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So....Cities can revolt and join you.

I like selling them back to their owners :shifty: Alexander and Catherine have been at each other's throats, so I gave Alex the Russian city. He promptly burnt it to the ground. :shifty:

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First time playing Civ V (or any Civ game) ever today, so I bring to you...

GoGo's Adventures in Civ V, Episode 1!



"shit where'd he go"

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I'm pretty happy with the Great People I'm getting this game. Michelangelo, Einstein, Ben Franklin, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, and Sitting Bull.

Edit: Wait a minute GoGo....Lee lost :shifty:

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Dear. God.


I wish I had that much free time for that :(

I don't. "235.9 hours in the past 2 weeks" leaves only 100 other hours, or roughly 7 hours per day, AKA sleep time. If I spent 17 hours a day gaming I'd wither away.

Although more likely he just leaves it running at various points after turning it on first thing in the morning.

Oh, I thought that was your game, Apsham. :shifty:

But man. 13,000 hours. He could've completed as many as twelve games of Civ in that time.

Also posted on Reddit, if you change the date/time in Windows, it'll change the time played for games on Steam...so this is doubtful

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Been having real difficulty with cash in this game, not sure why that is. Obviously cargo ships etc. are nice and lucrative but when Austria suddenly declare war and wipe them out, I don't expect to go down as low as -30 gold per turn. :(

Managed to sort it out, just delayed my military expansion a lot more than I was happy with. In the aforementioned Austria DOW, they were separated from me by the sole remaining Japanese city of Kyoto (I already took the others), which was previously acting as a little buffer state. Now though, with the Japs having open border access to Austria and not to me...well, in fact it just became a staging ground for them to set up crossbowmen and cannons within range of Osaka (again, mine), and I couldn't touch them.

Only one thing for it: I Cambodia'd Japan and started using it as a battleground. However for some reason in the middle of all this fighting, the Austrian forces turned around and fucked off. Maybe they were getting tired of all the pointless attrition? Whatever the reason, I offered them a White Peace so that I could concentrate on finishing off Kyoto plus their ally city state.

Inevitably I'm going to have to go to war with Austria again (who have the biggest army in the world and are also slightly more advanced than me, the swines). They have about 40% of our continent, I have 30% and then there are some Spanish languishing pointlessly in the far corner... But hey, I just researched cavalry, so it should be a laugh.

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I think I've fallen in love with Venice. The power of 18 trade routes in insane. It lets me wage an entirely different kind of war. Economic Warfare. Of course, it's all undeclared, but being able to laugh as nations buy favor with city-states, only to promptly bribe the fucks back into your camp is a hillarious waste of money on their part. Fuck, I'm able to buy research agreements outright (give them money, then propose the agreement. . They're so happy for the cash that they foolishly accept. Last night I pulled this off with Babylon when the Space Race was getting tight; I managed to get three research agreements to hit on the same turn. And that was it; I rushed the SS Engine and game over.

But...still, this is two games on Warlord I've won with Venice (Cultural and Diplomatic), with Science as Babylon. I'm wondering if it's time to up the difficulty .

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Austria are my absolute nemesis.

I feel I should play as the French just to give an endless struggle against Austria some historical gravitas.

Or the Ottomans, but I can't remember if they're even in this game. :shifty:

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Austria are my absolute nemesis.

I feel I should play as the French just to give an endless struggle against Austria some historical gravitas.

Or the Ottomans, but I can't remember if they're even in this game. :shifty:

They are.

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Trying to culture-win with Carthage. The Iroquois set up about fifteen cities and war me to seize the continent. I'm holding them, and they've left my borders...but they won't peace me unless I give them all my gold, or one of my four cities. Not happening. So we drag on. I might build up a small task force, and start razing some cities. See how his taste for war goes then.

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Just played my first game on Gods and Kings. (I know, i'm so late). All this religious stuff is getting to my head. I'm feeling a bit like Jesus. Soon Wankism will dominate all the land.

Also, pretty odd. Carthage declared war on me. I was expecting a full army. It was like 5 units and one city. It was actually depressing how paltry it was.

I took Sousa's advice on having a large roman empire. It's paying dividends. I think soon I might even make it up to Warlord.

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