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Sons of Anarchy *SPOILERS*


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I only remember seeing 2 prospects this week... Weren't there 3?

And Opie is definitely one of the best characters... It would suck bad if he was some how written out.

Next week is definitely going to be a big show.

I'm curious to see what happens with Tig too.

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So let me see if I've got this straight.

O'Fallon wants SAMBEL to break away from the club and essentially be his lackeys for protection runs. He wants Abel to use him as leverage. The Father disagrees with this and wants O'Fallon eliminated, but he knows that if a member of the Army kills O'Fallon it'll stir up all sorts of shit - so he's using Abel as leverage to get SAMCRO to kill O'Fallon.

.. right?

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I haven't seen last nights episode (like I've said, watch them on delay because I don't have cable), but I think that's the gist. From episode 7 (Gemma's escape), it seems like SAMBEL has turned, though. Didn't expect that.

The other thing I didn't expect is Tara's boss flipping. She went from a bitch to one of my favorite minor characters with a single punch.

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Minor spoilers, but I think it's only O'Neil that's turned. There's a bit where O'Neil and O'Fallon (O O it's magic, ya know) are talking on the phone and O'Neil says something about McGee not having the heart to go through with this.

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I'm pretty sure it's only them two but still, that's pretty big as one of the two is a first 9. Seems a big weird he'd turn after that long but maybe its cause of the distance (Cali and Belfast aren't exactly next door to one another). Anyways, I hope they explain why the hell he'd turn.

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Hoooly shit, shit just got really real.

EDIT: Salazar with the line of the night.

"This is blackmail."

"Yeah. I got an app for that, holmes."

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This is going to build up to something really worth seeing.

Can't picture too much happening in Ireland after this so this will be a big blow-off encounter.

Is anyone else worried about these subtle teases between Trinity and Jax? :unsure:

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Gemma's eventually going to tell them about each other, I assume. Especially after she saw them together outside.

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Trinity is pretty damn hot indeed.

This was one of the best episodes of the series... Maybe because of the first half. as it went from action to story, it slowed

but it still was a great watch the whole way through.

I want to see what the ones in charming are going to do to get Tara back... Prospects INVADE!!!

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I want to see what the ones in charming are going to do to get Tara back... Prospects INVADE!!!

To be honest, i only care about that because Lem is alive. :shifty: It´s a bit like the stuff with Gemmas father at the beginning of the season, to me it feels like it´s just there because they feel they have to use these characters for something. Would have been much stronger if Jacks would return at the end of the Season, notice that Tara starts getting a Baby Belly (we don´t need to see every step of the way) and than have the ex-mayan step in for some sort of clifhanger. - I kinda feel thats that whats going to happen with Starling, but as i said before i don´t realy like her Storyline, the regional Gang stuff is much stronger than some wacky FBI, CIA shananigans.

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OK... We have just closed the Irish chapter and now opened up the next.

Very story oriented episode with minimal action. Something big has to happen back in the states

Obviously Salazar will get his come-uppins, but who will be taken out in the end? Jimmy or Agent Stahl? I'm picking the latter.

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Yeah, i also feel that she needs to get more interaction with her ex-gang boss girl in the writers mind. But honestly, with the core gang being gone to ireland i noticed how little i care about her being around at all. Turning her into a pregnant young jemma clone wouldend do the show good in my eyes (i liked her a lot more wen she was more of an outsider)... also she tends to do stupid stuff because they writers need to keep her story arc alive.

I´ed like to see a bit more about Opey, his kids and his GF. Especialy if he ever finds out about the club killing his wife he´ed be the most intesting charcter on the show, so much to loose, so much to take revenge on. It´s a little sad that this was reduced to him beating a bunch of cocks.

All the Jakes stuff was pritty good in the Second half of season one and in parts of the second season but right now it just seems to be staled untill they either get a note that they will be cancelt or decide to bring the show to an end by themselfs.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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