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2010/2011 NBA Thread


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Chris Cillizza ( ' class="bbc_url">@thefix

), a political reporter for the Washington Post said this:

Best thing LeBron could do: come out in Cavs jersey then rip it off to reveal an NWO t-shirt. Pro wrestling rules.

That would be totally awesome. I'd love LeBron if he did something like that.

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So out of Wade and Bosh, who would be Hall?

Wade = Hall, smaller guy, more charismatic, can get it done in the ring/on the court. Miami ties.

Bosh = Nash, bigger dude, who somehow duped people into thinking that he's a superstar deserving of a huge contract when he jumped ship. Is where he is mainly thanks to his friends in the industry


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So out of Wade and Bosh, who would be Hall?

Wade = Hall, smaller guy, more charismatic, can get it done in the ring/on the court. Miami ties.

Bosh = Nash, bigger dude, who somehow duped people into thinking that he's a superstar deserving of a huge contract when he jumped ship. Is where he is mainly thanks to his friends in the industry


That assertion sounds rather apt, yes.

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According to Greg Cote (@gregcote of the Miami Herald the Heat have cancelled a full page "welcome ad" they had taken out for tomorrow. Make of that what you will. LeBron is at a "private residence" in Greenwich right now. According to Linda Cohn on Sportscenter just now Jay-Z and Allan Houston both live in Greenwich.

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So I'm watching ESPN and they had reactions from fans in Cleveland and someone said for LeBron not to be greedy and stay with the Cavs. Umm...he'd be making 20-30 million more if he stayed than if he went away. If he stays in Cleveland, I honestly doubt he'd ever win an NBA title. If he wants to win and win now to appease the critics that anointed him as the "Second Coming" when he first came into the league, he's got to go somewhere where he'll be able to be in contention to get a title within the next couple years. Sorry, Cleveland; that's just how the dice rolled.

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Let 'King James' sign with Miami. Whatever sayhder's trying to sell, no matter what veterans they get on that team, it's not making it out of the East,let alone beating LA. No inside presence means Orlando and Boston eat them alive. You can hold onto your dream that Shaq actually means something anymore, but its simple not true. They're all hype, but no depth. Hell, if that happens, the Knicks have had a better off-season, since they'll have a chance at Melo next year.

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Something I will say, with moments to go until THE DECISION, is that if the Heat are willing to pay the Luxury Tax they could hope at finding the James Posey of this offseason. Depth like that off the bench is what wins titles, and he did it in a similar circumstance of three stars colliding in Boston.

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This is certainly going to be good for the NBA though, and definitely has some mouth-watering prospects in terms of match-ups. Miami against Boston's Big Three, Orlando, and the Lakers, plus the return to Cleveland eventually. It'll make for an incredibly interesting season.

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