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Madden 12


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Had an epic game against the Colts first game in the season with the Texans.

Was dominating the game then in the 2nd half the Colts managed to score a touchdown....then off the kickoff I get tackled and fumble it and they score and well it happens again.

Lost 34-27, got to about 25 yards from a touchdown right at the end and the guy dropped the pass :(

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Only just now realizing that you only have to cut your roster to 55 players, the same roster limit as every other Madden. Not a huge deal but I don't get why they don't just make it 53 as it should be. Also they should pull a Head Coach and eliminate the stupid positional minimums...you could field a team of 53 speedy running backs and wide receivers if you wanted to (Al Davis?).

Hate having to keep 10 offensive linemen on my roster when most of them will never sniff the field. I actually edited long snapper Zak DeOssie into a center from a LB (they programmed him to be the only LB in the game that can long snap - 0 OVR which means nothing since bad snaps don't exist in Madden) so I could get around it and keep an extra player a a different position that I didn't want to lose. Probably wouldn't have even kept Zak if not for the fact that he's probably going to be a Giants lifer in real life.

Kept my 1st-4th and 7th round picks, plus two undrafted rookies. The top 3 might be the only ones that stick around for more than a yearmassuming I do a better job scouting next season.

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I was still struggling, so I messed with the sliders a little (still on Pro setting). I also upped the quarter length to 7 minutes. Anyway, my QB accuracy went from 75 to 77, the CPU's ability to intercept passes went from 50 to 45, both sides ability to tackle went down by 5, and I made the difference between quicker and slower players greater.

I used the Steelers and beat the Giants 24-0... and then used Tampa Bay to beat the Chicago Bears 52-3.... I think I've gone too far the other way! Though I might have decided on Tampa Bay as a team to play a franchise with. Gonna tweak the sliders again and play a match as Baltimore and then decide once and for all.

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I like Tampa Bay much more in real life than I do in Madden. They have very slow receivers for a Madden team, running backs too. I always love the Packers, obviously, but I've been doing a franchise with Buffalo that has been challenging. I haven't been able to get a decent QB to replace Fitzpatrick until I sold the farm for Cam Newton after year 2.

I've found that QBs make this game infinitely easier. Using Rodgers or Brady is like using a chainsaw to cut down a tree compared to the hatchet of Fitzpatrick or Alex Smith. It isn't impossible, but have fun.

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well yeah obviously Aaron Rodgers is more fun to play with than Matt Cassel but not as challenging. playing as the Chiefs is challenging as Matt Cassel SUCKS. I like the challenge though. I would enjoy player the Packers more online vs someone, while playing a team like the Bills in a franchise and trying to make them not suck.

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I was also considering the Detroit Lions for the obvious challenge there; but I'm thinking for a Madden nOOB, a team like the Ravens would be challenge enough.

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I had the best game of any madden game last night as The Eagles (who are just an awesome offense to play with) against some dude online who played as the chargers. He was leading me the who game and I recovered a fumble for a touchdown, and then did the same with an interception to tie it up. Went to overtime and the first drive for each of us was stopped. Got the ball back and made the drive to the endzone to win it.

I joined an online franchise with six friends and it looks like a lot of fun. Thus far all of my online games have been great - no shit talking assholes or people that refuse to punt and do proper kick offs.

EDIT: I do miss the halftime show they used to have in '10 where it updated with scores from around the league.

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I've returned 4/5 kick offs over the course of about 30 games, I'd say. This is with the Raiders and the Bears (though never one with Hester, always Knox taking it to the house). I can normally get up to the thirty now on most attempts. Punt return is a FUCKER. I catch the ball and there are a swarm of players on top of me but I've broken a couple for big gains but never taken it all the way.

I'm relatively happy with special teams (including my first ever field goal block on a Madden game, as if I actually did anything!).

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I genuinely marked out when I blocked it. It meant nothing towards the result but I was still pumped. Punt blocking frustrates me because my guy is ALWAYS there to block them but never manages it.

I'm enjoying Madden this year after missing 2011. So much so, I'm buying a PS3 just so I can purchase NCAA. Im desperate to play stand have been for years now. I believe it's time! Payday very soon, I know what I'm getting.

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I was playing as the guy on the far edge right. He ended up no where near the ball. However, the guy on the left edge stormed in and blocked the shit out of that ball. So when I say I blocked it, I'm saying that quite liberally.

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I started a franchise with Detriot and we've been... inconsistent. We won our first two; we had a close one with Tampa Bay and ran through Kansas City. Minnesota put us back in our place and Dallas beat us by a dropped pass. We beat Chicago in convincing fashion, but we got ran down by the Niners. Not looking forward to Atlanta.

Stafford has been up and down all year, Leshoure had two great games and than just went flat. Megatron is on a massive cold streak because he's been getting doubled almost every passing play. Jahvid Best is having a good year and Maurice Morris has been a solid option for some reason with the screen pass. Pettigrew and Titus Young are currently tied for receptions on the team.

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Alright...almost three weeks in. Those who had complaints/praises, what say you now?

Personally, I've gone back to NCAA. I appreciate the offensive variety and NCAA feels more like real football. Offensive line AI is atrocious in both; traps and guard pulls are near impossible except for my favorite play, the buck sweep.

I feel like the patch for NCAA fixed a lot of the defensive back and linebacker issues we talked about in that thread. Maybe the Madden patch will fix that.

Honestly, I'm considering trading/selling Madden for FIFA right now.

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