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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Biggest complaint I currently have is that by the time the prompt to reverse a move comes up it seems to be too late, whereas if you press it just prior to when you expect it to pop up it works. I'm also used to strikes being much faster than grapples, it's a bit silly that grapples which I assume are more powerful take precedence over a strike.

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Biggest complaint I currently have is that by the time the prompt to reverse a move comes up it seems to be too late, whereas if you press it just prior to when you expect it to pop up it works. I'm also used to strikes being much faster than grapples, it's a bit silly that grapples which I assume are more powerful take precedence over a strike.

Agreed. It's almost like the game is saying "whoops should've reversed by pressing __"

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Pretty much everyone I've spoken to about this game were saying they were tired of how easy it was to win. Must have got bac to THQ with all the Twitter feedback and questionnaires last year, so they did something about it.

last year's legend difficulty was still really easy. good on them if they actually made it harder.

are the scramble matches better than last year? last year as soon as more than a couple guys were out pins were impossible, as they always got broken up.

Seriously fuck you and fuck everyone else who said this anywhere ever. You all have ruined wrestling games for me now.

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In all honesty, except for RTWM where your opponents pull off the most ridiculous shit and reverse, I don't think it's THAT hard. Anyways, is anyone else having issues with the pin meter? I can button mash or whatever and it won't even show the meter until the 2 count and I usually don't have enough time to kick out at that point.

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I think it shows up later and later and the 'sweet spot' gets smaller and smaller depending on how worn down you are, I also think it happens after a finisher. If you do button mash it resets the bar and may actually make it be slower to appear. So try being patient.

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Question about Sheamus' portion of Road To WrestleMania:

There's a backstage brawl with Edge the night after you align with Regal, Barrett, and McIntyre. How the fuck do you win? I've beaten Edge senseless for fifteen minutes now and the prompt button (which I've learned to hate already, for the record) won't turn green. I'm pretty sure I've done enough damage--he's so battered that he can barely even move. Am I missing something?

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Who asked for it to be harder? I hate that it's harder

I don't know if people necessarily asked for the game to be harder, but we've all at one point or another complained about the flow of the game and wished that matches could be more dynamic like their real world counterparts. Personally I've found the key to enjoying this game is to adjust your balance sliders to the point where you're challenged just to the point before wanting to throw your controller.

As for the game itself I'll say it's a sizable improvement over the games we've had this console generation. With this rejuvenated entry at least we can see the wheels turning to give us a new experience. They've laid the foundation for a great series, hopefully they'll take the feedback given on this years title into consideration and come back next year with an extremely polished game that we aren't trading in 2 weeks later.

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I officially love this game. Fought Cena as Smash and he hit me with an FU. I kicked out at two, reversed his next strike, and 15 seconds later Cena was tapping to the half-crab

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Sheamus defeats R-Truth to earn a draft pick for SmackDown. After scrolling through the list of potential draft picks, the generator selects Mark Henry. Next, Natalya defeats Michelle McCool to earn a draft pick for Raw. After scrolling through the list, the generator selects... Mark Henry. Freakin' hilarious.

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ok i have a completely stupid question. when i started laying the game I didnt know ow to unlock people. Come to find out that to unlock brock, i needed to win the the first one on one match in universe mode... which i didnt win and theres no way I can go back. i even deleted the WWE12 save file and it still takes me to where i left off in universe mode...... what do I do?

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So I got this game today with a code to unlock The Rock via Playstation Network. The code checks out, it says that it is installing and activating, however I can't find him in the game. Do I have to do anything inside the game to unlock him?

Oh nevermind, he was under downloaded superstars. :blush:

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So I got this game today with a code to unlock The Rock via Playstation Network. The code checks out, it says that it is installing and activating, however I can't find him in the game. Do I have to do anything inside the game to unlock him?

Oh nevermind, he was under downloaded superstars. :blush:

After you download a character in the game you have to turn off your console and restart it, he should then be in your game. At least that's what happened last year when someone was downloadable.

- Nevermind.

Edited by zrc
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