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Major League Baseball 2010


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Unfortunately I can't like this post more than once. So I quote.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Seriously, the NY teams should just pack it in when they face Texas teams in the post-season ... shit just doesn't work out for them.

The only other meeting between an NY team and a Texas team in the playoffs of any major sport in the past decade was the Giants beating the Cowboys a few years ago :/

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Seriously, the NY teams should just pack it in when they face Texas teams in the post-season ... shit just doesn't work out for them.

The only other meeting between an NY team and a Texas team in the playoffs of any major sport in the past decade was the Giants beating the Cowboys a few years ago :/

In the last 20 years:

... the Cowboys beat the Bills in the Super Bowl twice, the Rockets and Spurs have beaten the Knicks (and the Spurs the Nets even) in the NBA Finals, the Stars beat the Sabres in the Stanley Cup ....

The Oilers beat the Jets in the Wild Card round ... and now the Rangers have beaten the Yankees in the ALCS

The only wins the NY teams have, are that Giants win and Buffalo's ridiculous (IE - NFL Record) comeback against the Oilers.

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Well if we're going past 20 years, we can't leave out the three shitkickings the Yanks gave the Rangers in the playoffs in 1996, 1998 and 1999. Hell, that's part of what made last night so sweet.

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Well if we're going past 20 years, we can't leave out the three shitkickings the Yanks gave the Rangers in the playoffs in 1996, 1998 and 1999. Hell, that's part of what made last night so sweet.

still under .500 and lost every major championship they've played for .... I stand by my statement.


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Why don't you include the Comets beating the Liberty if we really want to continue this silly notion? No one in the city considers Buffalo a NY team, much like a Mavericks fan doesn't take Texas pride in the Rockets winning two titles between Jordan runs, just like a Rockets fan didn't get excited seeing Timmay win 4 titles because they're in the same state. If the Rangers knock out the Yankees EVERY year for the next decade, I will pop champagne* like my name is Mercury Morris 10 straight times.

*or ginger ale if Josh Hamilton is still on the team :shifty:

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Why don't you include the Comets beating the Liberty if we really want to continue this silly notion? No one in the city considers Buffalo a NY team, much like a Mavericks fan doesn't take Texas pride in the Rockets winning two titles between Jordan runs, just like a Rockets fan didn't get excited seeing Timmay win 4 titles because they're in the same state. If the Rangers knock out the Yankees EVERY year for the next decade, I will pop champagne* like my name is Mercury Morris 10 straight times.

*or ginger ale if Josh Hamilton is still on the team :shifty:

Being a natural born citizen of the State of Texas I can say that you apparently don't know the people of the State very well. Yes, people in Texas want their team to win it all ... barring that they want a team from Texas to win (insert appropriate title here). The one binding thing among Texans is our thought that anything and everything from Texas is better than it is from (insert State name here).

No, Buffalo is not a "city" team .... but last time I checked Buffalo is in New York. NYC isn't the entire state (although they'd have you believe that).


In actual Baseball news:

COME ON GIANTS ... tied it up, now take it home.

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In 2002 the San Francisco Giants took on the Los Angeles Angels.

The argument that Texas constantly beats New York teams is a little absurd. As a New York I'm honestly used to the Yankees bouncing the Rangers. Plus, being a New York citizens I can tell you the vast majority of fans from New York City really don't consider the Buffalo Bills one of their teams.

I'm a Yankee fan, but this loss to the Rangers isn't that hard to swallow. The Rangers simply outplayed the Yankees in every aspect of the game. Plus, I kind of like the guys on Texas. They got a really fun batch of hitters in that line-up. I think they will easily handle the Giants, but this year's playoffs have been so hard to predict so who knows.

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