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From a Facebook conversation with Mick:

i've been looking at some mods for the game as well;

only one that's peaked my interest replaces one of the religious policies with organized religion; temples convert people in the city that belong to other religions


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I'm trying a new strategy FOR SCIENCE! in my new game (Shoshone), and I think it worked pretty well. I had a lot of land that was relatively "safe," so rather than my usual strategy (build Monument, get Liberty quickly, use that to pump Workers and Settlers), I went with Tradition and stuck with one city. Beelined Writing, built the Great Library, took Philosophy as my free tech, and immediately built the National College. The result is that the capital became a monster science city really quickly and, thanks to the fact that I only had one city, the NC was pretty cheap. Then it was pretty straightforward to let the city grow a bit, pump Settlers for a few turns, and claim the land I wanted (easier thanks to Great Expanse with Shoshone, of course). I've got six cities, but I'm turning out as much science as I was pretty late in my Korea game... in which I had 30 cities.

Hanging Gardens in the capital dovetails really nicely with this strategy. Making sure your capital has a ton of food so it can grow HUGE is pretty much essential. Riverside helps as well (Water Wheel adds +2 food). I'd imagine this would be super-duper effective with Venice. Gandhi would probably like it as well--he likes big cities in small numbers (and of course Tradition).

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Generally what I do with Venice is, if I can get it, set my religious belief to the one that gives me ten percent growth when at peace. Combined with Tradition (free aqueduct), the city will grow very fast. Temple of Artemis makes this insane. Then, when Great scientists show up, I ALWAYS go for the academies. The boost is nice, but the academy will pay off more in the long run.

Once I reach the Modern Age, I go with Order for my ideology. It works pretty well with Venice.

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I didn't even found a religion this game. I'm trying to save my Faith for buying Great People. It's hard because nobody else is founding religions, either, so I've used both of my Great Prophets to create holy sites.

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I didn't even found a religion this game. I'm trying to save my Faith for buying Great People. It's hard because nobody else is founding religions, either, so I've used both of my Great Prophets to create holy sites.

I miss when religion caused major issues between Civs, now all you get is "Yay we share a religion!" or "Boo, you shared your religion!", rather than the whole "I HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN THE SAME IMAGINARY SKY BULLY AS ME! RAWR!" that was in Civ 4.

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Frankly the Civ V religion system could be absolutely anything and I'd still love it simply for removing the "oh hai, I start with Mysticism, therefore I found religions, therefore I win at money" dynamic that Civ IV had.

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From a Facebook conversation with Mick:

i've been looking at some mods for the game as well;

only one that's peaked my interest replaces one of the religious policies with organized religion; temples convert people in the city that belong to other religions


While piqued is most likely, peaked is not out of the question, right?

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Har har. Lol stoopid mick amirite?

You guys don't have to be cocks about it. And, since people are apparently taking it upon themselves to keep score, that is cocks as in the vulgar yet quite popular euphemism for the penis, and not the more archaic and amusing term for the chicken.

That being said:


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You guys don't have to be cocks about it. And, since people are apparently taking it upon themselves to keep score, that is cocks as in the vulgar yet quite popular euphemism for the penis, and not the more archaic and amusing term for the chicken.

Actually, 'cock' only refers to the rooster, the male of the chicken species (Gallus gallus.) Cock does not refer to hens, and therefore cannot refer to the entire species.

Just sayin'.

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You guys don't have to be cocks about it. And, since people are apparently taking it upon themselves to keep score, that is cocks as in the vulgar yet quite popular euphemism for the penis, and not the more archaic and amusing term for the chicken.

Actually, 'cock' only refers to the rooster, the male of the chicken species (Gallus gallus.) Cock does not refer to hens, and therefore cannot refer to the entire species.

Just sayin'.

Don't get cocky

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I love it when other Civs plant a city down right next to you, and then call you the warmonger. They're getting into my fucking Kool-Aid, but I'm the warmonger?!

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I got BNW, and started my first game as Venice. It's been a while since I played, and having one city I struggled at the start. I didn't really plan for any specific victory either. Time victory was disabled but at turn 150 I was 5th of 6 in score. Then I figured out how to use trade routes. I've got the lead in everything except military strength (not one militaristic city state out of twelve) now and should crush the diplomatic victory when we get to it. I'm also out of things to buy except for units, so if I catch up I might be able to rush to domination even before the UN opens up.

I'm going to do one more game as not Venice on Prince, and if its easy, I'm trying King.

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