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Breakout Kings


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Did anyone else watch it tonight? I liked it, its gonna be one of my shows I follow now.

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I liked it. It reminded me of Leverage, which is one of the few shows on TV where I've never missed an episode. I liked the dynamic of the team and think the shrink is awesome. To counter that, Duchamp is kind of a douche like all of the other pretty black cops on TV. The one complaint I'd have is I'm not quite sure why they're switching up the white female con for someone who looks a lot like her. If you're going to cast a new person to play a different character, you shouldn't be reminded of the person they're replacing.

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It's not as good as Leverage, but as far as cast goes, I'll take sexy con artist lady over Sophie any day of the week.

I'm enjoying the show so far, but man, I can't help but feel like it's going to be boring as fuck if none of the cons can go anywhere without the FBI agents. Maybe they find a way around that later on (I'm only like, halfway through the episode) but I can see that being a massive problem.

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I like the idea of a show about cons where any con could get switched out if the actor ever decides to leave or finds something else to do. Leaves it open so any character that isn't working or the fans aren't responding to can be replaced for the next series. Strictly for the next series though, midway through releases would suck.

IT'S THE GUY FROM IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY AND PSYCH! He's wonderful in this. Everyone else... not so much. The woman was fine, the black guy was cool, the two cops I couldn't really care less about.

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Dr Lowry was golden. But for some reason I keep thinking he'll the one to get killed or something because it would be more shocking.

I have a feeling one episode would be tracking down Gunderson and I'm looking forward to the episode explaining how they all go caught initially.

Decent show, I can easily watch this on a weekly basis.

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I hope they replace the black guy. There's nothing wrong with the actor, but there's nothing that entertaining about him either. Also Gunderson being released sucked. There could have been some hilarious stuff with that.

The more I think about the show, the more I liked it, but it's definitely just not as good as Leverage. Especially the characters. Hardison. Parker. Eliot. Nate. :wub:

But not Sophie. It's a shame she didn't die and get replaced with Jeri Ryan's character.

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I hope they replace the black guy. There's nothing wrong with the actor, but there's nothing that entertaining about him either. Also Gunderson being released sucked. There could have been some hilarious stuff with that.

The more I think about the show, the more I liked it, but it's definitely just not as good as Leverage. Especially the characters. Hardison. Parker. Eliot. Nate. :wub:

But not Sophie. It's a shame she didn't die and get replaced with Jeri Ryan's character.

I agree with almost all of that, especially the bold part. I kept thinking that a Parker style female character would have made this show an even bigger winner.

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Another good episode tonight, I really like the new chick but I can't help but wonder why they got rid of Philly.

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Another good episode tonight, I really like the new chick but I can't help but wonder why they got rid of Philly.

From what I read, it seems like they decided to cast a new female lead when the pilot wasn't picked up initially. I think the plan was always to have her leave the team considering they showed her having over a million dollars in assets at the end of the pilot, I just don't think that it was supposed to happen right away. In any case, I'm pleasantly surprised by the fact that Erica seems to work better with the team than Philly did. Lloyd continues to bring the awesome. I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

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Another good episode tonight, I really like the new chick but I can't help but wonder why they got rid of Philly.

From what I read, it seems like they decided to cast a new female lead when the pilot wasn't picked up initially. I think the plan was always to have her leave the team considering they showed her having over a million dollars in assets at the end of the pilot, I just don't think that it was supposed to happen right away. In any case, I'm pleasantly surprised by the fact that Erica seems to work better with the team than Philly did. Lloyd continues to bring the awesome. I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

That makes sense I guess, Erica's character is better so its a trade up anyway. That being said, 3 cons(Not counting Ray) doesn't feel right, I think they need one more.

Edited by Kirkland
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Yeah, I feel like the show is still missing one character. I think that may just be because I'm so used to Leverage having such an awesome cast of characters though and with Breakout Kings being so similar, it feels like it's missing something. There's no real stand out great character other than Lloyd. They need their Nate and the bald guy and the black guy aren't really doing a great job as the central characters. I guess that's my only complaint with the show, they can't decide if it's about those two running a group of cons to catch people, or if it's about a group of cons and their handlers that catch them. The focus is a little too spread out. I mean, it COULD work like that, but right now it doesn't really feel like it is.

But it's been a pretty fun two episodes so far, always nice to have a decent new show to watch. I'll definitely be keeping up to date with it.

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Loved tonight's episode, its the best yet. Did they say in the first episode(or any other) what Lloyd did to get locked up?I can't seem to remember a reason being said

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Loved tonight's episode, its the best yet. Did they say in the first episode(or any other) what Lloyd did to get locked up?I can't seem to remember a reason being said

They haven't mentioned it yet. IIRC he freaked out a bit when asked and quickly changed the subject, but I assume it has to do with gambling debts. I agree that tonight's episode was the best one so far.

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