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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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There is a lot of that, but to be honest you get the apropriat reaction from most people if you are wrong. I just wish that sometimes they would have the option to walk out on you, i think the only one i saw doing that was in the tutorial.

Why would you want that? One or two wrong answers and there's no longer any way of continuing the case. It'd just mean that instead of getting SOME answers/lies that you can later prove to be lies, you'd probably fail the case and have to start the interrogation all over again.

Anywho. Picked it up and have been really enjoying it so far. Rockstar have definitely gotten back into my good books after the horribly boring game that was GTA IV. Between this and Red Dead, I can't wait to see what they come up with next. I'm midway through Homicide at the moment (which I think means I'm midway through the story, which is a shame). I'll possibly end up 100%ing this, because thankfully the trophies are all fairly reasonable. I think the most annoying one would be to drive all 90 cars, but even that can probably be accomplished fairly easily with a bit of luck.

And yeah, to echo earlier complaints, fuck The Golden Butterfly.

The game spends so much time forcing you to be a good cop, so when the chance finally comes up to be a bit more corrupt, I end up completely overlooking it because it's not really made clear until afterwards that the case ratings are determined based on how happy your boss is. All missions before this pretty much were 'get the right man, good job'. Hopefully if they do a sequel, it'll be a little more open as to how you play, as a good cop or corrupt and it'll be for most of the missions, not just occasional ones.

I think two of my favourite things about the game are how little different weapons matter now. I never even bother getting a new gun, other than picking the odd one up of the ground for the sake of it. And the other thing is how they've removed all the pointless mini-games and stuff like races. Thank god those are gone. I know they were all optional, but let's face it, in a world where trophies are more indicative of how much you beat the game than anything else, those mini-games and shitty side missions suddenly stop being optional and start being necessary if you want to feel like you've actually completed the game.

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There is a lot of that, but to be honest you get the apropriat reaction from most people if you are wrong. I just wish that sometimes they would have the option to walk out on you, i think the only one i saw doing that was in the tutorial.

The example I used, he yells at the dude before even knowing his name, it's not a chosen dialogue, it's an automatic one, before I even start to choose my line of questioning.

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There is a lot of that, but to be honest you get the apropriat reaction from most people if you are wrong. I just wish that sometimes they would have the option to walk out on you, i think the only one i saw doing that was in the tutorial.

Why would you want that? One or two wrong answers and there's no longer any way of continuing the case. It'd just mean that instead of getting SOME answers/lies that you can later prove to be lies, you'd probably fail the case and have to start the interrogation all over again.

In a perfect universe there would be different ways to solve a case. Like you usualy got several ways of discovering a new location (via talk with a different person, finding one of several matches with a bar name on)... realy, there is no game if you can go to hard on someone due to a wrong gut feeling over and over again. (like acusing a man that he killed his wife, thats a pritty harsh conversation starter :-p ). I honestly would prefere that instead of a golden butterfly that almost seems designed for you to fail at your first try. (while i still liked the case in itself)

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I see what Matz is getting at. If it wasn't for how well produced it was and the thing with the facial recognition tech (say, if it was essentially LA Noire on the GTA4 engine, no mo-cap), I'd imagine a fair few people would find it pretty underwhelming. Fortunately, the story and acting are strong enough to keep me engrossed. But they'll have to pull out more for a sequel, at least having different ways of going about a case, picking up different evidence, missing key information on evidence you pick up, and consequences for incorrect accusations. I like the idea of the good cop/bad cop mechanic too. My concern is that with talk out it being a "franchise" they're just going to drop the same game in a different era.

Although a London version of LA Noire would be pretty cool.

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Just got this game and only played a few cases so far, loving what I see at this stage.

I hope we get a sequel that's set in the same timeframe and location but with you on the other side of the law maybe franchise it under GTA and have all sorts of crazy coll crossovers.

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Just got this game and only played a few cases so far, loving what I see at this stage.

I hope we get a sequel that's set in the same timeframe and location but with you on the other side of the law maybe franchise it under GTA and have all sorts of crazy coll crossovers.

I'd hate that. I don't wanna be the criminal. Either another cop one, or a P.I. one I'd be down with.

Edited by Vamp
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If you consider for how long most crime tv shows have been going on and how they just get replaced by a slightly different one wen their time has come... i higly doubt that they even need different tables, they could just give you 20-30 new cases of homocide per year and people would eat it up. Wen it goes stale you got a new city and some new characters ready.

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If you go GTA style shooting stuff to earn cash or gain influence the facial stuff would not hurt. I see a far bigger problem in actualy being a psychokiller... so whats the game? You stalk girls, kill them, rape them and try to pin it on someone whos not you? Thats a ballsy move even for the publisher that brought manhunt.

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It wouldn't necessarily have to be a true sequel to the LA Noire just base the next Grand Theft Auto in it's gameworld. Call it GTA: Noire or something.Never going to happen because they never base GTA in a real city but it's such a meticulously grafted world it'd be perfect for such a game.

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I see what Matz is getting at. If it wasn't for how well produced it was and the thing with the facial recognition tech (say, if it was essentially LA Noire on the GTA4 engine, no mo-cap), I'd imagine a fair few people would find it pretty underwhelming. Fortunately, the story and acting are strong enough to keep me engrossed. But they'll have to pull out more for a sequel, at least having different ways of going about a case, picking up different evidence, missing key information on evidence you pick up, and consequences for incorrect accusations. I like the idea of the good cop/bad cop mechanic too. My concern is that with talk out it being a "franchise" they're just going to drop the same game in a different era.

Although a London version of LA Noire would be pretty cool.

Yeah, I agree with this. I wish they'd actually make you do some actual police work, solving some puzzles and actually making you think about it. Theres way too much handholding throughout this game, it never really forces you to figure things out for yourself. Even in the interrogations, the script is heavy handed in how it guides you to the right piece of evidence. You might not know for example that the guy is the killer or whatever but if you press Lie he'll go like "well prove that I was at this place" and you're like oh so thats what that evidence is for. I can only think of like, three times where you need to actually use your brains to solve a puzzle, and even then it's pretty simple.

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It wouldn't necessarily have to be a true sequel to the LA Noire just base the next Grand Theft Auto in it's gameworld. Call it GTA: Noire or something.Never going to happen because they never base GTA in a real city but it's such a meticulously grafted world it'd be perfect for such a game.

Why take GTA into the real world when they could just take us from LA Noire to SA (as in San Andreas) Noire?

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I had an idea that if Rockstar wanted to make more LA Noire style games they could go forward into a period of time like the 60's or 80's/90's with their own distinct style.

Just a thought.

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Am I really the only one here who hates the idea of them moving the game to the future or into locations that don't really seem to suit it? To me the main reasons why I wanted the game and am enjoying it currently is that its set in the particular era that it is and based so much on the film noir genre. I certainly dont' want one set in London. Chicago might work, or New York I guess. Moving a decade or two into the future would be even worse in my opinion, I don't mind the idea of them going back in time to the period in between the wars (where the majority of the book influences come into play) or slightly ahead to the future (the 50s were still part of that classic period) but 60's London is something entirely different to me. If they're going to do another Noire game and want to change it up a bit than I honestly think the best thing they could do is just have you go from cop to private investigator. Being Sam Spade in a video game would be amazing.

That's not to say that I don't think they could make a good game out of the current engine set in London in the 60's or whatever else, just that its not the reason that I personally bought L.A. Noire. I wanted a game with that setting, with jazz music playing in the background, a morally corrupt world and all the other trademarks of the genre of movies and books that I enjoy so much and which they're only really scratching the surface of. To me its a genre game, and swome of the suggestions here would take it too far out of that genre. Not that there arn't British noirs of course, but they're a slightly different style anyway.

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There is a lot of that, but to be honest you get the apropriat reaction from most people if you are wrong. I just wish that sometimes they would have the option to walk out on you, i think the only one i saw doing that was in the tutorial.

Why would you want that? One or two wrong answers and there's no longer any way of continuing the case. It'd just mean that instead of getting SOME answers/lies that you can later prove to be lies, you'd probably fail the case and have to start the interrogation all over again.

In a perfect universe there would be different ways to solve a case. Like you usualy got several ways of discovering a new location (via talk with a different person, finding one of several matches with a bar name on)... realy, there is no game if you can go to hard on someone due to a wrong gut feeling over and over again. (like acusing a man that he killed his wife, thats a pritty harsh conversation starter :-p ). I honestly would prefere that instead of a golden butterfly that almost seems designed for you to fail at your first try. (while i still liked the case in itself)

Agreed. I think my biggest gripe with the game is that you're either right or wrong, especially on interrogation (seriously, tick or cross? Fuck off). There is no inbetween. I'd rather prove the wrong man guilty with evidence that I've managed to put together than have to always follow the storyline the game presents.

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