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Fuck it, I'm playing as Ashurbanipal next. REVENGE.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Siege towers are awesome unless you have only three convenient happiness resources (one of which is freaking Old Faithful), in which case, oh man, war on Prince and above blows so hard.

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England don't know who they're messing with when it comes to Mother Russia.

If I ask you not to spread your filthy, heathen religion within my borders and you say no - I sack your cities. Silly Elizabeth. London's next.

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I love it when the AI gets pissy. "Your don't have the strength to do anything about us bullying (City-State here)"

Enter the Frigates off the enemy coast.

".....Okay, we surrender. Here, take all our cities, too."

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For fuck's sake.

Wiped out the US, gifted Theodora a city to save her from being razed out of the game, and was about to conquer London when the game crashed.

I don't know what it is about playing with any sort of mod active. I'm 4 for 4 with games crashing and being broken from then on. Four hours down the drain.

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For fuck's sake.

Wiped out the US, gifted Theodora a city to save her from being razed out of the game, and was about to conquer London when the game crashed.

I don't know what it is about playing with any sort of mod active. I'm 4 for 4 with games crashing and being broken from then on. Four hours down the drain.

Brave New World?

Try updating your GFX card drivers. I had trouble with it crashing mine until I updated the drivers.

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I have never had enemy Civs' reaction to me being fear before today, it was a friendly game where I just had a big army to protect myself from warmongering Carthaginians, so I felt bad that my friends were scared of me :(

I got a whole round of messages from all the surviving civs when I made my first nuclear missile (just to have one). Austria, Egypt and Portugal cowered in fear, but Songhai denounced me.

All this meant in effect was that they had volunteered themselves for when I had to pick where first to send in the stormtroopers XCOM squads.

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I have spent a good lot of my time diplomatically bullying Bismark. Which has earned me Hamburg after a brief ware where I just popped across our boarder and pillaged stuff until he gave in.

Also the fact I control the world congress meant I could put him under a trade embargo and it was guaranteed to pass as I had 8 votes (in the first congress I got Catholicism declared the world religion and it granted me extra power).

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Love this description of expansion versus focus on what kind of empire to build.

There's wide and then there's wide.

You can usually manage a good balance. When people say go wide, they just mean expand to your natural borders, be they natural or diplomatic. Claim what territory you can quickly and cheaply, then work on your infrastructure later.

Think of a wide empire like water flowing into an urn. It rushes to its limits and fills the space it is allotted. It fills the space immediately and then slowly rises to the top as more is poured in.

Tall empires are more like sand being poured into an urn. They spread out a little but generally form a pile in the middle. One point will always be higher than the rest even as the level of sand in the urn rises.

Applying this metaphor to gameplay means that a wide empire isn't necessarily hundreds of cities, or even a lot. It means you are using city placement to acquire territory faster than the natural expansion of cultural borders. It also means you are placing cities in sub-optimal locations for the sake of expansion.

Conversely, tall empires aren't always a OCS or tiny either. It simply means you are placing cities for maximal yield and letting territory be acquired naturally over a longer period. Because you are never outstretching your cities' own sufficiency, you are free to make more choices that wide empires cant, because they are always outside of a happiness equilibrium.

TL:DR - Playing wide isn't as distinctive from playing tall as you think. It just means a different ethos with regards to expansion and resources. Wide empires are rapid, luxury dependent and fragile. Tall empires are slow, better balanced and robust.

- Source

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