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EWB's 51 Favourite Actors 2010


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I couldn't find room for Brad on my list but he only just missed out. I had a list of 15 which I had to cut down and I think I had him there but I'm not entirely sure - if I had to think about it now he'd definitely make the top 15. Looking at my list there's not really anybody I regret putting there. Maybe I'd move Nicholson up a few places and Walken down some but the actual people I have in the 10 can stay.

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Best top two possible, of course Leo would be number one for me, but no problems. I don't see how anyone can really even dislike DiCaprio. Personally think almost every film he's done he's been near on phenomenal (Shutters Island, Catch Me If You Can, Blood Diamond, Body Of Lies, Inception, The Beach just to name a few). And Pitt isn't too far behind him for me, so great finish to the list.

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I think what Brad Pitt has over Leonardo DiCaprio and why I'm glad he's #1 instead is range. DiCaprio is a great actor but I'm never really surprised by any of the work he does, he's just consistently very good as a leading man. Pitt, on the other hand, seems a lot more prone to taking on projects where he can do something he's never done before (like Burn After Reading, where he took a supporting role as straight-up dimwitted comic relief and was hysterical). He has that rare ability to be both a bankable Hollywood leading man and a great character guy, and the willingness to explore both sides of that coin where a lot of other actors of his stature just sort of keep going for the same types of characters every time.

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