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What Show Should Replace Smallville?


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With Smallville ending this year, the CW is actively looking for a replacement superhero series from DC Entertainment. But does Blue Beetle really have it in the bag?

CW boss Dawn Osteroff has admitted that she’d love to have another DC Comics’ super character to fill Clark Kent’s decade-old boots when Smallville finishes, telling reporters:

So many fans have said, ‘Don’t leave us hanging!’ I’d love to say, ‘“Smallville’s” coming off the air and something else (from DC Comics) is coming on.’ But we don’t want to put something on that we don’t believe in. You have to make sure the execution is excellent.

It’s that execution that’s proven to be the problem before; WB television has developed Smallville-esque spin-offs for both Robin (The Graysons, about Dick Grayson’s life in the circus before the death of his parents) and Aquaman (which made it to pilot, but wasn’t picked up for a series), but neither passed muster with the network. Add to that that all DC characters aren’t exactly available to television, with Smallville famously the result of a series based upon Bruce Wayne’s teenage training being scuppered by the people behind the Batman movies and needing quick replacement; now that Green Lantern, The Flash, Batman, Superman and Green Arrow all having movies in various stages of development, who’s available for the small screen?

Well, Blue Beetle, for one; DC has already unveiled test footage for a live-action project that’s as-yet unknown. A Smallville replacement would make a lot of sense (He’s another teenage hero who can mix soap opera with superheroics, after all), but for all we know, he’s already been promised elsewhere. There’s the possibility of properly spinning out characters from Smallville itself – Green Arrow makes an obvious candidate, but there’re also the members of the JSA and Legion of Super-Heroes – as well, and I can’t be the only one who thinks that JMS’ reboot of Wonder Woman sounds tailor-made for a small screen series, even down to a more realistic costume and less need for a Paradise Island set. But what do you think? What character would fit into the CW’s demographic and Smallville‘s timeslot? Leave choices and reasons in the comments section, as ever.

I got this from here. I posted on that site, but it got me to thinking this would be an excellent question for EWB's many comic book fans.

After a lot of thought, and after my post there where I said Starman, I came to an excellent conclusion that I think would work for the CW.

I think they should launch a show akin to their attempt to do a Birds Of Prey show about 8 years ago now, but being a little closer to the actual source material and being more open ended. Call it Gotham or something like that. The idea they used in the original that Batman was missing is not a bad idea at all. Maybe he's presumed dead or something. Nobody knows what exactly happened to him. We don't need flashbacks or anything, but he is missing and has been for the better part of a year. Gotham has become crime riddled again between the mob and a few of Batman's rogues gallery taking over. Enter Oracle, aka Barbara Gordon. She needs help in Gotham, and so she recruits people who either she knows from Gotham or outside. You can connect this to Smallville too and expand the universe. My ideas are:

-Oracle (Barbara Gordon): Team leader and center and heart of the show. The mother figure.

-Black Canary (Dinah Lance): The fighter, field leader, whatever you want to call her and the character people know from Smallville. The older sister type of figure.

-Batgirl or Huntress: The young girl that Barbara trains to take her place and Batman's place in Gotham and fight the fight. Honestly Stephanie, the current Batgirl, would work the best. 16 to 17 years old and you have the teen angst you can use for a CW show.

Tim Drake/Robin/Red Robin or Nightwing/Dick Grayson: Recurring character who doesn't believe that Batman is gone and comes and goes from Gotham as he searches for Bruce, also doesn't agree with what Oracle is doing with the Batgirl/Huntress character. The potential love interest but with drama for either Batgirl or Oracle.

Renee Montoya: Cop who Oracle can trust and gets a lowdown on the corruption.

Vic Sage/Question: Reporter who is a bit of a prick and yet he is also the faceless vigilante The Question.

The Red Hood: The masked rogues member who can be anyone when revealed at the end of the first season and is trying to control the underworld of Gotham.

Throw in guest appearances by Green Arrow, already established in Smallville, and other new heroes, and have lower tier bad guys from Batman's Rogues and it works. I can see Scarface as a good recurring or season long baddie for the crew, as well as maybe David Caine or Lady Shiva.

So tell me your potential thoughts. What do you all think would be a good show?

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Am I the only one who thinks that Green Arrow could have branched off to his own series?

No, Justin Hartley seems to have the charisma and talent to be able to pull off being the sole lead in a series and I think it'd probably be the most logical show to take Smallville's place as well.

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There is still time for him to do it is there not?

Am I the only one who thinks that Green Arrow could have branched off to his own series?

No, Justin Hartley seems to have the charisma and talent to be able to pull off being the sole lead in a series and I think it'd probably be the most logical show to take Smallville's place as well.

Yup, there definitely is still time to do it. I'm just surprised there hasn't been more talk about it. They could still use the rest of the D.C guys to make cameos like they do on Smallville.

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Hartley has gone on record to say that he doesn't want to do it and I think it's the right call. He's great as Green Arrow... but I can't help but feel like it'd just be a poor man's Smallville.

If people are hurting so desperate for a new Superhero show, The Cape is looking like it'll be fantastic. And I think it'll start soon after Smallville ends or whilst it's on.


Plus Keith David!!!

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I'm not into comics really but I do like the idea of keeping a superhero based show on TV. Honestly, I liked the Robin idea the most but there are a lot of characters that can be used. The idea of a Gotham without batman, with villains tearing it apart is cool too, mainly I'm hoping for something a bit darker than Smallville (I got about 8 seasons deep and just couldn't deal with Clark anymore)

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