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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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You mash buttons in an effort to fill the meter. Target specific body parts and you'll fill it more quickly. When it's full, there's a submission. It's a good idea but I find it to be almost game-breaking in its easiness, compared to the difficulty of scoring a pinfall victory. You can tap an AI-controlled opponent out in a fraction of the time it takes to actually pin them.

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Is there no way to add titles or at least a specific brand to the Superstars show in WWE Universe?

If not, what's the point in even having the ability to customize the shows? I was hoping to maybe have a TNA or WCW show or something on Thursdays and keep Raw and Smackdown as is.

No there isn't.

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Also Brock Lesnar deciding to return on Superstars and attack Alex Riley I found pretty amusing.

Happened here too. Well, he returned as a mystery opponent for Cena on RAW, but then popped up again on Superstars to beat up Alex Riley, who he's now feuding with.

I actually had possibly my favourite match on this so far as Riley against my girlfriend as Brock - she won, but it just flowed brilliantly, as Lesnar annihilated Riley for a good five or six minutes, I started to get a bit of a comeback, hit some big moves, Brock kicked out, and ended up defeating me after a backbreaker. If it were a real match, it would have put A-Ry over huge just to hang on for that long and keep getting up.

We've been playing Universe mode "as is", not editing anything so far. When I get it for the Wii myself, I've decided I'm going to play around with it a bit, and use it to try and push Husky Harris to the World Title.

We've been playing pretty much every match - skipped a couple of Divas matches because they kept putting the same two or three people against each other, and skipped a Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd match because we'd already had the exact same match the previous week on Superstars.

Storyline-wise, Brock came out as a mystery opponent for John Cena on the first RAW, beat up Alex Riley on Superstars, then was a mystery opponent for The Undertaker on Smackdown. He's now involved in a feud with Alex Riley, while going after Randy Orton for the World Title. Alberto Del Rio is feuding with Rey Mysterio and Kane over the WWE Title, Santino is feuding with David Otunga on Superstars, Jack Swagger is feuding with John Cena after my girlfriend, as Swagger, got herself DQ'd hitting him with a chair. Miz had a mystery tag team partner for a match against Cena and Punk, who turned out to be R-Truth, so they're a team now.

Twice now someone has been hurt after a match, and Natalya has run out to console them. First Tyson Kidd, then Beth Phoenix.

Favourite person to play as, so far, has probably been William Regal. He's an absolute beast. Had a hell of a match against The Undertaker, and absolutely destroyed Ezekiel Jackson.

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I think my favourite part of playing as Regal is that I spent the whole match against Zeke grinding him down, working on the legs, trying to set him up for the Regal Stretch...then just thought "fuck it", threw him into the steps, did that bad-ass boot to the head outside the ring while they're lying on the apron, dragged him back out, slammed his head into the guard-rail, Power Of The Punch, then rolled him back up and fucking killed him with a Regalplex. It was beautiful.

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I loved throwing people around in Sheamus' RTWM whenever I'd get to control Regal.

I just had Barrett and Cole attack Randy Orton in my Universe, so I threw Regal with them just for laughs; but they're actually a pretty good team. They won the tag belts recently, beating Arn Anderson and Vader for the belts (they held them despite only being teamed up so I could get my useless tag belts off of current teams)... but I'm thinking that I might bring Arn and Vader onto the main shows.

Another person I love using is Mark Henry, if only because it just feels awesome to see someone stretchered out when they took two consecutive World's Strongest Slams.

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Also I agree with whoever said Alex Riley is well thought of by the developers. Royal Rumble Final 4 of Rey, Alberto, Sheamus and Riley and Riley won.

To be fair, at the time the game was being developed, Riley had become inexplicably over and looked on his way to a major push. They were probably taking a gamble at making him seem a slightly bigger deal than he was at the time.

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Is there a list anywhere of all the contextual stuff you can do and how you trigger it?

Or a list of signature moves/locations?

Also, I am terrible at CAW mode. No matter my intention, I always, always, ALWAYS come out with the same looking dude I've made for the past ten years. Palette swap at best >_>

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Things that have happened in my Universe mode so far:

Brock returned and attacked Riley after his match on Superstars

Christian turned face after beating Edge with Ziggler coming down to attack Edge after the match only for Christian to save Edge

Beth Phoenix/Natalya seem to be feuding with Kelly Kelly

I injured Daniel Bryan with Cody Rhodes after interfering in his match with Mark Henry attacking both guys, got the Daniel Bryans career seems to be over message

Oh interfered in HHH/Miz match, beat the crap out of HHH with R-Truth and for some reason it had HHH pin The Miz so now HHH/R-Truth are allies....silly game

Changed Superstars into NXT, was going to go with Heat and download an arena but the WWE servers are wank.

Is there a way to vacate titles cause for some reason it has Alberto Del Rio coming out with the WWE Attitude title and the WWE Title even though i'm pretty sure I vacated the titles that I didn't want in my Universe mode

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My Four Horsemen imploded for Mania XXVIII.

Ace Andrews won the Rumble, and went on to challenge Miz (who retained his WHC at Elimination Camber) for Mania. Vader sided with Ace, Arn sided with Miz.

And at Mania XXVIII Ace Andrews def. The Miz © 6 - 2 in a 15 min Iron Man match to claim his first ever World Heavyweight Title.

Kinda hard to see who the Face is in this scenario, as it seems more to be a Heel/Heel split, but I'm happy anyway :D

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Yeah, Kane's Missile Dropkick threw me off too.

Regarding interference, I haven't done a run-in myself yet, but they've seemed fairly strange. CM Punk ran in on John Cena/Brock Lesnar, hung around at ringside a bit until I (Cena) hit him, and then he walked off. That pretty much seems to be the pattern. Kane ran in on Brock/Undertaker, and just hung about not doing anything. The only person who seems to have done anything was Sin Cara, who ran in on Daniel Bryan/Sheamus, and kept distracting the ref whenever Bryan was getting pinned.

Which reminds me, I suck at kicking out of pins, and my girlfriend gets it practically every time.

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I officially love playing as Sheamus, his Brogue Kick is boss.Drew's Future Shoc is swish too.

Universe mode - Wade Barrett has gone from a feud with Cena to a feud with Riley on Superstars... Pretty realistic then

Edited by zrc
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How do you select a competitor in the Rumble match again? I let it start without selecting anyone; can you still jump in and pick someone?

Anyway, best WWE game in years so far. More thoughts to come, but I'm enjoying this a fair bit so far.

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What difficulty do you guys play on? I'm playing on legend, purely because I've won every match on hard and seem to be kicking out of every pin, so yeah, what difficulty?

And the game feels wicked so far, very good. Just want a competitive difficulty

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