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TEW05 Real World Update: December 2010

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Tick Drink Problems and Drug Use for Goldust.

Add MVP/Antonio Banks to WWC as an upper mid card face. Under the name MVP with his WWE gimmick.

Change Kaitlyn's finisher to the "Wedgie Flatliner". Im embarassed to post that

Set referee'ing to rarely for Nunzio. But his skill at reffing to 20%.

Edited by tougie
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Bryan Danielson was his own fault.. that's just tough luck and a pure coincidence.

It was Kayfabe release...

No shit. It was nothing to be taken seriously.

Anyway, more random notes

- Also, Lower Brooke Adam's head health by 10%. She broke her jaw and said on Twitter it will never be fully healed.

- Another note on Hogan, turns out his back injury that he had surgury for most recently was involving his spinal cord. So now I'm thinking maybe lower his body health to as low as 20% or 25% as opposed to the 30% I previously mentioned.

- Raise Michael Cole's basic skill to 20 or 20%. He's been learning how to take bumps. Also raise his reffing skill to 10 or 15% and set his referee'ing to rarely.

- Make sure Tamina is a face with possibly a fun babyface gimmick.

Raw Spoiler

Add CM Punk to The Nexus

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- Ashley Valence aka Ashley Ann Vickers posted the following on her official website today.

“As many of you know, I have had an amazing run the past 6 months with the WWE, but all good things must come to an end, and I am going in a different direction with my career at this time,” I can’t express enough how appreciative I am of the experience and friendships I’ve made during my stay with WWE.”

For those of you who don’t recall her she was part of NXT season 2 and recently did some ring announcing on Superstars but really hasn’t been used much in recent months.


-Remove Ashley Anne Vickers from FCW.


-Change Brian Jossie's FCW finisher to Executive Decision (Pinfall?). His birth month is July

-Change William Langston's FCW finisher to The Big Ending (Pinfall)

-Change Taylor Rotunda's FCW finisher to Bodazzled (Pinfall?). No idea which one of them it is. His birth month is May.

-Change Bill Carr's FCW finisher to The Flying Dutchman (Pinfall). His birth month is April.

-Brent Wellington's FCW finisher is Deal Breaker (Pinfall).

-Brett DiBiase's FCW finisher is Drop Kick. His birth month is March.

-Bryan Kelly's FCW finisher is The Recommendation (Pinfall).

-Patrick Brink's FCW finisher is The Rain Drop (Pinfall).

-Ryan O'Reilly's FCW finisher is A Rats Tale (Pinfall).

-Aaron Stevens' FCW finisher is Curb Stomp (Pinfall). His birth month is August.

-Michael Hutter's FCW finisher is Man-Tastic (Pinfall?). His birth month is March.

-Tevita Fifita's FCW finisher is The Drop (Pinfall). Looking at the picture's, he should probably be a face.

-Kip Christianson's FCW finisher is Deliverance (Pinfall).

-Change Incognito's FCW finisher to Hunico Special (Submission). His birth month is August.

-Windham Rotunda's FCW finisher is Swine Intervention (Pinfall). I'd guess it's the Running Senton Splash but don't know.

-Steven Slocum's FCW finisher is Choke Bomb (Pinfall). His birth month is November

-Jacob Novak's FCW finisher is Novak Attack (Pinfall). His birth month is November.

-Phil Friedman's FCW finisher is Death Wish (Pinfall?).

-Tiger Raj Singh's FCW finisher is Sands of Time (Pinfall?).

-Johnny Curtis' FCW finisher is A Bid Farewell (Pinfall?).

-Li Fang's FCW finisher is Shanghai Wizard (Pinfall?).

-Andrew Leavine's FCW finisher is Cattle Drive (Pinfall). His gimmick could probably be Cowboy.

-Dameon Duke's FCW finisher is Super Stud Strike (Pinfall?).

-Joe Emminger's FCW finisher is Lucky Break (Pinfall?). His birth month is November.

-Barri Griffith's FCW finisher is House of Pain (Submission?). Probably his Torture Rack finisher.

-Vic Adams' FCW finisher is Main Objective (Pinfall?). His birth month is December.

-Nick McNeil's FCW finisher is Showtime Splash (Pinfall).

-Alex Koslov's FCW finisher is Crossface (Submission).

-Richie Steamboat's birth month is July.

-Tyler Black's FCW finisher is Avada Kedavra (Pinfall), like previously mentioned.

-Orlando Colon's birth month is March.

-Thaddeus Bullard's FCW finisher is Omega Slam (Pinfall).

-Switch Wes Brisco's FCW finishers around. His birth month is February.

-Austin Creed's FCW finisher is Culture Shock (Pinfall).

-Christina Crawford is missing from the roster on the FCW site, but so are the rest of the divas.

EDIT2: Scratch that about the divas. Didn't notice they were on their own thingy.

-Change Zivile Raudoniene's FCW (atleast) finisher to Spine Buster (Pinfall).

-Christina Crawford's birth month is October.

-Celeste Bonin's birth month is October.

-Change Karlee Perez's FCW finisher to L-Bomb (Pinfall).

-Change Trinity McCray's FCW finisher to Nightfalls (Pinfall).

I would also add those finisher I posted to those workers profiles who don't have a finisher yet. Also, should the FCW workers be based in USA?


-Change Incognito's profile finisher to Incognito Especial (Submission) & Senton Bomb (Pinfall). These are off wikipedia.

Edited by Syrjis
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- Make sure MVP, Shad, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Jackie Haas and Mike Chioda All have at least strong friendships.

- Lower John Cena's leg health by 5%.

- Set Jacques Rougeau to retired. Make his active wrestling role to never and semi active to rarely.

Also, if Nick Mitchell (Former Tough Enough contestant) is in the data. Set him to left the biz. He's gone into MMA.

Edited by tougie
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Judging by his matches on NXT, I believe Brodus Clay (G-Rilla) fits the Strong Style genre. He kinds reminds me of Taz... What do you think?

I agree. I havent watched the whole season but even in the first two episodes they hyped him as somewhat of a suplex machine.

Not official yet but word has it WWE has signed Awesome Kong. Dutch Mantell pretty much confirmed it.

Make Sure Tatanka has Europe Ticked and has 8% popularity in each area.

Also make sure that Justin Roberts birth mont is set to December.

Bring Naomi Night up to the Smackdown Roster and make her a heel. She's been teaming with Layla as a result of Michelle McCool taking time off.

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