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Madden 12


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WHYWHYWHY are there still jetpack linebackers? They seem to have gotten worse if anything. Slants used to be my bread and butter, yet this year I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've had one work without being batted or intercepted. The corner play seems better, but the middle of the field is very frustating, at least for me.

Why is the return game still shite? Kick returns should potentially be the most exciting part of the game, but as soon I catch the ball, I'm swarmed. Every time. I think I might have gotten to the 30 once.

Screens and play action still seem a little broken too. Are the lineman moves done automatically now? I swear I used to use the shoulder buttons to rip and swim, but they seem to do it automatically now.

I can honestly say I've not had any problems with any of these things. In fact, I thought they did a great job of getting rid of the jetpack linebackers, because I can actually throw across the middle now.

I've had a couple returned touchdowns already. Are you playing as the Bears? I'm using a sub-par returner, so I can only imagine what I'd be able to do with Hester.

Screens work beautifully for me as long as the defense is blitzing. And play action works perfectly as long as they're not.

Needless to say I'm quite impressed with the gameplay this year.

It's Johnny Knox, goddamnit. And yes. The blocking is just abysmal. Admittedly I've only played a couple of games, but I've really struggled with passes over the middle, and it used to be pretty much the staple of my passing game. I've only tried a couple of screens, they're generally ok, but I still have the occasional moment where the back catches it on the run, but he's facing backwards so he starts running away from the LOS. PA is definitely as fucked as always.

it seems every year they take a few steps forward and then a good amount backwards.

the commentary is abysmally bad. the Titans keep getting called "New York Titans" even though they are from Tennessee. I also get annoyed that they often refer to my QB as..... The Quarterback. other players are just called numbers. Collinsworth spouts the same retarded shit and should have been dropped years ago.

I also noticed how it almost always seems to rain in certain places like Kansas City.

still the improved defenses are nice, but a lot of things seem really rushed. they took out a lot of players I liked from last years playbook as well.

apparently most people in online games are still fucktards that go for it every 4th down and onside kick constantly. oh and they just pick a running qb, and send 4 wide and run if nobody is open.

The online asshole thing was intended to be solved by the communities set-up. The commentary stuff is bizarre, but I think the main problem is that a. you can't mimic Gus Johnson's trademark enthusiasm with scripted lines, and although the long anecdotes from Collinsworth are generally pretty sound, because they're so long and there's not enough variety, it just makes it more obvious how often you hear the lines. They need a new team, or they need to change what they record. Shorter colour lines that are less specific would be a big improvement.

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I'm eleven games into a franchise with the Raiders and fuck me, my rush defense is atrocious. I've given up 300+ more yards than any other team in the league. Despite this, I have ten more sacks than the nearest team to me in that sense. Pass rush be the shit. Going to need to play with my gameplan a bit more.

On the flipside, I've got double the amount of interceptions than any other team. Which seems crazy.

Darren McFadden (despite missing five games) is the top rusher in the league. His first game back from injury he SMASHED the Chiefs for 350 yards. Was unreal. Granted, I gave him 50 carries because the rest of my game was falling apart. I still only won by seven.

I've also got the most overall offensive yards in the NFL but despite this I'm 3-8. Including a 0-6 start to the season, bringing it back to 3-6 and dropping two games since. I'm all over the place but I'm giving up sacks like no one's business and Campbell is throwing picks all day (especially in the red zone). I think that is more reflective on me as a player than Campbell but so God damn frustrating. A few games where I've got it right (including putting 62 points on the Broncos) but too often I get it oh so wrong.

Love running with the ball now though, where in previous games it's been an area of the game I was shit at. Only problem is if I come up against a defense that are ready for the run attack (such as the Vikings) I can't get anything going on offense because of how poor I am at passing and evading the rushers.

EDIT: Also, can someone give me an idea of average carries per a game for a running back? I realise 50 is an audacious amount.

Edited by Pepsi Twist
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Yeah, I've realised 15 minutes doesn't work if you're after realistic stats even with the accelerated clock on. I've dropped it down to twelve minutes and the stats are looking much better but I still keep giving up picks like there's no tomorrow. Just poor timing but while I check my first receiver, I never have enough time to go through my progression without being sacked.

I like to blame this on my O-Line but frankly it's probably more to do with me.

Anyway, I'm starting a new franchise because I royally screwed this one up in the off-season due to expired contracts and terribly scouting leading into the draft. What's the best team if I'm looking for a gun 'n' run offense? HEavy running back to pick up the short yards and a big arm receiver for the big yards. I'm a terrible scrambler, so I'm really looking for a pocket passer who is going to get decent protection.

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Yeah, I've realised 15 minutes doesn't work if you're after realistic stats even with the accelerated clock on. I've dropped it down to twelve minutes and the stats are looking much better but I still keep giving up picks like there's no tomorrow. Just poor timing but while I check my first receiver, I never have enough time to go through my progression without being sacked.

I like to blame this on my O-Line but frankly it's probably more to do with me.

Anyway, I'm starting a new franchise because I royally screwed this one up in the off-season due to expired contracts and terribly scouting leading into the draft. What's the best team if I'm looking for a gun 'n' run offense? HEavy running back to pick up the short yards and a big arm receiver for the big yards. I'm a terrible scrambler, so I'm really looking for a pocket passer who is going to get decent protection.

The Texans maybe? Schaub as the pocket passer, and Andre Johnson is definitely a great receiver who's quite big. Arian Foster works as your RB.

I was going to say the Browns with Hillis but they don't really have noticeable receivers.

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God, Ultimate Team is so frustrating. At least with FIFA and NHL, there's no pretense, you can actually play games to improve your team. Basically have to spend MSPoints to get going on Madden. Even then, with no entry level tournaments that cap the overall rating, you have to keep backing out until there's a match-up you remotely stand a chance in. I either destroy teams or get destroyed, there's no middle ground, and unfortunately there's no mercy rule, so I can't just cut the game short when I'm down by 30+ with under 5 minutes on the clock.

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About to start the playoffs with the Giants. I have a shitload of guys whose deals are going to expire....mostly low-level guys I can probably easily retain. I do hope that there is a brief exclusive window for me to re-sign guys, but if not it's probably not a huge deal. The best player on his last year is Osi, who I will probably let walk so that I can give JPP more playing time.

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About to start the playoffs with the Giants. I have a shitload of guys whose deals are going to expire....mostly low-level guys I can probably easily retain. I do hope that there is a brief exclusive window for me to re-sign guys, but if not it's probably not a huge deal. The best player on his last year is Osi, who I will probably let walk so that I can give JPP more playing time.

There is a re-signing period at the beginning of the off-season before you had into free agency and the draft. This is where I went horribly wrong and actually missed it, allowing a tonne of my players to be released from their contracts including my no.2 receiver. Technically, no1 receiver following TO retiring.

But yeah, there is a resigning stage.

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Been playing a tonne of exhibition matches with some of the better teams (like 85+ Overall rating) against teams with similar ratings. I tend to win, though not always by much. My passing is iffy, I tend to only make about 20-25% of passes, and my running is either great or shit; but defensively I don't think I'm terrible (though with not understand coverages and all that jazz it could be more luck than judgement) Basically, if I up the difficulty to All-Pro I'll get creamed, but on Pro I'm okay.

I need to settle on a team to do a Franchise.

Also, what quarter length do people like to use? I've been on the default of 5 minutes, but it doesn't really seem long enough. I was thinking of trying 8 or 9 minutes. Much longer and I think a game'd last a little too long.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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Been playing a tonne of exhibition matches with some of the better teams (like 85+ Overall rating) against teams with similar ratings. I tend to win, though not always by much. My passing is iffy, I tend to only make about 20-25% of passes, and my running is either great or shit; but defensively I don't think I'm terrible (though with not understand coverages and all that jazz it could be more luck than judgement) Basically, if I up the difficulty to All-Pro I'll get creamed, but on Pro I'm okay.

I need to settle on a team to do a Franchise.

Also, what quarter length do people like to use? I've been on the default of 5 minutes, but it doesn't really seem long enough. I was thinking of trying 8 or 9 minutes. Much longer and I think a game'd last a little too long.

I use eight minutes and I like it. It is about forty five minutes a game, can go an hour if OT and all that. My friend hates it, he likes much shorter 5 minute quarters, but I try to get the most realistic without having to play for four hours.

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I use 6 Minute Quarters since that is what they use for Online Ranked Games.

I still find myself lucky to get past he 20 on kick offs this year even with a good returner. With blockers or without it just seems the defenders are there so fast. It was common I could break one with a good returner like Harvin last year but now it's like YES the 25!

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Blair White actually isn't too bad of a returner for me. On average, I can get out to about the thirty or thirty five yard line. Even got close to breaking one once.

My biggest problem I have is the constant fucking rain games. I'm sure this has been stated here at some point, but seriously fucking christ.

Can I just make all the teams get domes without having to re-locate them?

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Played the demo on XBL after I heard good things. First game (as Packers), I defeated Chicago. It wasn't *easy*, but itwas quite straight forward, so I decided to re-play the demo, but as Chicago.

Fuck me, what a game I just had. I was trailing the entire game... until I take my QB on a run on a 4th down, and score a touchdown (and converted the FG). The score? 17-13 to me with 8 seconds to play. :D

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Fuck me, I had a great game with the Bears yesterday while playing the Saints.

14-7 down with two minutes left in the 2nd quarter, Cutler drops a bomb on Knox down the right side, touchdown and we're all even. We shut them down for a three and out, return, seven yard gain on a run then Cutler drops the same damn bomb on Knox again but on the left side of the field and we're heading into half time 21-14 up, plus we're receiving the ball.

Well, all hell breaks loose in the 2nd half thanks, predominatly, to our defense. Cutler threw four picks during this game and three TD passes yet we still managed to win the turnover battle as Manninng picks up a pick, we force a fumble on a punt then Julius fuckin' Peppers step up to the plate. Seven total sacks (NFL record, fuck yeah) and three of them force fumbles and we pick all three up for TDs. Forte and Taylor add rushing TDs to Cutlers two passes and a rush of his own in the first half, plus adds a 3rd TD pass to Hester in the 2nd. Nine total TDs, three coming courtesy of the defense. Eleven overall sacks. Just unreal.

This is playing on a setting/sliders that procude pretty damn realistic stats as well. This game, however, saw 400+ passing but only 120 odd rushing with rushes from Forte, Taylor, Cutler and Moreno (more on that one later!).

Just before this game as well, I traded Urlacher away to St. Louis for James Lauranitis and two first round picks. Bargain of a deal, if you ask me even if it is Papa Bear, especially when I then used one of those picks to trade for Knowshown Moreno. Absolutely beautiful. The two heading running machine is in place and Cutler is getting the yards, just need to eliminate the picks.

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Fuck me, I had a great game with the Bears yesterday while playing the Saints.

14-7 down with two minutes left in the 2nd quarter, Cutler drops a bomb on Knox down the right side, touchdown and we're all even. We shut them down for a three and out, return, seven yard gain on a run then Cutler drops the same damn bomb on Knox again but on the left side of the field and we're heading into half time 21-14 up, plus we're receiving the ball.

Well, all hell breaks loose in the 2nd half thanks, predominatly, to our defense. Cutler threw four picks during this game and three TD passes yet we still managed to win the turnover battle as Manninng picks up a pick, we force a fumble on a punt then Julius fuckin' Peppers step up to the plate. Seven total sacks (NFL record, fuck yeah) and three of them force fumbles and we pick all three up for TDs. Forte and Taylor add rushing TDs to Cutlers two passes and a rush of his own in the first half, plus adds a 3rd TD pass to Hester in the 2nd. Nine total TDs, three coming courtesy of the defense. Eleven overall sacks. Just unreal.

This is playing on a setting/sliders that procude pretty damn realistic stats as well. This game, however, saw 400+ passing but only 120 odd rushing with rushes from Forte, Taylor, Cutler and Moreno (more on that one later!).

Just before this game as well, I traded Urlacher away to St. Louis for James Lauranitis and two first round picks. Bargain of a deal, if you ask me even if it is Papa Bear, especially when I then used one of those picks to trade for Knowshown Moreno. Absolutely beautiful. The two heading running machine is in place and Cutler is getting the yards, just need to eliminate the picks.

What difficulty/sliders do you have set? And you traded Urlacher from the Bears?!!!? Bold move and is that not a huge cap penalty?

Sounds like an awesome game you had though, I have just been playing superstar mode lately and am enjoying it, despite the huge amount of points I get so Gabbert already has 99 all of his throwing stats on week 11.

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I use 6 Minute Quarters since that is what they use for Online Ranked Games.

I still find myself lucky to get past he 20 on kick offs this year even with a good returner. With blockers or without it just seems the defenders are there so fast. It was common I could break one with a good returner like Harvin last year but now it's like YES the 25!

I finally had Hester return one for a TD, only to have it called back for holding.

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Has anyone edited someone's stats during Franchise yet? After Anthony Gonzalez fumbled four times in two games, I got pissed off and shipped him off to Oakland. I signed Nick Miller(I went to high school with him, so I'm a little biased) and upped him from a 48 overall to a 83 but than realized that's too much and dropped him back to like a 72 overall.

Also, I wish I could just have a bunch of high school kids for defense because they'd play better than what I currently got. Every game is a fucking shootout.

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I'm the opposite way. My offense has about 7 or 8 three-and-outs every game, but my defense is filled with ballhawks and reasonably good run defenders. Maybe, since I spend so much time around football in real life, its a little different for me.

As far as kick returns go, I generally make it to the 20-25. I've ran 2 or 3 back in my two years of franchise with the Bills. They're certainly less frequent this year, though.

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So, this is the first Madden game I've played since I THINK 2007, and, wow, I've missed out a lot! Not only Madden, but this is the first console video game I've played in four years... Anyway... Is there a way to make the franchise menue a little easier? I really liked how the older ones were set up. This one seems a bit forced and hard to figure out.

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