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Herr Matzat

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Like somebody else already said, I too tried Oblivion for a few hours and found it to be overwhelmingly boring. I thought at the time RPGs just weren't for me as it was my first, but I tried Fallout 3 after a reccomendation and was comletely hooked and I still can't put New Vegas down. I reckonit must've been the world and all the magic crap that turned me away, opposed to the gameplay.

If you haven't already tried it, I highly recommend Mass Effect 2.

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Fallout took me far longer to get into than Oblivion.

With Oblivion a couple of friends had it before me and were constantly talking about it at work. So then I got my PS3 with Oblivion and buried myself in it, hour after hour. Just so much stuff going on and so many options. The world was as great as a world can be when it's populated by automatic computer characters and animals doing stuff on loops. Loads of fun.

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I agree, I bought it on a whim after seeing a friend play the PC version. I loved the game immediately, I spent hours on it and still play it four years later.

I'm excited to see what they improve on, the different armor and weapons used for this installment, and of course I can't wait to wander the landscape.

Anybody hoping for anything specific out of this game?

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Melee combat that's actually fun. Fallout shows that they're at least thinking about that area of the game - I hope they carry that over to this series. Oblivion got pretty boring very quickly when all you have to do is back off a bit, then run forward and time your swing with the moment you get into range, then retreat again.

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Yeah, I worded that poorly. What I meant was that Fallout showed that they actually care about combat at all - melee combat was still basic. The VATS system and general attention to the weapons in Fallout is better than the simplistic set-up in Oblivion.

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HA! What! The VATS system was awful. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather the run forward, slash, protect, use spell style of combat than PAUSE GAME. Select body part. And then there's like a 50% chance you'll even hit it. For the like 6/7 hours of Fallout I played, I ended up just firing normally more than anything else.

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I disliked VATS as well, but there's no fun in just running forwards and backwards pushing one button. At least it was a system with something to do and something to think about rather than just 'Backwards, Forwards, Hit' over and over again.

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The big things to change in ESV will be:

1) The way the enemies level with you. I understand how great it seems to keep the difficulty of the game and prevent you from over-levelling, but the way it was done was pretty poor.

2) A main storyline that I don't hold off until the very, very end of the game to complete.

3) Releasing all the content on all the platforms at the same time.

Regardless of this or not, on 11-11-11 I will quit my job, dump by girlfriend, stock up on non-perishables, and lock my door.

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I hope they fix the leveling system in and of itself - I didn't like the inability to raise lower skills by a lot.... because I didn't use them.. because they were really low leveled. I DID enjoy the idea of it working in the sense that what you do more - you're better at.. but perhaps better balancing in one way or another? Eh, just wishful thinking I guess. I hated having to go to bed just to level up too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So as I'm sure many of you guys now the doors to this are getting blown off in GI later this month. Issues ship today apparently and can be expected by subscribers the 10th.

GI released the cover on their website including the cover which includes a back filled with cryptic text in it open for translation. This is the gist of it. The black brothers part is apparently wrong and translates rather to something about 'on black wings'.

dragonborn, dragonborn

by his honor is sworn

to keep evil forever at bay

and the fiercest triumph's shout

dragonborn for your blessing we pray

and the scrolls have fortold

that black brothers the war come unfurled

alduin bane of kings

ancient shadow rises

with a hunger to swallow the world

So the general gist involves Alduin aka Akatosh a figure in nordic mythos and the chief deity of the nine divines. In Nordic Mythology the character is a villain a contrast from the previous Elder Scrolls. Can't wait to see the article on this man am I excited. I think I'll be playing through Morrowind and Oblivion sometimes soon as well.

For now I just want that article. 14 pages and 20 screenshots. Delicious.

Edited by rocksta
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