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Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Announced!


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I've found you have to have Hulk or Sentinel on your team when you face him, just so you can stay alive long enough kill him.

I've just found that spamming projectiles and getting close to him when he does those pound attacks seems to work ok. I've beaten him a few times on Medium, but only after losing 2 of the 3 members of my team each time.

MODOK is great in that match because you can spam Analysis Cube over and over to power yourself up, then do the super move, it drains a ton of Galactus' health.

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Do they have individual endings, or just one ending no matter who you beat Galactus with?

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Do they have individual endings, or just one ending no matter who you beat Galactus with?

One ending, sadly. You only get the ending of the guy that actually kills Galactus. I have not tried hard yet, but I've beaten Galactus with Sentinel on my team. Does anyone else have the health to do that? Apart from Hulk I guess.

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Fairly sure he meant does every character get their own ending, or does the game have just one ending no matter who you win with ala MVC2.

Every character gets their own little ending, but as Trench said, it depends on who you beat Galactus with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got this through Lovefilm. I had a quick, fun blast and I have literally NO idea what the hell I'm doing; I'm just button bashing. I seem to suck slightly less than I did at Marvel Vs. Capcom 2; but I still only lasted a couple of stages in arcade mode on my first go through. Will play more tomorrow, at this stage it's looking like a fun rental but not a game I'd buy - though it is early days.

So far, my main thoughts are, 'Lol, Deadpool.'

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Got this over the weekend myself. Galactus is REALLY easy compared to other bosses in the series.

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Does anyone else find a lot of the combinations of buttons really difficult? I'm not sure if it's my fingers being too slow or the game being a slight dick (actually, it's almost certainly me), I've been trying to do some of the 'missions' and I can't even do some of the special attacks!

Woe is my beat-em-up skills.

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  • 4 months later...

Big bump, but Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 has been announced, with new characters, as illustrated by the following video:

And this link, which gathers promotional art accidentally leaked on Capcom's site.

I have to say, if there was a character I did NOT expect to see in a fighting game, ever, it would be

Rocket Racoon.

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Normally I'm one to say that stuff can be handled not through a new game but through DLC, but to be honest, there are enough things to add that this warrants a full release (although I assume it'll only be $40, like Super Street Fighter 4 was). Stuff like many more online modes, maybe that story mode they promised when the game first was announced, stuff like that does warrant a new release...

But that doesn't matter. Because we all know the true #1 super duper turbo championship selling point of this game...


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Normally I'm one to say that stuff can be handled not through a new game but through DLC, but to be honest, there are enough things to add that this warrants a full release (although I assume it'll only be $40, like Super Street Fighter 4 was). Stuff like many more online modes, maybe that story mode they promised when the game first was announced, stuff like that does warrant a new release...

But that doesn't matter. Because we all know the true #1 super duper turbo championship selling point of this game...


Sold. Thank god I held out on this.

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