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TEW05 Real World Update: December 2010

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You have a point. But what about the wrestlers that aren't in the game?

You mean pretty much 80-90% of their roster, thats another reason for not adding them.

If you can give stats for some top talent from your region they can be added but i dont want to flood the database with talent in a region with very few promotions.

In another note i'm looking at removing Pro Wrestling Revolution, last show i can find info on was in September which puts it forward as one to keep an eye on, if doesnt put on some shows soon it might get dropped for somewhere more active.

also as part of my clean up i have come across the following who could be removed due to havent not wrestled in ages or of little to no value in 2010/11.


Big Guido

Botswana Beast




The Hungarian Barbarian

Vicky Skeeles

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

Demus 3:16 should have goth as his two gimmicks and have his profile for both himself and CMLL changed to "A former mini luchadore with good high flying skills, Has held the CMLL Mini's Title but upgraded to the full size roster after winning the 2010 Torneo Bicentenario Tournament" His main finisher should be Ultramana (pinfall) and his other finisher should be Martinete (pinfall)

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Demus 3:16 should have goth as his two gimmicks and have his profile for both himself and CMLL changed to "A former mini luchadore with good high flying skills, Has held the CMLL Mini's Title but upgraded to the full size roster after winning the 2010 Torneo Bicentenario Tournament" His main finisher should be Ultramana (pinfall) and his other finisher should be Martinete (pinfall)

One question I have in regards to most Mexican wrestlers, most are set to very religious which with my understanding is that it nullifies the other problems (Drink, Drug, Steroids & Law) now would you say that’s realistic.

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

Can Pro Wrestling Fusion and possibly Lucha VaVOOM be added to the game. A majority of the Fusion crew is in the game and VaVOOM has a lot of guys under different names and gimmicks.

Lucha VaVOOM was included but due to the fact they don’t do shows often since I added them I have seen no reports of them doing any shows hence they were removed.

Fusion could be in line to be added just set me up with some stats for people missing and I’ll add them in, SMASH is another promotion I want to add its just missing most people.

Alot of Fusion's talent is in the game: Tommy Taylor (just retired but still their champ,) Amy Vitale, Brad Attitude, Bruce Santee, Chris Gray(in the game as Christopher Gray,) Chris Jones, Craig Classic, Erick Stevens, Francisco Ciasto, Homicide, Jon Davis, Kory Chavis, Mike Shane, Nooie Lee, Phil Davis, Prince Iuakea, Roderick Strong, Scoot Andrews, Sean Davis, Sinn Bohdi, Stacy Carter, The Sheik, TJ Perkins, Titan(in the game as Mike Jarvi,) Todd Shane and Too Cold Scorpio

Demus 3:16 should have goth as his two gimmicks and have his profile for both himself and CMLL changed to "A former mini luchadore with good high flying skills, Has held the CMLL Mini's Title but upgraded to the full size roster after winning the 2010 Torneo Bicentenario Tournament" His main finisher should be Ultramana (pinfall) and his other finisher should be Martinete (pinfall)

One question I have in regards to most Mexican wrestlers, most are set to very religious which with my understanding is that it nullifies the other problems (Drink, Drug, Steroids & Law) now would you say that’s realistic.

Not sure, as a culture they are BUT you still had several wrestlers die of ODs in Mexico, notably La Parkita and Espectrito II (that were later lampooned on 1000 Ways To Die) it is hard to say.

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- Change Cody Rhodes secondary finisher from Silver Spoon DDT to Beautiful Disaster

- Make John Morrison's primary Starship Pain and I'm not sure what to do with the secondary. He's been all over the place lately. He's been using the C4 (which he hasn't named yet!) a lot lately, but recently he's used the running knee smash and even the Flash Kick to finish off his opponents.

EDIT: Now I've heard that the knee smash is the Flash Kick, but I swear I heard Cole say it after Morrison executed the (former?) Flying Chuck

Edited by Ty123
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-Deactivate The Enigmatic Assholes & Team 3D

-- It was reported this week that WWE developmental wrestler Verity Thomas (real name Vickie Skeeles), a recently signed women's grappler from the U.K., was removed from the roster page of the official website of Florida Championship Wrestling.

Skeeles announced on her Twitter account today that she decided to part ways with World Wrestling Entertainment over Thanksgiving weekend, citing locker room politics.

She wrote: "Yes guys I have been removed from the FCW page. I have decided, during thanksgiving break, to move on from wrestling-too many locker room politics. Life is meant for living and being happy&cheery;:) I'm a positive girl who doesn't need negativity in her life. I will still be modelling and doing appearances. Thank you for all your support but now I would LOVE you to support my girl Sonia, she is a fantastic worker and one of my very very special friends- I love her to bits and I you should too. Love you all :) and keep smiling because I still am!"


-Remove Vicky Skeeles from FCW. Change her to Left The Business (?).

-Add Protege relationship between Shane Hollister & Danny Daniels. Daniels trained him.

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

- Change Cody Rhodes secondary finisher from Silver Spoon DDT to Beautiful Disaster

- Make John Morrison's primary Starship Pain and I'm not sure what to do with the secondary. He's been all over the place lately. He's been using the C4 (which he hasn't named yet!) a lot lately, but recently he's used the running knee smash and even the Flash Kick to finish off his opponents.

EDIT: Now I've heard that the knee smash is the Flash Kick, but I swear I heard Cole say it after Morrison executed the (former?) Flying Chuck

I've only seen him to the C4 against Tyson Kid or wrestlers of his size. I'd use the running knee as his finisher which according to wikipedia is of yet, unnamed.

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From Wrestlingobserver.com:

King Curtis Iaukea, a legend in Hawaiian wrestling and a huge star in the 60s and 70s, passed away today in Honolulu. We have no other details other tha he passed away at home with his wife and two daughters.

Iaukea, a 300-pounder who was a football star at the University of California, headlined virtually everywhere in the world during his long career as a headliner, known for feuding in particular with Mark Lewin in a number of circuits and being in bloody matches.

He was a mentor to many in wrestling and was considered to be among the best interviews in the history of the business.

Iaukea, 73, had been ill for several months.


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Nah I would make the Flash Kick (Springboard Enzuigiri) his secondary finisher. He used it to defeat Sheamus recently among others. To my recollection, his running knee has never finished a match o_O

The Flash Kick/Flying Chuck Kick are the same thing. He defeated Alberto Del Rio with it during the KOTR Tournament on RAW, and his Running Knee is what beat Sheamus at Survivor Series. He hit the Chuck Kick, then hit the Running Knee and won. I'm fairly sure it's how he also defeated Cody Rhodes in the KOTR Tournament.

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Some WWE Years of Service updates (etc.):

-Joe Emminger signed with WWE in 2008

-Jake Hager signed with WWE in 2006, 4 years of service

-Matt Sydal signed with WWE in 2007, 3 YOS

-Jonathan & Joshua Fatu signed with WWE in 2009, 1 YOS. They were born on August 22nd, 1985 according to Wiki

-Sarona Snuka appeared with The Usos in FCW at the March 18, 2009 television tapings

-Mark Henry signed with WWE in 1996, 14 YOS

-Joe Hennig debuted in WWE on October 26, 2007 and was signed after that so his YOS would probably be 3 years

-Victoria Crawford signed with WWE in 2006

-Gail Kim signed with WWE in late-2008

-Melina Perez signed with WWE in 2006

-Jerry Lawler originally signed with WWF in 1992, he did leave the WWF for couple of months in 2001 after The Kat was fired so he should either have 19 YOS, or 9 years

-Chavo signed with WWE in 2001

-Drew Galloway signed with WWE in 2006

-Glenn Jacobs debuted in WWE in 1995

-Low Ki signed with WWE in 2008

-Plazma signed with WWE in 2007 or 2008

-Beth Phoenix signed with WWE in 2004

-Layla El has been in WWE since 2006

-Johnny Curtis signed with WWE in 2006

-Kip Christianson signed with WWE in 2008

-Incognito signed with WWE in December 2009

-Barri Griffiths signed with WWE in mid-2009

-Nick McNeil signed with WWE in 2009

-Thaddeus Bullard signed with WWE in 2009

-Trinity McCray signed with WWE in 2009

-Norman Smiley has been in FCW for atleast couple of years, IIRC

-Jemma Palmer signed with WWE in 2009. She hasn't got a working visa yet so probably could change her to Inactive wrestler on her FCW contract

-Pat Patterson left WWE in 2004 and returned in 2005. Change his Years of Service to 5 (currently 30)?

-Billy Kidman returned to WWE in 2009

-Dave Finlay signed with WWE in 2001

-Tom Pritchard signed with WWE (sent to DSW => FCW) on 2007

-Mike Chioda first appeared in WWE in 1989

These are just for the ones who had years missing.


-Brett Idol was trained by Booker T

-Jack Gallagher was trained by Alex Shane

-Billy Kidman & Torrie Wilson are Divorced (currently set to Split Up)

-Add Strong Friendship between Bruno Lauer & Sid Vicious. Sid Vicious helped Bruno Lauer getting a job in WWF in 1991

-Nick Nemeth is good friends with the other Spirit Squad members so those should probably be added. He should have a friendship with atleast Mike Mondo, they shared an apartment in Florida until 2008.

Tag Teams:

-Add a tag team between Hook Bomberry & Top Gun Talwar in PWG, "Gunning For Hookers". Inactive, exp good (?), formed February 2005 (?) (


-Add a tag team between Cody Rhodes & Shawn Spears in OVW (Runnels and Spears). Formed August 2006, inactive, low exp


-Add Cibernetico, Nygma and Escoria to a stable in AAA, Los Bizarros. (This was from EWR thread in November or October)

-Carlos Cabrera is Columbian, change his nationality to Other. And he's based in America, isn't he? Unless Mexican & Mexico were intentionally put in.

-Claudia Del Solis is born in 1985. Her birth month is December or January (Sagittarius) (MySpace)

-Top Gun Talwar is born in 1986 (Cagematch)

-Change Bryan Kelly's Status to Active wrestler, add him to WWE roster. Change Wrestler to Usually in his favourite roles and Colour Commentator to Sometimes.

-Change Sheamus' WWE finishers to High Cross (Pinfall) & Brogue Kick (Pinfall). High Cross is the Crucifix Bomb

-Rename Stu Sanders' WWE finisher to Wasteland (Pinfall)

-Change Eve Torres' WWE push to Manager. She's been acting as a valet for R-Truth for awhile

-According to Wikipedia, John Hennigan & Melina Perez started dating again in 2009, but that's Wikipedia and haven't been able to find anything else about it so take that with a grain of salt.

-Change Michael Hutter's WWE gimmick to Manly Man

-Rename Brian Major's (Hawkins) secondary WWE finisher to Heat-Seeking Elbow (Pinfall)

-Change John Cena's WWE gimmick to Midnight Rider

-Switch Eddie Colón's WWE finishers around so that Backstabber is his primary and Diving Headbutt secondary

-Justin Roberts briefly trained as a referee when he was younger so bump his refereeing skill a little, 5-10 points?

-Change Gabriel Tuft's WWE finisher to Burning Hammer (Pinfall)

-Rename Layla El's primary WWE finisher to Lay-Out

-Is Vickie Guerrero still Teddy Long's executive consultant? If so, change her gimmick to that.

-G-Rilla was born on February 21, 1984 according to Wiki. His WWE gimmick should probably be Monster. Or Giant.

-Shaul Guerrero is born in October 1990 (for future reference)

-Change Miss April's WWE primary finisher to Octopus Hold (Submission)

-John Laurinaitis' title is "Executive Vice President, Talent Relations" so.. Backstage Worker?

-Stephanie McMahon should have creative control on her contract

-Dusty Rhodes should have creative control on his contract. He signed a WWE contract in 2005 I believe. Also, change him to a Backstage Worker in FCW

-Give Michael Hayes creative control, change his push to Backstage Worker

-Pat Patterson is a creative consultant and a backstage worker in WWE.

-Change Jack Lanza to a Road Agent in WWE

-James Gibson retired due to severe neck, back & shoulder injuries. His head, body & arms condition should probably be dropped some

-Gerald Brisco suffered three strokes in 2009, drop his body condition severely

-Change Mike Rotunda's brand to RAW, whenever he appears he appears on RAW. Usually.

-IIRC, WWE signed Sean Morley as a Road Agent in October so add him to WWE on a PPA deal

Edited by Syrjis
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Right lets clear the John Morrison moves up, according to WWE.com his signature moves are Starship Pain and Moonlight Drive which are what his main moves are set as, according to Wiki he rarely uses the Moonlight Drive since 2009 so i've replaced that on his WWE contract with Flying Chuck (Springboard roundhouse) for his secondary finisher.

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PWInsider.com is reporting that Samoa Joe's contract has expired with TNA Wrestling.

The word backstage is that Joe will work tonight's Final Resolution PPV and this week's set of Impact tapings while both sides negotiate a new deal.

So until we figure out what's up I say leave him with TNA until we've found out if Joe leaves or not.

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Final Resolution Note

-Douglas Williams is the new TV Champion

Ricardo Rodriguez is working in FCW under his normal name Chimaera. Set him to a lower mid card face with a masked luchadore gimmick

Also, an injury has forced Wes Brisco and Xavier Woods to vacate the FCW tag titles. Titus O'Neil and Damien Sandow were named the new Tag Team Champs.

Set ODB to retired.

Edited by tougie
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Right lets clear the John Morrison moves up, according to WWE.com his signature moves are Starship Pain and Moonlight Drive which are what his main moves are set as, according to Wiki he rarely uses the Moonlight Drive since 2009 so i've replaced that on his WWE contract with Flying Chuck (Springboard roundhouse) for his secondary finisher.

Not to be a pain, but it would probably make more sense to call it the Flash Kick, as that is what Michael Cole has been regularly calling it.

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