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Episodes themes that you've seen done better


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Basically, I'm watching Season Three of Enterprise, specifically the one where Trip is in a coma and they grow a copy of him so they can havest some brain matter for him. Turns out Sim doesn't want to die and feels that Trip could live on in him (because he also has all of Trip's memories). Am I the only one who thought this was done better in the Voyager episode 'Tuvix'? That a very emotional episode where you really felt sorry for Tuvix, who at the end of the day was murdered by Janeway to bring back Tuvok and Nelix. However you could see why Janeway did it and she clearly felt guilt over it. Archer comes off as too much of an asshole in the Enterprise verision (not that Janeway doesn't in Tuvix) essentially telling Sim 'Screw you! Trip is a better person than you and you will die, willingly or I will drag your sorry ass to that sickbay at gunpoint'. Yes he softens at the end but he goes WAY to far into the 'asshole' side of things for you to feel sorry for him. The episodes are pretty much identical in the way they run, both having the Captain making a very hard choice for the good of the ship and sacrificing one person for that end (Voyager gets two officers back while Enterprise only gets one back so you could argue Tuvix sacrifice was more needed because they needed their Chief of Security and their...well Chef/Moral Officer/ whatever else Nelix did beside piss off Tuvok). It's just my feeling that Voyager did it better.

Anyone else come across this sort of thing?

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A better example would be the "I love you" "...Thanks." storyline that seems to have run in every show with any amount of comedy/romance over the last 10 years. Off the top of my head, it's been used in The OC, Big Bang Theory, Greek and more I can't recall right this second.

Something that I've noticed is the "Choice" storyline that pops up quite often. Geeky guy get's his choice of two attractive girls (usually one pretty, but different to him, whilst the other isn't 'attractive' (even though she is) but has the same interests) It pops up every now and then in different shows, but I don't think I've ever actually seen it done well. Two examples would be Rusty picking between Katherine and... well, other girl in Greek and pretty much any storyline in The OC, but to pick one - Summer Vs. Anna. The first is an example of the relationships not being built very well at all. I mean, it's an interesting choice, but at the end of the day, the two characters hadn't been developed enough for the viewer to know which they'd prefer he pick. So ultimately, the whole choice story was just kind of... there.

Where as with Summer Vs. Anna, Seth went from picking neither girl... to then picking the girl that didn't really make sense to me. I mean, I get that they're similar, but it's a choice between the girl he's loved for years and a girl who he's spent the majority of his time getting help for attracting the other girl... Surely it's a no-brainer? I just couldn't understand why he would pick Anna (and this is before I was a Rachel Bilson lover) over someone he's been crazy about for years and is also interested in him.

Not a great choice for the topic, but I couldn't think of one where a show did one better than the other. >_>

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Seriously, why are people suddenly writing paragraph long stuff about The OC? That's teen girls programming isn't it?

That's what I always thought, until I watched it and suddenly I love the damn show. My mind has been blown. Kind of proves that I need to stop looking at things as 'LOL GAY PROGRAM' and actually give shows a chance before writing them off for their audience. >_>

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