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I know, I know. The future of viewing movies probably belongs in some kind of HD 3D download or something but I LOVE to have a CD, game or DVD on my shelf so I can physically LOOK at it.

I have started collecting Blu-Rays but have only "upgraded" one of my DVDs to Blu-Ray (300).

Thing is, does anyone else own any? I have 23 now and would have more if I lived in the UK (cos they cost between £18-30 quid each over here).

Also, are they selling well or starting to take up more floor space in the US, UK, Aus?

I remember when DVDs first came out and in HMV they had only two shelves of DVDs for ages and they cost loads. My first two of those were Run Lola Run and American History X.

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Seems like Blu-Rays are doing well, around here in Montana anyway. 2 years ago in a Best Buy I only saw one little corner of a long shelf that had Blu-Rays, now the entire shelf is taken up, along with having new releases right by the checkout lines. Most of the newer releases aren't too bad in the states, usually around 25 or so as a new release. It's only when it's been out for a month does it jack up to the 30s-40s, and obviously depends on where you get them.

I only have a few movies right now, though I'm looking to add more along with some TV series. Right now I have 7 movies, though I'm sure once I move I'll be picking up a lot since I don't have any movies on DVD(started late with collecting them.)

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If you don't mind me asking, what is in your collections LL and Hammy? I only have 7 films, so I need ideas on what to get to expand my library(currently I have Kingdom of Heaven, Saving Private Ryan, Robocop, 300, Kill Bill vol. 1, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Star Trek.)

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10,000BC (cos it was dirt cheap preowned. Not watched it yet)


3:10 to Yuma

Casino Royale

Quantum of Solace

A Knight's Tale

Batman - The Dark Knight

Blade Runner

Clockwork Orange

Crank 2

District 9


Gran Torino


Iron Man

Kingdom of Heaven - Director's Cut (which makes the film REALLY good)

Logan's Run

Quick and the Dead

Rock n Rolla

Sexy Beast


Twelve Monkeys


I owned Gattaca, Clockwork Orange, Quick and the Dead, Knight's Tale, Trainspotting and Twelve Monkeys on video but gave all my videos away when we left for Japan.

Oh, I forgot, I owned Kingdom of Heaven on DVD but it was the standard version so no point owning that any more.

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I only have Band of Brothers on Bluray at the moment but would like more. Upgrading my collection would cost thousands of pounds though so I'm just going to start buying Blurays now and forget about upgrading unless my DVD copy is screwed.

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My Blu-Ray collection consists of:

2001: A Space Odyssey

A Clockwork Orange

A Serious Man

American Psycho

The Aviator

Away We Go

Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans

The Bank Job

Batman Begins

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Boogie Nights


The Dark Knight

Die Hard

Die Hard 2

Die Hard With A Vengeance

(Live Free Or) Die Hard

District 9


Fight Club

Frost Nixon

The Godfather I

The Godfather II

The Godfather III


The Hurt Locker

I Love You, Man

The Informant!

Inglourious Basterds

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Christmas Special


Lady Vengeance

The Men Who Stare At Goats

The Monty Python Documentary: Almost The Truth


North By Northwest


The Phantom (LAWL-TASTIC)

Quantum Of Solace


Reservoir Dogs

Saving Private Ryan

Shutter Island

Star Trek

The Seventh Seal

Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

There Will Be Blood

Talladega Knights (My first Blu-Ray, came free with my PS3)



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There are Movies that are worth it (good Action/SciFi flicks or Computer Animation + Nature Dokumentaries) and movies that are not (a romantic comedy dos not need more than a well don DVD)...

As for HD 3D Downloads, i doubt it. 3D ad´s nothing to a Movie (in an artistic way) so no one besides the big studios will actualy use it. Plus Downloading still dos not compare to a BluRay (or, in some cases even a DVD, only becaus it´s 720p dossent mean that über if the MB per Sec is below the Data Rate of a propper DVD)... maybe in 10 Years wen you just have several Terabyte Harddrives for no money and are able to download 80gig Movie Files in an Houre. - And don´t forget that with BluRay/DVD you got the option to sell... imagin you could not sell your 200 DVDs wen you upgrade to the next level of Picture Qualety - and that at prices that are even higher than the HardCopy (wen you look at iTunes or PSN Movie downloads that don´t even have extras or different audio layers for most movies)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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My collection, though I haven't bought any in three months or so:

Batman Forever


Dr Strangelove

The Green Mile

In The Loop

Iron Man

Let The Right One In

Million Dollar Baby


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest



Run Lola Run

The Sixth Sense

Shaun of the Dead

Star Trek

The Truman Show

Twelve Monkeys

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The Dark Knight



Pans Labyrinth


Hellboy 2

Resident Evil Degeneration


Blood Diamond

Sweeney Todd

I Am Legend


Men In Black

Terminator 2

The Quick And The Dead


Wolverine X Men Origins


Toy Story

Toy Story 2

Casino Royale


The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus

Most of those I got just because I couldn't find a regular DVD version. I only really go for the Blu Ray ones if the film is CGI or special effects heavy, so you're actually seeing something worthwhile. Like LL I have well over 200 DVDs, don't really see any need to stop buying them as long as theres nothing epic you'd be missing out on without Blu Ray.

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