...)

I loved that last episode because (not in spite of) Jin/Sun. To me, every time they're in an episode, you get one of those classic Lost "mood places" where they just let the emotional connection between the characters do the talking. This time was a rare occurance in which they were used to advance the plot, but I thought it was done brilliantly. Sun's response when she was just tearing Richard a new one in Korean was brilliant to watch. Similarly, the flash-sideways where Jin and Sayid interacted was brilliantly handled. Excellent stuff.

Oh, and Desmond is back, motherfuckers. There is no way in which this can't be awesome (although poor Penny :crying: )

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Last episode was... bleugh. I don't care about Sun and Jin. I did care about Jin, but I've given up giving a shit now. This whole thing bores me. Thank god their episode is out the way so we can concentrate on more awesomeness now.

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