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Big Brother UK 11 Thread


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I'm mainly wowed how fast we've gotten to the bitchiness this year, as well as the whole "he's got a gameplan" thing. Yep, I'm looking at you Goven.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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Damn. I like JJ because I misjudged his personality completely, and he winds up being this lovable prick who hates lad-mag wannabes, but with Rachel gone I feel he is going to become either incredibly boring or an arrogant twat who thinks he is popular on the outside.

Shabby should have went. She is Pete Bennett-level annoying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shabby was absolutely terrible. The only good thing about her was the comic value of her hissy fits. There was nothing at all likeable about her and that shined through when she left. She walked ultimately because it wasn't going her way, she was annoyed that no one was following her lead aside from Caiomfodokaschim~, and then even became annoyed with her because she wouldn't talk to her despite having her own problems to think about. It is inexcusable selfishness. Shabby's biggest issue is she clearly belongs to a group of friends that "gets" her/takes her shit and she cannot handle anyone outside that group, unlike say Nathan and Corin who are genuine people who will gladly talk and be civil to anyone, and she just couldn't handle it when she wasn't liked and Nathan HAD THE CHEEK!!!! to answer he back when she was shit-stirring. I am glad she is gone.

That said, it is why I love both Corin and Nathan despite them being complete polar opposites to myself. They are taking it in their stride without taking themselves too seriously. I also like Dave, Steve and Josie for miscellaneous reasons.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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Shabby was absolutely terrible. The only good thing about her was the comic value of her hissy fits. There was nothing at all likeable about her and that shined through when she left. She walked ultimately because it wasn't going her way, she was annoyed that no one was following her lead aside from Caiomfodokaschim~, and then even became annoyed with her because she wouldn't talk to her despite having her own problems to think about. It is inexcusable selfishness. Shabby's biggest issue is she clearly belongs to a group of friends that "gets" her/takes her shit and she cannot handle anyone outside that group, unlike say Nathan and Corin who are genuine people who will gladly talk and be civil to anyone, and she just couldn't handle it when she wasn't liked and Nathan HAD THE CHEEK!!!! to answer he back when she was shit-stirring. I am glad she is gone.

That said, it is why I love both Corin and Nathan despite them being complete polar opposites to myself. They are taking it in their stride without taking themselves too seriously. I also like Dave, Steve and Josie for miscellaneous reasons.

She walked mainly down to the stuff with Caiohme. She's already said that as well. Out of everybody in there, she was pretty much the most real and honest one of the lot along with Steve. She never held back, which some people are doing in there. Somebody summed it up perfectly as they do with people like this, just like marmite, you love her or hate her. She's already admitted she regretted walking too, big shame.

And you like Dave? You actually like a guy that goes around and cons people for money? That cons the weak and vulnerable into believing he can heal stuff such as cancer? The guys a fucking joke and I'm shocked nobody has mentioned this in the house, probably because they don't realise how serious he is with it. Pathetic when he actually tried to lead Steve on to believing he could heal his legs :lol:

Nathan is gone this week. The upside this year is how unpredictable it's been. The evictions have all been close, bar the Govan one. And there's still numerous people who stand a massive chance of winning, rather than most years where there's a clear winner from the start.

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And you like Dave? You actually like a guy that goes around and cons people for money? That cons the weak and vulnerable into believing he can heal stuff such as cancer? The guys a fucking joke and I'm shocked nobody has mentioned this in the house, probably because they don't realise how serious he is with it. Pathetic when he actually tried to lead Steve on to believing he could heal his legs :lol:

How'd you figure? Not once have I seen him do anything like that. No more than, say, any priest or religious person does anyway. I don't understand it when people say he is in there to preach, because he hasn't. The only thing he has done close to that is read the Bible and recite passages.

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