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Scott McFly Prediction Leage - Cycle 1


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Hi all,

For those of you wondering what I'm on about, please see here.

I've got most of the new system up and running, so the first set of games will be this weekend (28th/29th)... which works out nicely because this is the first weekend of games for a couple of the European countries.

I will be contacting everyone very shortly with your login details and everything you need to know to start predicting. For easy reference, the link to the mini-site is http://www.xboxelite.co.uk/predictions

We have 16 players taking part, so there will be enough time to fit in a full cycle before Christmas with a small break when I go on holiday. After a short break over Christmas and New Year, the league will return with a new cycle. And if there's time after that before the season ends I'll have some fun games to finish things off.

The fixtures aren't up yet, but they will be before the first games take place, and the table and stats will appear after the first week. I'll update this topic when new weeks start, but don't worry if you miss it because I'll send you all a PM/email with the details and you'll get a remind each week too (usually on Thursday or Friday).

There's a few people from my website playing too, so that's why you might not recognise a few of the names. If you want to chat with them, then please feel free (you'll need to sign up if you want to post) - forum topic.

If you have any questions please just let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. :)

I hope you all have fun and good luck to everyone! (I can assure you that you won't need it if you're playing me...)

Edited by Beagle2
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I don't know if it's just me, but if I go to the league table page, as well as the stat page, I get hte following error message.

You are not authorised to use this section.

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Week 2 predictions posted.

I assume it's 1 point for a correct outcome, 3 for a correct score - I'm not sure if there's any deductions made for wrong predictions though.

I thought that might be too as most prediction leagues i've been in are like that but that would just mean we were all piss poor in round 1 for 5 to be top score. Which is eminently possible of course.

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Sorry for not replying, I could've sworn I was 'watching' the topic...

The error message about not being authorised was pointed out on my forums too and that's fixed now (I was just hiding the pages until they were needed, but forgot to take some code out before linking to them).

As for the points system - it's 0 for a wrong prediction, 1 for a correct outcome and 3 for a correct score. And yes, it's just that we all did badly in the first week - there's a bit more variety in the scoring this week.

I'll work on getting a section for previous weeks' predictions and results for you. Never really thought of that before, but it makes sense! Will the previous week be enough or would you prefer to be able to look back at all of the weeks in the cycle?

The website has been updated and you can now submit for Week 3. :)

Edited by Beagle2
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