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The Apprentice - Series 7


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Entertaining up until tonight, where he just became an utter tit. Some of his ramblings are just beyond ridiculous. He's good to be there for the entertainment value, but really he came across as a right dick this week and he's pretty much blown any chance he had of winning if you ask me.

Susan really needs to speak up more and made her presence felt. Week in and week out she's made a few good points but been laughed at and shut out. If she wants any chance of actually surviving much longer, she's got to take control and get her voice heard, because she's clearly being underrated by the rest.

Really though, Helen is so far ahead of the rest it's not even funny. Things change that's for sure, but she's way out in the lead right now.

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Ugh, that's at least the third one now where whether it's the editing or just screwy "judging" it looks like the wrong team has won. And had Covered have lost the task, I don't think they'd even have needed a selection process, I'd have just punted Natasha out the door, she was beyond awful, far more deserving of a firing than anyone on the side that actually lost.

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Yeah, Natasha grates on me a lot. Every year they seem to put in some horrible bint who thinks she's awesome at managing people and getting stuff done and turns out to be awful. I can't see Lord Sugar wanting to run a business with her.

Glad that Susan's being saved countless times by virtue of running her own business. Kind of annoying that whenever she loses a task she gets taken into the bottom three since I can't think of a time anything's really been her fault. She definitely needs to step up and make herself heard.

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Don't know how Jim survived, to be honest. Thought he was terrible throughout the task, and while I did find him funny for the most part, he has begun grating on me. Seems like his task mishaps are good to watch, but then he gets into the board room and becomes an insufferable dick. Either way, can't see him making it much further.

Didn't realise how popular Susan is until I watched You're Fired! Can't say I get it, but she doesn't annoy me as much as she used to, and there are certainly worse candidates still on this show.

Hoping Tom gets to lead in the text task. I want to see him sink or swim, but it'll be hilarious either way.

Helen is so far ahead of everyone else it isn't even funny. Which of course means she isn't going to win.

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I think Susan and Helen are probably going to end up being the two in the final. Helen's really come to the front recently but Susan has really been strong the past few tasks. Some of what happened in the boardroom felt like bullying really, I do think she's right when she said that they probably figured because she's young that she'll bend easily and be easy to get out. The fact she's survived the boardroom so many times says otherwise.

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Right decision, because really he was utter shit compared to some of the stronger ones. Melody was annoying as shit throughout, but deserved to stay.

Rooting for Susan from here on. She's a complete and utter idiot at times with things like 'Do the French drive?' or whatever she said, but she's somehow still really good and hilarious at the same time. Her or Helen for sure, though I still cant see how anybody can beat Helen, she's seemingly running away with it.

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I want to punch Melody in the face.

The whole failure of the task was her fault. She lied about the market research, looked out for herself and just sacraficed the team's ideals for her own opinions. I can't fucking stand her. :lol: That's the thing I don't like about the new version of Apprentice, it doesn't encourage team work because you're not going for a place in a business, you're starting one. So what's the point in working in a team when a 'hunger to win' appeals to Sir Allen.

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Right decision, because really he was utter shit compared to some of the stronger ones. Melody was annoying as shit throughout, but deserved to stay.

Oh come on, Tom is an absolute retard. A loveable retard maybe, but how he survived there I'll never know.

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Oh it was certainly a toss up between the two, but Leon was shocking and has been pretty shocking throughout. Tom was basically kept because he's 'invented' things and could start to shine, whereas Leon was never going to win and was all around awful throughout. At least Tom had slight glimpses of having a clue, he just didn't stand up and make his voice heard though and ended up getting walked all over. He's clearly slightly nuts, but that's a hell of a lot better than the rather bland Leon.

Really, I have zero desire to see Leon. He was never going to win and never likely to do anything of note in any following tasks, so I just felt it was the right decision at the time.

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I want to punch Melody in the face.

The whole failure of the task was her fault. She lied about the market research, looked out for herself and just sacraficed the team's ideals for her own opinions. I can't fucking stand her. :lol: That's the thing I don't like about the new version of Apprentice, it doesn't encourage team work because you're not going for a place in a business, you're starting one. So what's the point in working in a team when a 'hunger to win' appeals to Sir Allen.

A thousand times this. "Glossed over it" doesn't even come close. Lying about the product based on her own ill-informed opinion basically ruined any chance they had. Sure, Leon and Natasha didn't really contribute, and Tom needed more of a backbone, but she didn't do a single thing in that task to help her side win. In fact, any efforts they did make were doomed to failure because of her. Sure, it's ultimately not a team competition, but if you're running a company, you're going to need to be able to work with others, and she hasn't shown that capability in the slightest. I also don't get why they're all so protective of the appointments they set up, it's been established already that Sugar doesn't give a fuck who makes contact, it's what gets done within the meeting that counts.

Right decision, because really he was utter shit compared to some of the stronger ones. Melody was annoying as shit throughout, but deserved to stay.

Oh come on, Tom is an absolute retard. A loveable retard maybe, but how he survived there I'll never know.

He's not retarded at all. Like he said, he's won one task, and yet never been in the boardroom until this week, and that was because he was PM and had no choice. Off-hand I can think of three of four occasions where he's had a bright idea or pointed out some key information (spa location, booster seat, dog food market etc.) but got stomped over by bigger mouths and hotter heads. He needs to be more forceful, yeah, but he's certainly not a retard.

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Do the French like their children is the quote of the series by far haha.

I think Leon only went today because he did well nothing. Melody while she's utterly annoying did well and well not so well while she did cock up on the market research she did organise the meetings so was never gonna be up for it, plus the fact she's an utter cunt bodes well for her, and Tom well i've said to my mates before he's like the person you just wanna give a hug for haha like a special friend or something. He has ideas but just doesnt get them across and gets easily bullied, but stands a chance because of his inventing background he'll be kept around until he cocks up again.

Helens got to be the favourite to win it but atm I think it'll be a running between Melody and Susan as to who'll challenge her, I can't see anyone else possibly winning.

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I want to punch Melody in the face.

The whole failure of the task was her fault. She lied about the market research, looked out for herself and just sacraficed the team's ideals for her own opinions. I can't fucking stand her. :lol: That's the thing I don't like about the new version of Apprentice, it doesn't encourage team work because you're not going for a place in a business, you're starting one. So what's the point in working in a team when a 'hunger to win' appeals to Sir Allen.

A thousand times this. "Glossed over it" doesn't even come close. Lying about the product based on her own ill-informed opinion basically ruined any chance they had. Sure, Leon and Natasha didn't really contribute, and Tom needed more of a backbone, but she didn't do a single thing in that task to help her side win. In fact, any efforts they did make were doomed to failure because of her. Sure, it's ultimately not a team competition, but if you're running a company, you're going to need to be able to work with others, and she hasn't shown that capability in the slightest. I also don't get why they're all so protective of the appointments they set up, it's been established already that Sugar doesn't give a fuck who makes contact, it's what gets done within the meeting that counts.

I don't normally watch, but a girl forced me to. This is my big opinion too. She fucking lied about it. People saying the car seat was good and she says "Well.. they said it's.. okay..". Yes it's a competition and everyone is out to win but she took it a little far and ultimately caused her team to lose the whole thing. Horrible, horrible person. Annoying as fuck, too.

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To be fair to Melody, she was a fantastic salesperson, but all in all, when the prize is to start a business with Lord Sugar, you can't fucking work with that brand of cunt. God, it is like there was some great sales woman somewhere in the world who has a curse put on her by a witch, splitting her into a good and bad side ... Helen and Melody. That is why she won't win, she is a bitch and Helen is better. FAR better.

As for the firing, Leon was the absolute right choice. As much as I wanted him to make a gut decision of "I can't work with Melody, she's fired", I knew it wasn't going to happen given how well she sold. Tom has a lot more to give in the competition, he may be too tame, too nice, etc, but his background speaks for itself if it turns out to be entirely as he says, and actually watching him over the last few weeks he is someone who has the task-saving ideas, it is just a case of no one listening to him. You think about the prize at stake and the scenario that would follow, will Alan Sugar want an ego to butt heads with at every turn? No, and for good reason, because there is no benefit to either in that case. Now, someone like Tom, with no ego at all, but the intelligence to make good decisions and have the great ideas, that is the perfect business partner. Plus, I look to Dragon's Den and the products that successfully go through that process, a lot of them follow this almost cliche duo of the product's quiet inventor, and the almost hype-man figure, and I think that is what Lord Alan Sugar should really be thinking about.

As for Leon, it is a shame, because I liked him, but he hasn't done anything of note in weeks, and he was never going to win.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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I was just so confused that Sir Allen didn't pick Melody apart more. It felt like we were watching two completely different programs. Maybe after he see's the show he'll realise how awful she was before any of the selling took place, because he doesn't watch what we do in the boardroom. I really think Tom should've fought his corner more and really ran with how destructive Melody is to a team.

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The thing is, Nick and Karren stayed with the team looking at products, so there is no one to relay the fact that Melody blatantly lied about the market research back to Alan Sugar. That's how she managed to get away with it. Even Tom didn't know about it because he wasn't there. The only way she could have been caught out is if Leon spoke up, and he wasn't going to do that.

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Right decision, because really he was utter shit compared to some of the stronger ones. Melody was annoying as shit throughout, but deserved to stay.

Oh come on, Tom is an absolute retard. A loveable retard maybe, but how he survived there I'll never know.

He's not retarded at all. Like he said, he's won one task, and yet never been in the boardroom until this week, and that was because he was PM and had no choice. Off-hand I can think of three of four occasions where he's had a bright idea or pointed out some key information (spa location, booster seat, dog food market etc.) but got stomped over by bigger mouths and hotter heads. He needs to be more forceful, yeah, but he's certainly not a retard.

I've seen like one good thing he did, and that was the "oh come on, Every Dog is a woeful idea", which only really seemed good because everybody else went against all logic. Leon had a few bright moments early on. I'd definitely say Leon's done better than Tom since the show started, and he's actually made an effort to contribute to tasks as well. He probably should've fired both of them though considering how far behind they are from the rest of the field.

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I was just so confused that Sir Allen didn't pick Melody apart more. It felt like we were watching two completely different programs. Maybe after he see's the show he'll realise how awful she was before any of the selling took place, because he doesn't watch what we do in the boardroom. I really think Tom should've fought his corner more and really ran with how destructive Melody is to a team.

Agreed, it was pretty frustrating. And everyone saying at least she sold well; maybe the others might have if a. they'd had a chance to set sales up liek she did for a whole day and b. they weren't acting on misinformation provided by Melody!

Right decision, because really he was utter shit compared to some of the stronger ones. Melody was annoying as shit throughout, but deserved to stay.

Oh come on, Tom is an absolute retard. A loveable retard maybe, but how he survived there I'll never know.

He's not retarded at all. Like he said, he's won one task, and yet never been in the boardroom until this week, and that was because he was PM and had no choice. Off-hand I can think of three of four occasions where he's had a bright idea or pointed out some key information (spa location, booster seat, dog food market etc.) but got stomped over by bigger mouths and hotter heads. He needs to be more forceful, yeah, but he's certainly not a retard.

I've seen like one good thing he did, and that was the "oh come on, Every Dog is a woeful idea", which only really seemed good because everybody else went against all logic. Leon had a few bright moments early on. I'd definitely say Leon's done better than Tom since the show started, and he's actually made an effort to contribute to tasks as well. He probably should've fired both of them though considering how far behind they are from the rest of the field.

I gave you three good things in the post you quoted. He was the only one to call attention to the logistical issue of the spa location, got shouted down, turned out to be absolutely right for example. Like I say, he has his flaws, no doubt, but being stupid isn't one of them. Leon was downright dumb, especially this week, complaining about being sueless because he can't speak French, whilst Melody's setting up appointments without speaking a word of French.

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