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Battlefield 3


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Well - reviews have pretty much confirmed for me that the single player is pretty, but rather empty and way to linear and RTE based. I also know that if I pick this up, everyone I know will eschew it for Skyrim in a few weeks anyways.. so eh.

Already got Skyrim paid off and not into CoD so this is going to stay in my collection like Gears is going to for a long time as I know its going to still have a good community left after the quick trade ins.

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I checked out "can you run this" or whatever it is, and as per usual, all my specs are high, and everything is fine, but for my video card, it says its not. It then gives the breakdown, and everything is well above what is needed for the video card, and it is all ticked green. Anyone have any ideas?

But this comes out thursday here, and my mate wants me to get it. I probably will.

Certain games I have do the same. I risked it, because like you, the break down of the video card was good enough, and it worked just fine. It's normally just because they can't guarantee it works with all models.

I downloaded the new drivers for my card, and one of the fixes was for BF3

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I got my BF3 last night and played for about 4 hours. Absolutely amazing game! The maps are big (not too big though) and well suited for the vehicles in the game. Seems to move faster than BC2. I know I will be playing this game for a long time regularly.

If anyone is curious the actual game runs much better on PS3 than it did in the Beta.

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I got used to the controls after playing for a while. I've never played Battlefield before, but I saw that once your team gets cornered, that's pretty much it. My team would dominate another team in the metro map, leaving them stuck at their original base in Capture, and for the most part only a person or two would run through, but not enough to cause damage.

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I got used to the controls after playing for a while. I've never played Battlefield before, but I saw that once your team gets cornered, that's pretty much it. My team would dominate another team in the metro map, leaving them stuck at their original base in Capture, and for the most part only a person or two would run through, but not enough to cause damage.

And yeah - this is another thing that has turned me off from online shooters. Seems that most games these days end up doing this, and it's a pain in the ass because no matter how good you are a lousy team will end up ruining any chance of you having a decent round.

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I got used to the controls after playing for a while. I've never played Battlefield before, but I saw that once your team gets cornered, that's pretty much it. My team would dominate another team in the metro map, leaving them stuck at their original base in Capture, and for the most part only a person or two would run through, but not enough to cause damage.

And yeah - this is another thing that has turned me off from online shooters. Seems that most games these days end up doing this, and it's a pain in the ass because no matter how good you are a lousy team will end up ruining any chance of you having a decent round.

This is true but there are ways around this. Go off and help your team by spotting so they can see who is coming around the corner before actually seeing them. This is something most people fail to do when pinned back.

Also grenades work wonders in helping clear an area.

The biggest problem is people don't know how to use each class or how to work as a team. Most people called them COD players because it plays completely different. Something that works in COD won't work in BF and vice versa.

If you play it for a bit and don't like it return it. I think Battlefield is the best FPS on the market though.

You don't get knifed from 10 feet away. If you aren't a very accurate shooter you can be effective in other ways like driving/piloting, medic, repairing vehicles, and other ways. So I feel this is a better rounded game.

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I got used to the controls after playing for a while. I've never played Battlefield before, but I saw that once your team gets cornered, that's pretty much it. My team would dominate another team in the metro map, leaving them stuck at their original base in Capture, and for the most part only a person or two would run through, but not enough to cause damage.

And yeah - this is another thing that has turned me off from online shooters. Seems that most games these days end up doing this, and it's a pain in the ass because no matter how good you are a lousy team will end up ruining any chance of you having a decent round.

This is true but there are ways around this. Go off and help your team by spotting so they can see who is coming around the corner before actually seeing them. This is something most people fail to do when pinned back.

Also grenades work wonders in helping clear an area.

The biggest problem is people don't know how to use each class or how to work as a team. Most people called them COD players because it plays completely different. Something that works in COD won't work in BF and vice versa.

If you play it for a bit and don't like it return it. I think Battlefield is the best FPS on the market though.

You don't get knifed from 10 feet away. If you aren't a very accurate shooter you can be effective in other ways like driving/piloting, medic, repairing vehicles, and other ways. So I feel this is a better rounded game.

If you're not a great shooter, you probably aren't going to be enjoying a shooting game no matter what role you play.

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Worse case scenario is when there is a really good pilot on the other team, and noobs keep stealing the air vehicles on your team...

Very true statement. Although there is only 1 way to get better and that is to practice. Either way I stay away from jets and helicopters usually. Rarely drive tanks too. Im ground assault usually depending on what others are in my squad.

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Well - reviews have pretty much confirmed for me that the single player is pretty, but rather empty and way to linear and RTE based. I also know that if I pick this up, everyone I know will eschew it for Skyrim in a few weeks anyways.. so eh.

Fitzy and myself (and likely Good Eddie and Rocksta) will be getting Modern Warfare 3....so if you want a FPS game.....

And we played Black Ops for months! So it won't completely vanish when Skyrim comes.

Are you guys doing this on 360 or PS3? (I forget what systems everyone has). Because if there will actually be people to play MW3 with on PS3 then I'll get it for when I take a brief Skyrim break every now and then.

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Well - reviews have pretty much confirmed for me that the single player is pretty, but rather empty and way to linear and RTE based. I also know that if I pick this up, everyone I know will eschew it for Skyrim in a few weeks anyways.. so eh.

Fitzy and myself (and likely Good Eddie and Rocksta) will be getting Modern Warfare 3....so if you want a FPS game.....

And we played Black Ops for months! So it won't completely vanish when Skyrim comes.

Are you guys doing this on 360 or PS3? (I forget what systems everyone has). Because if there will actually be people to play MW3 with on PS3 then I'll get it for when I take a brief Skyrim break every now and then.


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Well - reviews have pretty much confirmed for me that the single player is pretty, but rather empty and way to linear and RTE based. I also know that if I pick this up, everyone I know will eschew it for Skyrim in a few weeks anyways.. so eh.

Fitzy and myself (and likely Good Eddie and Rocksta) will be getting Modern Warfare 3....so if you want a FPS game.....

And we played Black Ops for months! So it won't completely vanish when Skyrim comes.

Are you guys doing this on 360 or PS3? (I forget what systems everyone has). Because if there will actually be people to play MW3 with on PS3 then I'll get it for when I take a brief Skyrim break every now and then.



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Well - reviews have pretty much confirmed for me that the single player is pretty, but rather empty and way to linear and RTE based. I also know that if I pick this up, everyone I know will eschew it for Skyrim in a few weeks anyways.. so eh.

Fitzy and myself (and likely Good Eddie and Rocksta) will be getting Modern Warfare 3....so if you want a FPS game.....

And we played Black Ops for months! So it won't completely vanish when Skyrim comes.

Are you guys doing this on 360 or PS3? (I forget what systems everyone has). Because if there will actually be people to play MW3 with on PS3 then I'll get it for when I take a brief Skyrim break every now and then.



I'll be getting it on PS3 and playing a lot.

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