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WWF 2002


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Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler

Date: 28th January, 2002

Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky

The show opens up with the tradition WWF RAW theme music and the impressive pyro display, whilst a video recap of the events from Smackdown! plays. We see The Big Show defeating Chris Jericho - despite Y2J’s use of the Undisputed Title Belt, as well as Mr. Perfect aiding Kurt Angle in his victory over “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Jim Ross: “Welcome to Monday Night RAW everybody! Thank you for joining us here in Lexington, Kentucky for what promises to be an explosive night!”

The King: “That’s right JR! What a HUGE main event we have in store, a 6-man tag featuring the top superstars in the WWF!”

Jim Ross: “Not only that, but D’Lo Brown and Lance Storm will team up to take on The Hardy Boys! But we kick things off right now, with Val Venis taking on Justin Credible!”

Val Venis vs. Justin Credible

Val Venis makes his way out first and does his usual dance, throwing the towel that was wrapped around his waist into the audience. Credible makes his way out taunting and trash-talking the fans, pretending to high-five them but then moving his hand out of the way. The match gets underway and the two lock up in the centre of the ring, but it doesn’t last for long as Credible breaks it up and begins laying into Val with right hands. Venis gets a block in and unloads with some fists of his own, sending Credible back into the ropes. Val whips him off the opposite set of ropes and hits an Inverted Atomic Drop on Justin, before turning him inside out with a vicious Clothesline!

Val with a cover, but Credible kicks out on two. Val stomps on Justin before pulling him up and sending him into the ropes again, but this time Credible avoids his assault and bounces off the ropes, before dropping Val with a Flying Forearm to the head! The two quickly get back up and begin trading blows, with neither man able to gain the advantage. However, a quick thumb to the eye of Val from Justin changes that, followed up by a Stalling Vertical Suplex from Justin Credible.

Quickly into a headlock on Venis goes Credible as he looks the wear his opponent down. The crowd begin to get behind Val and Justin immediately releases the hold, before soccer-kicking Venis right in his lower-back! Val screams in pain as Credible smiles cockily, before dragging Val up to his feet. Justin signals for the That’s Incredible, but before he can set Val up for the move he gets knocked backwards with a punch from Val! Another soon follows, and another, before Val hits a neckbreaker on Credible! Venis quickly jumps to the top rope and goes for the Money Shot, but there’s nobody home as Credible rolls out of the way! Val gets up clutching his ribs, only to get hit with the That’s Incredible! Justin covers, and gets the three count!

Winner: Justin Credible

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Justin celebrates his win a he makes his way up the ramp, whilst the referee attends to Val Venis.

Jim Ross: “An impressive win there for Justin Credible, after the That’s Incredible on Val Venis!”

The King: “Val should’ve known better than to go up top without wearing his opponent down first JR!”

Jim Ross: “You’d be hard pressed to find someone who’d disagree with you there, King.”

The People’s Champion

IF YA SMELL! The fans erupt as The Rock’s music erupts over the P.A System, and The People’s Champion makes his way to ringside! Rocky walks down the ramp wearing a Smackdown! Hotel t-shirt, and a pair of sunglasses. He climbs the steps and goes through the ropes before producing a microphone from his pocket.

The Rock: “FINALLY... The Rock, has come BACK to Kentucky!”

The fans pop for Rocky mentioning their towns’ name.

The Rock: “Ya’ know word around the back is that at No Way Out... February 17th, The Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho will be defending his title against the man that pinned him cleanly on Smackdown!, The Big Show!”

The fans cheer at Jericho having to defend against Show.

The Rock: “However, The Rock wants to know this. Where does this leave The Rock? The man who was SCREWED out of the title at the Royal Rumble... and the man that Chris Jericho seems incapable of leaving alone. So The Rock wants whoever’s in charge this week to march themselves to this ring right now, and tell the People’s Champion just what you’re gonna’ do.

Rocky waits, but nothing happens.

The Rock: “C’mon, The Rock hasn’t got all day!”

NO CHANCE! hits the speaker system, and the fans begin to boo and jeer as Vince McMahon struts cockily down the ramp, with a huge grin on his face. He clambers into the ring and takes a mike from Lillian Garcia, before turning back to face Rocky in the center of the ring.

Vince McMahon: “So Rock, you wanna’ know what I’m gonna’ do?”

Rocky nods.

Vince McMahon: “OK, then I’ll tell ya’. Absolutely NOTHING!”

Vince laughs, the fans boo, and The Rock begins yelling at Vince.

Vince McMahon: “Whoa, hold no there. You didn’t let me explain. I’m not gonna’ do anything because I like you, Rock.”

The Rock looks surprised.

Vince McMahon: “Oh yeah. I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but I’ve always liked you. And that’s why I’m not going to give you a title shot, or even a chance at earning a title shot. Because, then, it’ll be game over for The Rock. The second you get anywhere near Chris Jericho and that title, you’ll be struck down! Poison always goes for the vital organs, Rock. If I give you what you want, you’ll become the most vital of them all!”

The Rock: “So let The Rock get this straight. You aren’t gonna’ give The Rock a title shot, to protect him?”

Vince nods.

The Rock: “Well gee Vince, that’s the biggest load of bullsh*t I’ve heard in my life!”

The fans erupt, but Vince remains calm.

The Rock: “The Rock knows you Vince. You may think that The Rock is dumb but believe me... BE-LIEVE ME, The Rock is not dumb! The Rock knows what you’re up to. The Rock knows why you don’t want him to face Chris Jericho. It’s because you know that The Rock could whoop that sum-bitches ass this way, that way, over here over there AN-Y-WHERE!”

Rock gets nose-to-nose with Vince, who now looks mightily angry.

Vince McMahon: “OK Rock, if this is the way you want to play then I’ll do it! At No Way Out it’ll be The Rock taking on the 7 feet tall, 500 pound giant; The Big Show! And the winner of that match will then go onto face Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Title.. that VERY SAME NIGHT!”

Jim Ross: “Can you believe that King!? The Rock will have to go through the Big Show before he can even face Chris Jericho!”

The King: “Well, Vince told him he didn’t wanna’ play that game.”

Vince McMahon: “But that’s not all Rock. This Thursday you’ll be also be in action. It’s gonna’ be The Rock going one on one with the man they call... VADER!”

Jim Ross: “WHAT!? Vader, on Smackdown!? I don’t believe it King!”

The Rock looks stunned, when suddenly, he gets knocked down by a blow from behind! The fans begin to boo as Chris Jericho drills his title belt into the back of The Rock’s head, before whipping him across the back! Vince gets a few cheap shots in, before Jericho grabs Rocky’s legs and applies the Walls of Jericho!

Vince McMahon: “And if anyone even thinks of coming out to help The Rock, I’ll fire them on the spot!”

Vince gets down in the face of The Rock, who is now screaming in agony, and tells him that he told him so. Eventually, Rock passes out from the pain and Jericho breaks the hold before heading backstage. However, not before he has given Vince a dirty look.

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Commercial Break

We come back from the break at the announcers table, where both Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler looked very unhappy.

Jim Ross: “Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, and if you’ve just joined us then you missed a brutal and callous attack on The Rock by Chris Jericho and Vince McMahon.”

The King: “What we just saw was an example of Vince – and Jericho’s power, The Rock was completely unconscious!”

Jim Ross: “We can inform you that The Rock has been taken to a nearby medical facility, but we’ll continue to update you whenever we can.”

Flair has an Announcement

Suddenly, the music of Ric Flair hits and the co-owner of the WWF makes his way to ringside! The fans seem to have forgotten about what just happened to The Rock, as they scream and cheer for Flair. Ric gets into the ring and takes a mike from Lillian, before heading back to the centre of the ring.

Ric Flair: “If Vince McMahon want to abuse his power, booking Tha’ Rock in a match against Vader on Smackdown!, then Ric Flair can do exactly the same! Whoo! This Thursday night, it’s gonna’ be Chris Jericho taking on an opponent of my choosing, and the Undisputed title WILL be on the line!”

The fans respond with a mix of cheers and “Whoo’s!”, before allowing Flair to carry on.

Ric Flair: “But onto the matter at hand, which is tha’ situation regarding the tag team titles! This past week on Smackdown, The Dudley Boyz stole the belts after assaulting Spike Dudley and Tazz. And up next, D’Lo Brown and Lance Storm take on The Hardy Boys, to decide who gets a title shot at No Way Out! So, at No Way Out, I propose a 3-way, tornado tag team match! The winners of the upcoming match will take on the winners of a match between The Dudley Boyz and the APA, as well as the winners of Billy and Chuck versus Kai En Tai!”

The fans cheer as Ric drops the mike and heads to the back, so the next match can get underway!

OR: 100

Jim Ross: “Well, Ric Flair has just announced a mini-tournament for the tag team ti... hey, wait a second, what’s this!?”

“Drop the Bombshell” hits, and the ‘tag team champions’ hit the ramp, before joining The King and Jim Ross at ringside! The two put head gear on, and are obviously there to colour commentate on the upcoming match.

The King: “Look at this JR! What an honour! But guys, I gotta’ ask you... where’s Stacy!?”

Bubba: “She’s in the back, looking after OUR title tag team titles!”

Jim Ross: “YOUR tag team titles! You stole them from Tazz and Spike – the rightful tag team champions!”

Bubba: “You’d better shut up and show us the respect we deserve JR, or it’ll be your ass being thrown off the stage!”

The King: “Yeah JR, shut up!”

Tension Already?

As The Dudleyz and JR continue to argue, D’Lo Brown makes his way out before awaiting the arrival of his tag team partner Lance Storm. He doesn’t get quite what he expected. Lance comes out decked from head to do in a long fur coat, a load of gold jewellery around his neck and a pair of sunglasses on. He struts down the ramp and gets in the ring, seemingly unaware of the fact that everyone is laughing at him. D’Lo, who now has a mike, looks horrified.

D’Lo Brown: “What the hell are you wearing!?”

Lance Storm: “Why? Do you like it? Because if you want some then I’m sure the Godfather can sort you out, at a reasonable price as we...”

D’Lo Brown: “SHUT UP! Just shut up you moron! Take all that crap off, we’ve got a match!”

Lance Storm: “Take a chill pill, brother. We all wear this, in tha’ hood!”

D’Lo slaps Lance, knocking the sunglasses off his face. Lance looks like he’s going to retaliate, but the two are interrupted by Matt and Jeff Hardy, who assault the ring!

D’Lo Brown & Lance Storm vs. The Hardy Boyz

Within seconds, Storm is just in his wrestling gear after being attacked by Matt, whilst Jeff goes after D’Lo. The referee struggles to retain control as Matt and Jeff work over D’Lo and Lance in opposite corners, before attempting an Irish Whip into one another! However, D’Lo and Storm manage to stop themselves, only to turn back into tandem dropkicks from The Hardy Boyz! D’Lo rolls to the outside and Jeff heads onto the apron, and finally the referee has order. Matt covers Lance but only gets a two, and Lance crawls until he reaches the ropes, pulling himself up. Matt whips him into the ropes and drops him a Clothesline on the rebound, before making the tag to Jeff. Jeff immediately heads to the top rope and waits for Lance to get up, before hitting an elevated Cross-Body onto Storm, who rolls through! Jeff manages to kick out just before the count of three, and the two men pull themselves up.

Jeff goes for a dropkick but Storm avoids contact, before hitting a dropkick of his own on! He scrambles to his corner and makes the tag to D’Lo, who is quick to pull Jeff right away from Matt. He locks in a chinlock on Jeff, and the referee drops down to check on the condition of the young Hardy. D’Lo keeps yelling at the ref to “check him,” but every time Jeff refuses to tap. However, it looks as if Jeff has passed out from the pain, so the referee lifts him arm! It drops straight back down to the mat, and does the same a second time. Matt works up the crowd who begin to clap in unison showing their support for Jeff, who manages to keep his arm raised on the third time of asking! Slowly, Jeff begins to fight his way up, and gets a couple of punches in to D’Lo’s head. However, that doesn’t break the hold, so he drops down with a Jawbreaker! D’Lo bounces backwards clutching his jaw, before rolling to the outside. Lance goes down to check on his partner, who doesn’t seem to want his help.

Bubba: “These are the one of the teams that we could be facing at No Way Out, huh? These titles are as good as ours.”

Bubba laughs whilst D’Lo and Lance continue to argue on the outside, oblivious to the face that Jeff is poised on the top rope! The two turn just as Jeff launches himself off, taking both men out with a HUGE cross body! As all three men lie on top of each other, Matt slowly makes his way around to check on his brother Jeff. As Matt pulls Jeff up, he gets into an argument with Bubba Dudley, who calls him all sorts of things. Eventually Matt and Jeff are in the ring, whilst D’Lo and Lance pull themselves up. D’Lo slides under the bottom rope and Lance climbs back onto the apron, as Jeff makes the tag to Matt. He pulls D’Lo into the corner and strikes him with two or three right hands, before placing him on the top rope. The fans begin to stir as Matt climbs up, positioning himself for a Frankensteiner! He jumps up and wraps his legs around D’Lo’s head before falling backwards, but D’Lo stops him, pulls him back up and drives him straight down to the mat with a Powerbomb, all the way from the top rope!

Matt arches has back before rolling onto his stomach, whilst D’Lo takes a moment to regain his breath. Slowly the two manage to crawl to their corners, looking to make the tags to their fresh – but still weary partners. They both make the tag at roughly the same time, and Lance and Jeff both get into the ring. They meet in the center and begin to exchange punches, but Jeff quickly grabs the legs out from underneath Storm, before planting a double-legged dropkick straight into Storm’s groin! Jeff heads straight to the top rope, but Lance grabs the referee and throws him into the ropes, crotching Jeff on the top turnbuckle! Lance gets to his feet and walks towards Jeff and climbs up onto the second turnbuckle, before hitting a Superplex! Lance gets back to his feet, but is taken out of the ring by a vicious Clothesline from Matt Hardy, which takes him over the top rope as well! As the two brawl on the floor outside, D’Lo slowly mounts the turnbuckle with Jeff still lying prone in the ring, before flying back down to the mat, hitting the Lo down on Jeff! The referee makes the three count, sending D’Lo and Lance Storm to No Way Out!

Winners: D’Lo Brown & Lance Storm

The King: “What a great victory for Lance Storm and D’Lo JR! They overcame their differences to win the match, and a shot at your titles!”

Jim Ross: “But D’Lo wasn’t the legal man! They didn’t deserve to win!”

The King: “That’s the referee’s fault, right Bubba? Hey, wait a second, where did he go!”

As they argued, they had fail to see Bubba and D-Von get up from the announcers table and head into the ring, throwing Matt into it on their way! D’Lo and Lance slowly head to the back, whilst Bubba and D-Von stalk Jeff, before hitting the 3D! The two look the be finished, but Bubba turns and pushes D-Von backwards, before telling him to get the tables!

They slide to the outside and reach around under the ring - pulling out a wooden table; before sliding it under the bottom rope. They set it up in the middle of the ring before pulling Matt up, and whilst D-Von whips him into the ropes Bubba goes to the other side of the table, before 3D-ing Matt straight through the wood! Bubba and D-Von celebrate surrounded by shards of wood, before beginning to head backstage, as RAW goes to another break.

OR: 79

Commercial Break.

An American Idol

We come back to WWF RAW and go straight to the interview set where Kurt Angle is standing by with Sharmell Sullivan.

Sharmell: “Kurt, tonight you team up with Chris Jericho and Mr. Perfect to take on Triple H, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and the Big Show. Now, ever since the Royal Rumble, you’ve had some problems with The Game. How do you feel about the possibility of stepping into the ring with him tonight?”

Kurt Angle: “You know what Sharmell? I’m sick and damn tired of everyone me questions about Triple H. I’m an American Idol. I represented this country at the 1996 Olympics and won a gold medal. What has Triple H done for his country? I’ll tell you what – about as much as Stone Cold and The Big Show have. Absolutely nothing. When I was fighting some of the world’s top athletes with a broken neck, where was Triple H?”

Sharmell shrugs, as if to say that she doesn’t know.

Kurt Angle: “I don’t know either, which says a lot about our friend Triple H, doesn’t it? However, Hunter claims to be ‘The Game’. Now I don’t know what kinda’ game he is, but Triple H, I know you’re listening.”

Kurt turns away from Sharmell and looks into the camera.

Kurt Angle: “I’m challenging you to a match at No Way Out. And if I win, then you give up your title shot at Wrestlemania, and hand it to me instead.”

Sharmell buts in.

Sharmell: “And if you lose?”

Kurt Angle: “Huh?”

Sharmell: “What happens if you lose?”

Kurt Angle: “You actually think that Kurt Angle – the Olympic Gold Medallist – is going to lose to some quad-tearing moron? Please.”

Kurt “ppff’s” before brushing past Sharmell, back towards his lockeroom.

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Jim Ross: “Well Kurt Angle has just issued a challenge to Triple H for No Way Out – with The Game’s title shot at Wrestlemania on the line!”

The King: “I bet that Triple H refuses JR, he knows that he won’t be able to beat Kurt!”

Rob Van Dam © vs. Stevie Richards: Hardcore Title

“One of a Kind” hits the speaker system, and the WWF Hardcore Champion makes his way down to ringside! Rob does his usual thumb-taunt before getting into the ring, whilst he awaits his opponent; Steven Richards. However, instead of Richards’ music playing, the opening chords to “Voodoo Child” plays, and the fans erupt!

Jim Ross: “I don’t believe it King!! It’s, it’s...”

Steven Richards steps out onto the ramp, decked out from head-to-toe in Hulkster attire, playing the air guitar!

Jim Ross: “It’s that damn Steven Richards, what an idiot.”

The fans begin to boo as Richards struggles to step over the top rope as he gets into the ring, before taking the mike from Lillian. In his best Hogan-style voice, he begins to speak.

Stevie “Hulk” Richards: “I hope all you Hulkamaniacs have been taking your Vitamins and saying your prayers, because the Hulkster is back brothers!”

Van Dam looks on amused, as Stevie continues.

Stevie “Hulk” Richards: “After all these years of waiting your hero Hulk Hogan has finally comeback to the WWF! And tonight, the Hulkamaniacs is gonna’ run wild throughout Kentucky, as the Hulkster wins the Hardcore Title from Rob Van Dam!”

Stevie drops the mic and removes his sunglasses as well as his yellow and red boa, placing them in the corner. The bell rings, and the match is finally underway. Stevie catches the bemused RVD unawares and quickly knocks him down with a slightly modified ‘Big’ Boot, before doing the Hogan cup-ear taunt. It doesn’t work as Richards seems oblivious to the boos and jeers of the crowd, as he hits a Leg Drop on Van Dam! He covers, but RVD kicks out straight away. Richards tries again, but Rob kicks out almost immediately again.

Richards goes for a third Leg Drop, but Van Dam hops to his feet and knocks Stevie down with a Spinning Heel Kick! Van Dam follows it up with the Rolling Thunder on Richards, before heading to the top rope and hitting a Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam covers and doesn’t even bother to hook the legs, getting the three count!

Winner and Still Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam

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RVD raises his title in the air as he heads back up the ramp, and the referee checks on Richards.

The King: “I bet RVD wouldn’t have been able to beat the real Hulk Hogan that quickly, JR. Steven Richards is a clown.”

Jim Ross: “I hate to say it but I agree with you King.”

All in Goodwill

To the backstage area again, and this time we see the Intercontinental Champion William Regal talking to a young fan.

William Regal: “... now the key to hitting a strong punch is getting all your weight behind it. Just ask Edge what it feels like to be hit by a punch as hard as mine.”

Regal stops as he gets a tap on the shoulder, from none other than Ric Flair!

William Regal: “Aaah Mr. Flair, how lovely it is to see you! I trust you’re well?”

Ric Flair: “Oh I’m fine William, at least now I am.”

Flair smiles.

William Regal: “Oh, and why’s that?”

Ric Flair: “Well Regal, it’s like this. Last week on RAW you cheated Edge out of the Intercontinental Title, and that upset me. In fact, it upset me so much that I’ve put you in a match tonight against Edge!”

Regal looks horrified.

Ric Flair: “But it gets better. Now, I’ll be watching the match in my office, and if I see you so much as reach for a pair of Brass Knuckles then I’ll be in that ring faster than you can say Queen Elizabeth! And do you know what I’ll do?”

Regal, nervously, shakes his head.

Ric Flair: “I’ll award the match – at the title – to Edge! Now if I were you, I’d go and get ready – because your match is next!”

Regal tries to protest but Flair ignores him as he turns his attention to the fan, who had been standing there the whole time. Regal thinks about complaining some more but stops himself, before turning and walking away!

OR: 100

Jim Ross: “Can you believe that King!? William Regal defends his Intercontinental Title against Edge; next!”

RAW goes to another set of commercials, as Jerry Lawler protests at Flair “abusing his power.”

Commercial Break.

William Regal © vs. Edge: Intercontinental Title Match

We come back to RAW and Edge is already in the ring, whilst William Regal’s music has just started. As the champion appears, Jerry Lawler bitches about how unfair it is to make Regal defend his title against someone as unstable as Edge. Regal pulls the Intercontinental Title from around his waist and hands it to the referee, who gives it to Lillian Garcia. The referee proceeds to check both Regal and Edge for foreign objects, due to Regal’s continued use of the Brass Knuckles. Finally, the bell rings and the match is underway.

The two lock up and Regal quickly trips Edge putting him down on the mat, before going for a headlock. Edge rolls to the side to avoid Regal and quickly climbs back up to his feet, before entering another collar and elbow tie-up. This time it’s Edge who does the tripping sending William straight down to the mat, but he hops back up. Edge with a deep arm drag on Regal followed by another, and he holds onto the arm and applies an armbar. Regal wrenches the champs arm before slowly pulling him back to his feet, applying an arm-ringer and pulling Regal towards him, before connecting with a brutal-looking clothesline! Edge looks for another armbar but Regal wisely rolls out of the ring to relative safety, as Edge stays in the ring. Regal looks like he’s had enough and begins to walk back up the ramp, but doesn’t even get halfway as Edge slides out of the ring, and jumps Regal from behind! He pummels away on Regal’s head and back before leading back to the ring, sliding him under the rope. However, Edge doesn’t go in the same way as he climbs the steel steps and then goes straight to the top turnbuckle, balancing himself as Regal gets up.

Edge goes for a Cross Body and hits it almost perfectly, but the Intercontinental Champion rolls through into a cover, but Edge narrowly escapes before the count of three. The two get up to their feet and charge at each other, with Regal ducking a clothesline from Edge and then connecting with a knee to the sternum! He follows up with a pair of knees to Edge’s face, and then throws him down to the mat. Edge rolls over onto his back, and a close up shows blood trickling from his nose, which obviously came from the knees of William Regal. Another cover only gets a two-count once more, infuriating the champion. Suddenly, Vince McMahon appears at the top of the ramp, with a large grin on his face. Regal looks at him and Vince motions for him to carry on, so he turns back to Edge. However, Vince’s distraction has given Edge a way back into the match, and he takes it with an elbow to the stomach of Regal. The two trade a couple of punches in the middle of the ring, but Edge eventually blocks one and is able to take control. He goes for an Irish Whip but Regal puts the breaks on and spins himself around before charging at Edge, only to get caught with a Spear!

Edge quickly mounts Regal and pounds his forehead with punch after punch after punch, before the referee finally pulls him away. Edge points at Vince and yells something at him, before turning back to Regal looking to finish off what he started with a cover, but the champ kicks out on two! Edge can’t believe it, obviously thinking that the Spear would finish him off. But it didn’t, so Edge moves backwards into the corner and crouches down, signalling for William to get up.

The fans expect he’s going for second Spear, but as he charges the lights cut out! A few figures can be seen moving around in the ring, but it would be impossible to figure out who they are. A couple of loud “smack’s” are heard, and the lights stay out for a good minute and a half more. When they come back on, Regal is lying across Edge surrounded by blood, with both bleeding profusely from the foreheads. Vince, who now has a mike, orders the referee to make the count. He reluctantly follows, giving the ‘win’ to Regal!

Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion: William Regal

At the top of the ramp, Vince drops the mike which lands with a thud, and we see him mouth “this is only the beginning.” He laughs maniacally as he heads back out of sight, before a dozen or so staff sprint down to the ring.

OR: 77

Jim Ross: “Well King I’m in shock, I don’t know what to say.”

The King: “Whoever it was that turned the lights off, and assaulted Edge and William Regal has certainly made an impact – whoever they may be.”

Jim Ross: “Well I’m almost certain that Vince knows exactly who interfered King, why else would he be out here?”

The King: “Now don’t jump to conclusions JR, he might have been out here to enjoy the match!”

Main Event Hype

On the Titantron, we see clips of all 6-men who will be involved in tonight’s main event preparing for the match. Austin and Triple H meet in a hallway and head to the arena, whilst The Big Show makes his way to the ring alone. Meanwhile; Y2J, Kurt Angle and Mr. Perfect all walk down a hall together, before RAW goes into it’s final break of the night!

OR: 89

Commercial Break

Mr. Perfect, Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin, Triple H & The Big Show

We come back from a No Way Out advertisement, just as Kurt Angle makes his entrance. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises his arms as pyro’s go off behind him, before making his way down to the ring. Out next is Mr. Perfect, who struts down the ramp in his typical cocky manner, yelling at a couple of ringside fans. To complete the three-man team is the WWF Undisputed Champion, Y2J Chris Jericho. Jericho’s entrance takes the longest out of the three, and he barely has time to get in the ring before The Big Show begins his entrance! As Show walks down the ramp Jericho looks quite nervous, knowing that Big Show beat him on Smackdown! The fifth man to come out is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin who gets a massive pop from the Rupp Arena, as he doe his usual turnbuckle poses. Finally, “The Game” Triple H makes his way out, to perhaps the loudest pop of the night. With all the men finally in the ring, the referee rings the bell and starts the match.

It looks like it’s going to be The Big Show and Mr. Perfect to start off, as all the other four men exit the ring to their corners. Show and Perfect square up to one another in the middle of the ring, clearly exposing Perfect’s height disadvantage. However, he outsmarts the big man as he points to Triple H and Steve Austin in the corner, yelling for them to “stay the hell out of the ring!” The two look confused as Show turns round to see what’s going on, and Perfect drives his foot into the back of Show’s knee! It takes three more kicks to even make the Big Show keel over, allowing Perfect to apply a sleeper hold to Show. Perfect pushes his knee into the back of the Big Show to gain extra leverage, but it doesn’t take long for Show to start fighting back. He manages to get back to his feet, and then rams himself backwards into the turnbuckle, sandwiching Perfect between himself at the corner! The hold is immediately released, and Big Show delivers a few front-handed chops to Perfect, with each one sounding more brutal than the last. Big Show tosses Perfect down to the mat in the centre of the ring like a rag doll, before placing his foot on Hennig’s chest and stepping over, crushing the ribs of Mr. Perfect! Big Show goes for a cover but only just gets a two-count, so he brings in Steve Austin with a tag. Austin quickly pulls Perfect up and whips him into the ropes, taking him down with a big clothesline! Perfect gets back up to his feet quickly, but gets forced back into the corner with a couple of right hands from the Texas Rattlesnake. “Stone Cold” drives his shoulder into the mid-section of Perfect four times, before stomping a Mudhole in him! As the referee pulls Austin off of him Perfect rolls to the outside, but is met by a smiling Triple H! Austin distracts the referee allowing Hunter to bash Perfect’s head down against the ring apron, before rolling him into the ring.

Austin goes for the cover, but Perfect again kicks out at two. The Rattlesnake brings Perfect back up to his feet, but gets caught off-guard with a right-hand to the temple. Austin staggers backwards and Perfect follows it up with a flying shoulderblock, before finally making the tag! Jericho comes flying into the ring like a man possessed and quickly pulls Austin away from his corner, before putting the boots to him! Jericho whips Stone Cold off the ropes and kicks him in the gut on the rebound, before delivering a double-arm DDT to Stone Cold!

Jim Ross: “Double Arm DDT! This could be over right here folks!”

However, it isn’t as the resulting cover from Y2J only gets a two count – thanks to The Game’s interference. Jericho tells the referee to disqualify Triple H for interfering, but gets no joy whatsoever. To show his disgust, the Undisputed Champion gives the referee the finger before going back to Austin, who is now slowly getting up to his feet. Jericho climbs to the top rope, and as Austin turns around leaps off and hits him with a missile dropkick! Another cover from Y2J, but this time Austin escapes on his own just before the count of three. Jericho tags “The Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle in, who looks for the Ankle Lock right off the bat. Austin wraps his arms around the ropes before Angle can apply the hold, saving his ankle. Kurt pounds on Stone Cold’s back with a couple of forearms, before pulling him up by the neck. Angle goes behind with a waistlock and looks for a German Suplex, but Austin blocks it! Angle goes for another pair of forearms to loosen Austin up, and is able to hit a German Suplex! He keeps his arms locked and drags Steve up before hitting another German Suplex, eventually completing the trio with another, much less ‘impactful’ German. Kurt covers, but Stone Cold somehow gets his shoulder up just before the three! Kurt, frustrated, picks Austin up; but gets caught with a Stunner out of nowhere! Too tired to cover, Austin simply slumps down to the mat besides Kurt Angle, and looks unable to make the cover. The referee administers the ten-count, which seems to get both men stirring. The two make tags to Mr. Perfect and Triple H respectively, who both charge at each other once in the ring!

Triple H strikes first knocking Perfect down, followed up by a Clothesline to Jericho who gets into the ring! Hunter takes both out with Spinebusters, before Kurt Angle comes from behind with a shoulder to the knee! The Big Show gets into the ring and lifts Kurt up with a Gorilla Press, before throwing him all the way down to the mat outside! Show taunts Angle, but is quickly bundled over the top rope himself by both Chris Jericho and Mr. Perfect! Perfect turns around as Jericho slides to the outside and heads over to the announcers table, throwing the timekeeper aside and picking up his chair, snapping it shut! However, Jericho takes another chair and closes that one, before sliding it into the ring. He then makes his way round to the opposite side of the squared circle, getting into the ring, still with one chair in hand. Immediately, the referee blocks off Y2J’s route and tries to take the chair away from him, but Jericho won’t let him. Meanwhile, Perfect now has the other chair that Jericho got, and nails “Stone Cold” over the head with it! The Rattlesnake immediately rolls to the outside, whilst Mr. Perfect lines up Triple H. He swings the chair and connects with the skull of Hunter, resulting in a sickening ‘crack.’ Jericho quickly drops the chair and lets the referee turn back to the action, just in time to see Perfect cover HHH; 1... 2... 3!

Winners: Mr. Perfect, Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho

Jim Ross: “I don’t believe it King. Once again, these three have cheated their way to a victory over Stone Cold, The Big Show and Triple H.”

Jericho and Perfect waste no time in heading back up the ramp, but don’t notice Kurt Angle climbing back into the ring. He takes the chair Mr. Perfect used and wraps it around the Ankle of Triple H, before sliding back to the outside. He grabs a microphone from Lillian Garcia and then reaches under the ring, emerging with a Sledgehammer!

Jim Ross: “Oh my god King... he’s not gonna do what I think he is, is he!?”

Angle gets back into the ring slowly and kneels down, leaning over Triple H.

Kurt Angle: “Accept my damn challenge Hunter, or I’ll break your freakin’ Ankle!”

Angle holds the mike to HHH’s mouth, and a quiet “no” can be heard. Angle, disappointed, gets up and raises the Sledgehammer in the air, before bringing it down on the chair! Hunter screams in pain as Angle kneels back down, holding The Game’s head in place and pushing the microphone into his face again. This time, Hunter accepts Angle’s challenge, bringing a smile to the Olympic Gold Medallist’s face. Kurt drops the ‘hammer before looking back up the ramp, where his eyes meet Jericho’s. The two stare each other down as RAW goes off the air, realizing they could be facing one another at Wrestlemania.

OR: 84


Overall Rating: 83

Best Segment: All in Goodwill

Worst Segment: Justin Credible vs. Val Venis

Edited by Agent_Sm1th
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WWF Newsline

- RAWsome.com

RAW Rating & Notes

RAW finished with an overall rating of 6.69, down a full .43 from last week’s RAW.  There is no real explanation as to what has caused this fall in ratings since Smackdown! last Thursday, although it is still a long way before the ratings reach a dangerous point.

There is talk of separating The Dudley Boyz from Stacy Keibler in the coming weeks, as the general feeling backstage is that she is taking the attention away from Bubba and D-Von.  This week’s RAW segment, in which they appeared without Stacy, could well have been a test to see what kind of reaction they would get without Stacy.

The No Way Out card is now starting to take shape, with The Rock facing Big Show to decide who faces Chris Jericho later on in the night.  Triple H will go one on one with Kurt Angle, and The Game’s title shot at Wrestlemania will be on the line.  The final two teams to compete in the three-way for the tag team titles will be decided on Smackdown! this week, as the aforementioned Dudleyz face the APA, whilst Billy & Chuck take on Kai En Tai.

More Releases, Stevie Richards’ New Gimmick and More...

Earlier this morning, the following article was put up on wwf.com, announcing more releases from the company.

Talent Released from WWF

As of Tuesday 29th of January, the following workers have had their contracts terminated with immediate effect; Redd Dogg, Haku, Damon, Steve Bradley and Seven.  The WWF has not ruled out the possibility of us working with any of these superstars in the future, and wishes all five the best of luck in their future endeavours.

- Jim Ross

This cut could well be to accommodate more developmental signings, following on from the acquisitions of Jody Fleisch, American Dragon and Alexis Laree.

As we saw on RAW this week, Stevie Richards came out as Hulk Hogan. However, we do not expect this to be a one-off occurrence. We expect that Stevie will now play a copycat, coming down to the ring dressed and acting as various WWF legends. If you want to guess who we will see Stevie as next, head on over to the RAWsome.com forums to sign up!

Vader’s arrival in the WWF was hardly a surprise, as multiple web-sites including PowerWrestling.com and The Observer all reported that Vader would be returning to WWF programming. The staff here at RAWsome see Vader playing a bodyguard for Vince, whilst the whole nWo/poison angle is going on.

- RAWsome.com

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I've been reading this for the last half an hour or a bit less. Not sure exactly how long but any ways it's a good read and i'm enjoying the shows. One of the better parts of '02 was mister perfect's return( and of course jericho's title reign ), you better at the very least give the best damn intercontinental champion ever a IC title run! * shakes his fist *

RVD, dreamer, richards, storm and so many others i like getting pushes makes me a happy panda. And i love you( in a non-homosexual kind of way ) for bring back vader. Though i'm interested and some what worried what's gonna happen once nWo are brought in.

As for no way out i pray big show wins his match with rock. Just cause i've always liked the big man and i hope angle wins his match. Since if your gonna drop the belt to any one it should be them, not the gameah!!!1!!!1!11!!!11111!!!1!1!11


Besides the fact that angle and show can work well with alot of the main eventers and upper cards of that time. Where as rock though godly on the mic is hard to find a guy he can work well with. Same for the game.

Overall i give this diary a grade A- so far, would of gotten a A but i noticed a few minor spelling mistakes. But nothing that's a gigantic deal. Though not too sure if others will approve of you bring in american dragon for development. Ah well...* shrugs *

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WWF Smackdown!

Thursday 31st January

Four HUGE matches have already been announced for WWF SmackDown!, which comes to you from The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee! The Rock will go one on one with the man they call Vader in a match made by Vince McMahon! The Undisputed Title will also be on the line, as Chris Jericho takes on an opponent of Ric Flair’s choosing!

In the tag team division, The Dudley Boyz taken on The A.P.A whilst Billy & Chuck meet Kai En Tai! The winners of these two matches will compete in a triple threat match at No Way Out along with D’Lo Brown and Lance Storm, with the WWF Tag Team Titles on the line!

Don’t forget to tune into SmackDown!, as we’re just 17 days away from No Way Out – the final stop on the road to Wrestlemania!

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  • 2 weeks later...

WWF Smackdown

Date: January 31st 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler

Location: The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee

The Smackdown! video plays on the Titantron, slightly modified to fit this past weeks RAW. We see the trio of Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho and Mr. Perfect defeating Triple H, Steve Austin and The Big Show in a three on three tag match. We also see Kurt Angle force Triple H to make him accept Angle’s challenge, which was a match at No Way Out with Hunter’s ‘Mania title shot on the line! We fade back into the arena, and the camera begins it’s sweeping motion of the arena. Signs such as “Game Over” and “Y2Jackass” can be seen, before we go to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at the announcers table!

Michael Cole: “Hello everybody and welcome to Smackdown! Tonight, we have another double main event, as Chris Jericho faces an opponent of Ric Flairs’ choosing, whilst The Rock goes up against the man they call Vader!”

King: “I wonder who Ric Flair has chosen to face Chris Jericho!”

Michael Cole: “Well I can’t believe that Vader is coming back to the WWF, to face The Rock no less!”

Threats from the Champion

Cole and The King are cut off by the beginning of the Y2J countdown, which goes into “Break the Walls DOWN!” The fans boo and jeer as The Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho makes his way down the ramp, with the Undisputed Title wrapped around his waist. Before Jericho gets into the ring, he grabs a steel chair and throws it over the top rope, before setting it up in the centre of the ring. He then pulls a mike from his pocket, and begins pacing around the ring as he talks.

Chris Jericho: “Why don’t all you idiots sit down, shut up, and show me the respect I deserve!”

The fans ignore Jericho and boo even louder, angering Jericho.

Chris Jericho: “OK, fine. That’s how you wanna’ play?”

Jericho proceeds to spin around, giving each and every fan the finger! Now pleased with himself, Jericho smiles and nods, before beginning to speak again.

Chris Jericho: “Now that’s out of the way, lets get down to business. Tonight, in front of all you morons, right here in Jericho-land; our decrepit, feeble co-owner has taken it upon himself to put me in a match, with a mystery opponent!”

The fans cheer, knowing that Jericho’s talking about Flair.

Chris Jericho: “Well Ric, I guess you’re feeling great, huh? I bet that you’re sittin’ in the back, with that big stupid grin on you face, knowing that Jericho is gonna’ get his ass kicked, right?”

The fans cheer once more.

Chris Jericho: “WRONG! Ya’ see Ric, that’s not how it’s gonna’ go down. Instead, here’s what’s gonna’ happen. I’m going to sit myself down in this chair…”

Jericho points to the chair and then sits in it and gets comfy, before raising the mike again.

Chris Jericho: “… and I’m going to sit here until YOU grab hold of your Zimmer frame, make your way down to this ring, and CALL THE MATCH OFF! Otherwise, you’ll have no show Ric! Because I’m not leavin’ until I get what I want, dammit!”

It doesn’t take long for Flair’s music to hit, followed closely by the arrival of the man himself. He gets into the ring, already holding a mike, and soaks up the applause before speaking.

Ric Flair: “OK Chris, I’ll call off the match…”

Jericho, perhaps surprised at Flair giving in so quickly, looks surprised. However, he slowly begins to break into a smile whilst nodding his head.

Chris Jericho: “Well Ric, you’ve – finally – made a good decis…”

Ric cuts Y2J off.

Ric Flair: “Whoa, you didn’t let me finish. I’ll call off the match Chris… and then I’ll strip you of that title, and suspend you without pay for ONE YEAR!”

The fans erupt, as Jericho goes red in the face and gets up from his seat, kicking the chair out of the ring. He gets in Flair’s face and looks like he’s going to hit him. However, he quickly calms down, and re-gathers himself.

Chris Jericho: “Ric, you’ve just made the biggest mistake of your like. I hope you know what you’ve just done.”

Jericho begins to laugh as he climbs out of the ring and heads back up the ramp, without looking back. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Ric Flair stares at Jericho, not sure what to make of what he just said.

OR: 89

Rob Van Dam © vs. Tommy Dreamer: Hardcore Title Match

“The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer steps out from behind the curtain, equipped with a Singapore Cain, to a massive amounts of boos as the fans remember what Tommy did to The Hurricane on Heat. Out next is “The Whole F’n Show”, and the current Hardcore Champion ROB... VAN... DAM! RVD does his usual thumb taunt before entering the ring, where he hands the title to referee Jack Doan.

The bell rings and Dreamer immediately swings at Van Dam with the Cain, but misses as Rob quickly ducks out of the way. Van Dam unloads with a couple of stiff jabs to the face before bouncing back off the ropes, only to get caught with a big time Clothesline from Dreamer! RVD rolls to the outside and Tommy follows, bashing the champion’s head down against the guard rail. Dreamer begins searching underneath the ring, and emerges with a Garbage Can, full to the brim with weapons! Tommy throws the weapons into the ring before grabbing RVD and rolling him in under the bottom rope, quickly following. Tommy picks up a cookie sheet and lines Van Dam up, before bringing the metal sheet down straight across the top of the skull of Van Dam! Van Dam goes down onto his knees and Dreamer plays to the crowd – perhaps for a little to long as he turns round, and Rob bounces up and hits the tray into Tommy’s face with a Van Daminator!

Van Dam bounces off the ropes once more and rolls forwards looking for a Rolling Thunder, but Tommy raises his knees straight into the back of Van Dam! Rob falls off of Dreamer who folds him up with a pin, but RVD kicks out on two. Now back in the driver’s seat, Tommy picks himself up – along with a STOP sign from the ground, and places it no the back of Rob’s neck. He climbs to the second rope and leaps off with a Legdrop, straight into the sign! Dreamer goes for another cover, but RVD kicks out on two again! The fans cheer infuriating Dreamer, who pulls RVD up and holds him by the hair! He lays into his forehead with punch after punch after punch, and it isn’t long before blood is trickling down the face of RVD! Tommy, who’s wrist tape is now visibly covered with blood, picks up his Singapore Cain from earlier, and waits for Van Dam to get to his feet. As he does so, Tommy taunts to the crowd, before nailing RVD across the head! Van Dam stumbles around but doesn’t go down, so takes another EIGHT shots all over his upper body!

Dreamer, finally, drops the Cain and lifts Van Dam up across his shoulders, and drops him with the Spicolli Driver! Dreamer goes for another pin, but Van Dam gets the shoulder up just before the count of three! Tommy pulls Rob up to his feet but gets his hands pushed away, followed up by a two big punches to the head! Van Dam goes back off the ropes and then charges at Dreamer, only to get locked in a Sleeper Hold! Tommy wrenches his arm and repeatedly tells the referee to check Van Dam, who refuses to quit. It looks as if Van Dam is about to fade, but an “RVD!” chant fires him up, and he counters out with elbows to the mid-section of Dreamer! Rob breaks completely free and connects with a big roundhouse kick to the temple of Dreamer, knocking him down to the mat! Tommy crawls into the corner and RVD picks him up, before driving his head into Tommy’s sternum! Van Dam does a backflip and goes for a final, big elbow, but Tommy moves out of the way! However, RVD reacts quickly and jumps onto the second rope, before leaping off at Dreamer with a Cross Body into a cover; 1... 2... Kick out! Rob and Tommy get to their feet at the same time, and begin to exchange blows in the centre of the ring. Tommy takes control with a thumb to the eyes and boots RVD in the stomach, before setting him up for the Dreamer DDT! However, before he can hit the move Van Dam nails him with a Northern Lights Suplex, before getting up and jumping onto the top turnbuckle and nailing Tommy with a Five Star Frog Splash! RVD sells the impact before scurrying on top of Dreamer; 1... 2... 3!

Winner and Still Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam

Jack Doan hands RVD his Hardcore Title, and he does the thumbs taunt as the fans chant “Rob – Van – Dam.” Rob poses on each of the four turnbuckles before clambering out of the ring, and heading to the back!

OR: 74

Commercial Break.

The Bottom Line

We come back from the commercial break and a No Way Out preview, to see Mr. Perfect standing in the ring! Perfect has a microphone in his hand and is smiling confidently, despite the fans’ boos and “Asshole!” chant.

Mr. Perfect: “Steve Austin...”

The fans cheer at the mention of Stone Cold’s name.

Mr. Perfect: “Steve Austin, now YOU know what it’s like to be screwed over with a chair shot to the head! Ya’ see Steve, this past Monday Night; I outsmarted you. I out-foxed you. I showed all your moronic little fan base just how easy it is to put you down on the mat!”

Perfect soaks up the jeers before continuing.

Mr. Perfect: “But not only that, I defeated Triple H in the middle of the ring; one... two... three. I mean, that’s understandable n’all because, hey, I’m Perfect! But, what isn’t understandable is how I, the man who pinned the number one contender to the Undisputed Title, hasn’t been given even a chance to go to Wrestlemania!”

Perfect lowers the mic and shrugs his shoulders to enforce just how ridiculous he thinks it is, when suddenly, the Glass Shatters! The fans erupt as “Stone Cold” makes his way out onto the ramp, and wastes little time in getting into the ring! He does his usual all-corners taunt, before grabbing a mic from Lillian Garcia.

Steve Austin: “Before you get the wrong idea, I ain’t here to fight ya’.”

The fans, somewhat disappointed, begin to boo.

Steve Austin: “I just wanted ta’ come out here, and shake your hand.”

Mr. Perfect looks surprised, as do the fans.

Steve Austin: “Yeah, that’s right. I wanted to shake tha’ hand of tha’ man who embarrassed – humiliated Stone Cold Steve Austin!”

Stone Cold extends his arm and Perfect goes to except, but can’t help himself from speaking as he does so.

Mr. Perfect: “Well Steve, I’m glad you finally had a slice of Humble Pie, and...”

STUNNER! Stone Cold Stunner out of nowhere on Perfect! The fans all begin to cheer as Austin flies on top of Perfect, trash talking him and giving him the finger! Steve gets back up to his feet and takes his microphone, as he has something else to say.

Steve Austin: “Boy, if you want to fight Stone Cold, then you do it on Stone Cold’s terms! February Seventeenth; No Way Out; It’s gunna’ be Stone Cold Steven Austin versus Mr. Perfect... in a good old fashioned STREET FIGHT! Anything goes, falls count anywhere! And that’s the bottom line...”

The fans join in.

Steve Austin: “Cause’ Stone Cold SAID SO!”

The glass shatters once more and Austin signals for a couple of Steveweisers, which he is thrown and begins to down them over Mr. Perfect, who is still down and out on the mat!

OR: 84

Michael Cole: “What an event No Way Out is shaping up to be King! We already know that Chris Jericho will be in action, taking on either The Rock or the Big Show, who meet earlier on in the night! We also know that the Tag Team Titles will be on the line, as D’Lo Brown and Lance Storm take on either The Dudley Boyz or the A.P.A, as well as either Chuck and Billy or Kai En Tai!”

The King: “And as we’ve just seen, Stone Cold and Mr. Perfect will go one on one in a street fight! I can’t wait Cole!”

Billy & Chuck vs. Kai En Tai

TAKA Michinoku and Funaki make their way to the ring first, waving Japanese Flags on their way. They place the flags in their corner and then begin ‘testing the ropes’, whilst Billy and Chuck make their entrance. The two are typically flamboyant, slapping each other on the asses to wish each other luck. Taka and Funaki begin laughing hysterically at this which doesn’t go down to well with neither Billy nor Chuck, who rush Kai En Tai as the bell rings!

Chuck and Billy take Taka and Funaki to opposite corners, and begin working on them with punches to the head and kicks to the mid-section. They go for an Irish Whip which would’ve sent the two into each other, but Kai En Tai manage to reverse it and end up making Billy and Chuck collide, who turn round into dual dropkicks from the Japanese duo! TAKA and Funaki go for pins at the same time, but both Billy and Chuck kick out with authority. Funaki goes onto the apron and Chuck rolls to the outside, leaving Taka and Billy in the ring. Michinoku continues to stomp away on Billy eventually forcing him back into the corner, where he pulls himself up using the ropes. Taka digs into Billy with some vicious-sounding chops, leaving a bright red mark across the chest of Gunn! Taka grabs Billy and drags him over to his corner, making the tag to his partner. Funaki boots Billy in the ribs as Michinoku holding up his arm, and Gunn goes down to his knees. Funaki bounces of the ropes and charges at Billy, who springs to life and nearly takes Funaki’s head off with a brutal clothesline! Billy sends Funaki into the corner with an Irish Whip and follows it up with a running forearm to the face, before bringing him out of the corner with a Snapmare. Billy quickly goes down into a rear chokehold, whilst his partner Chuck cheers him on from the ring apron.

Taka begins to stomp and clap his feet to get the fans involved after a couple of minutes, and Funaki responds by slowly starting to pull himself up! Funaki breaks free with multiple elbows to the ribcage of Billy, before attempting a kick! Billy however grabs Funaki’s boot, but gets nailed with an Enziguiri! The two men slowly crawl to there corners, making the tags to their partners who both charge at each other! Taka ducks a clothesline attempt from Chuck and spins him around before connecting with a couple of kicks to the gut, followed up by a snap suplex followed up by a cover for a two-count! Taka stomps on Chuck a few times before mounting the turnbuckle and turning himself around. Taka goes for a Moonsault, but connects with nothing but mat as Chuck rolls out of the way! Taka clutches at his ribs and chest as he gets back up onto his knees and then onto his feet, but as he’s still bending over Billy runs at him and connects with a Fame-Ass-Er! Billy hooks Taka’s leg and the referee makes the count as Chuck, now on his feet throws Funaki over the top rope, giving Billy and Chuck a spot at No Way Out!

Winners: Billy and Chuck

The bell rings and the two victors celebrate with a high-five and a hug, before heading to the back.

OR: 69

The King: “An impressive win for Billy and Chuck, who book there place at No Way Out, two-thousand and two!”

Michael Cole: “Indeed they do, King. But up next is the match that will decide the third – and final team that go onto No Way Out, as The Dudley Boyz take on the A.P.A!”

Commercial Break

Jericho, Worried? Never.

We cut to the back in front of a large WWF SmackDown! logo, where the WWF Undisputed Champion Chris “Y2J” Jericho is standing by with Kevin Kelly. Jericho has his titles draped over either shoulder, and is staring upwards with a cocky, arrogant look on his face.

Kevin Kelly: “Chris Jericho, earlier on tonight we saw threaten Ric Flair, telling him that he’d regret not calling off your match tonight. What did you mean by that?”

Chris Jericho: “I meant that ever since Ric Flair announced that he owned Fifty Percent of this company, he’s been abusing his powers. He’s tried to take this title from around my taut, sexy waist, all because The Nature Boy is jealous of the Larger than Life, Livin’ Legend, Undisputed Champion of the Woooooooorld!... Chris Jericho!”

The fans can be heard booing in the arena, as they clearly disagree with what Jericho just said.

Chris Jericho: “You hear that Kevin Kelly? That’s the sound of jealousy. All of those morons out there wish that they were Chris Jericho. All the men want to be him, and all the women want to DO him!”

More boos but Jericho ignores them this time, and smiles.

Chris Jericho: “And so Kevin Kelly, what I meant earlier tonight was that, from this moment on, Chris Jericho REFUSES to take order from that idiot Ric Flair! I’m the Undisputed Champion and I’ll do what I want, when I want!”

Kevin Kelly: “So, are we to assume that you won’t be showing up in the ring for your match tonight with Ric Flair’s handpicked opponent?”

Chris Jericho: “Oh no, I’ll fight whoever he wants me to fight. Why? Because I’m the biggest superstar of all time, jerk off! So I have no qualms about defending my title tonight, because there is no-one, and I mean NO-ONE that can beat me!”

Y2J wipes one of the titles with his wrist tape and walks off, as Kevin Kelly hands back over to ringside.

OR: 89

The Dudley Boyz w/ Stacy Keibler vs. The A.P.A

We cut back to ringside after the Y2J interview with the A.P.A already in the ring, as “the bomb” goes off at the top of the ramp, and the Dudley Boyz step out onto the ramp! Accompanied by “The Dutchess of Dudleyville” Stacy Keibler, Bubba and D-Von make their way to the ring, and are still in possession of the WWF Tag Team Titles that they stole from Spike and Tazz. The Dudleyz refuse to give the titles to the referee and end up handing them to Stacy, who takes them and places both on either shoulder, before climbing out of the ring.

The bell rings and it’s D-Von and Farooq to start, with the two men locking up in the centre of the ring. D-Von overpowers Farooq at first applying a side headlock, but the big man shoots D-Von Dudley into the ropes, before knocking him down with a shoulderblock! Farooq bounces off the ropes and jumps over D-Von who gets up to his feet and goes for a hip toss, but Farooq puts on the breaks and connects with a hip toss of his own! Farooq makes the tag to Bradshaw to some slight ovation, and the big Texan immediately begins pounding away on D-Von’s head with vicious, stiff punches. He goes for an Irish Whip but D-Von reverses and sends Bradshaw into the ropes, before picking him up and dropping him with an Inverted Atomic Drop on the rebound! Bradshaw hops around clutching his groin, as D-Von tags in Bubba Ray. Bubba quickly drags Bradshaw as far away from his corner as possible and knocks him straight down to the mat with an elbow to the top of the head.

Bubba drops down with two more elbows, this time to the heart of Bradshaw before going for a cover, but Bradshaw powers out on two. Bubba Ray yells at the referee telling him that it was a three, but the referee waves away his protests. Bubba brings D-Von back in with a tag and the two send Bradshaw into the ropes and go for a double clothesline, but Bradshaw ducks before taking The Dudleyz out with a double-clothesline of his own! All three men are down and Bradshaw slowly crawls over to his corner and extends his arm, and connects with the outstretched hand of Farooq! Farooq jumps into the ring just as Bubba gets to his feet, but gets taken back down again with a Clothesline! D-Von suffers the same fate before Farooq sends Bubba up into the air with a Back Body Drop, before hitting a brutal Spinebuster on D-Von! Farooq waits for Bubba to get up before sending him into the corner with an Irish Whip, whilst Bradshaw gets to his feet. Bubba Ray bounces back out of the corner and Bradshaw bounces off the ropes looking for the Clothesline From Hell, but Bubba ducks and Bradshaw drills Farooq! Bradshaw puts his hands on his head as he realizes what he’s done, but the worst is yet to come as he turns around, and walks straight into the 3D! D-Von makes the cover, and the No Way Out Tag Team Titles Match has it’s third and final entrants!

Winners: The Dudley Boyz

The bell rings and Stacy gets into the ring, handing the Tag Team Titles to Bubba and D-Von. The two hold the titles in the air whilst trash talking the front-row fans, before heading to the back.

OR: 66

Michael Cole: “Well, The Dudleyz advance to No Way Out but I’ve just been informed that something has just happened in the back, where we take you now...”

Jericho’s Plan in Action?

The Titantron flickers on and we see a huge circle in one of the many backstage corridors, with everyone looking down at the floor. The camera ‘moves in for a closer look’ and we see blood trickling along the floor, leading us up to the unconscious Ric Flair’s head!

EMT’s quickly arrive on the scene and begin tending to the WWF co-owner, eventually loading him onto a stretcher. The camera, along with the rest of the crowd follows to the ambulance, where Flair is loaded in and then taken to a local hospital.

OR: 95

Michael Cole: “That damn Chris Jericho, I can’t believe that even he would stoop this low.”

The King: “Now wait a second their Michael Cole, you don’t know for sure that Jericho did this.”

Michael Cole: “C’mon King, you heard him earlier. He said that Flair would regret not calling off the match, and now this happens.”

The King: “It could just be coincidence, you never know.”

Commercial Break

The Rock vs. Vader

“IF YA SMELL!” hits the Personal Address System, and the fans give The Rock a hero’s welcome as he makes his way down the ramp, looking all business as he prepares to take on Vader! Rocky does his usual turnbuckle pose, just as “It’s Vader... Vader... VADERT TIME!” booms throughout the arena, bringing the 450lb Vader down to the ring!

The bell rings and the two men immediately step into the centre of the ring and go nose-to-nose, although The Rock is slightly taller than Vader. Suddenly, The Rock sends Vader backwards with a strong right hand to the jaw, but Vader retaliates with a punch of his own. The two exchange blows before Rocky gains the upper hand after ducking a punch from his opponent before unloading with the Spit-Punch combo on Vader, knocking him out of the ring! The Rock quickly follows and walks up behind Vader, grabbing his head and slamming in down into the guardrail! Rocky looks for the same move but Vader counters with an elbow to the stomach, and then sends The Rock head-first into the metal turnbuckle pole, knocking The Rock right down to the ground! Vader turns to the crowd and lets out a tribal-like howl before pulling Rock up, and hitting him with a scoop slam down onto the floor! The Rock arches his back but Vader quickly pulls him up again, and this time rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope. Vader goes for the lateral press but Rocky puts his foot on the bottom rope at the count of two.

Michael Cole: “The Rock puts his foot on the bottom rope, possibly because Vader’s weight made it impossible for him to get the shoulder up.”

The monster Vader gets up and puts his boot down onto The Rock’s throat, choking out the People’s Champion before the referee manages to get Vader to step off The Rock’s throat. Vader pulls Rocky up to his feet and sends him into the ropes and looks for a Clothesline on the rebound, but The Rock ducks and comes off the opposite set of ropes, only to get drilled with a spinning Spinebuster from Vader! He stays on top for the cover, but this time The Rock gets a shoulder up just before the three. Vader pulls Rock up once more but this time places The Rock’s head between his legs and then extends his arms, before bringing him up and then down with a mammoth Powerbomb, folding The Rock in half! Vader goes for yet another cover and comes the closest yet, but The Rock STILL manages to kick out just before the three! Vader, now getting madder and madder by the second, slides to the outside and grabs a Steel Chair before slamming it shut. Before he gets back into the ring, he lets out another tribal yell and raises the chair up above Rocky’s head, waiting for him to get up. As he does so, Vader looks to bring the chair down onto The Rock’s head, but is blocked as Rocky throws up his arms into Vader’s! Vader, caught off guard drops the chair and staggers backwards before charging The Rock, only to get caught with a Spinebuster onto the steel! The Rock bounces to his feet and walks around Vader, kicking him in the side of the head. Slowly, he pulls his elbow pad off and tosses it into the crowd, before bouncing off either sets of ropes and completing the most electrifying move in Sports Entertainment... THE PEOPLE’S ELBOW! Rocky covers Vader, and the referee counts the one two three!

Winner: The Rock

The Rock’s catchphrase hits the P.A System once more followed by his theme music, and the fans all rise to their feet as The Rock gets to his, and his hand is raised in the air by the referee!

Michael Cole: “What a win for The Rock! He came out of nowhere to defeat Vader, when it looked like he had NO chance!”

The King: “The Rock cheated Michael Cole, he dropped Vader onto that steel... HAHA, look at this!”

In the ring, The Rock hops off the second turnbuckle only to get caught around the throat by his No Way Out opponent – The Big Show! Show drives Rocky to the mat with a hellacious Showstopper, but keeps his hand wrapped tightly around the throat of the Great One! Show pulls Rock up again and hits a second Showstopper, before pulling him up AGAIN! He hoists The Rock’s limp body up high into the air, before hitting a third Showstopper, this time onto the chair from earlier! This time, Show lets go off The Rock and laughs before stepping over the top rope and dropping to the floor, before heading to the back!

OR: 84

No Chance, That’s What Jericho’s Got.

We go to the back where Chris Jericho is standing next to Vince McMahon, grinning from ear to ear.

Chris Jericho: “So Vince, I guess that I don’t have to defend my title tonight, since we don’t know who Flair’s chosen opponent was, huh?”

Vince McMahon: “Ya’ know what Chris? I’ve got a better idea. You’re GOING to defend your title tonight, and it’ll be against an opponent of MY choosing!”

Jericho stutters, and is unable to get any intelligible words out.

Vince McMahon: “C’mon Chris, we both know it was you who laid out Flair earlier on tonight...”

Chris Jericho: “Whoa, Vince, I had nothing to do with that.”

Vince McMahon: “Don’t play dumb with me Jericho, you made Flair regret not calling off the match. But I’ve still gotta’ show to run and dammit, YOU ARE going to wrestle tonight, and Jericho... you’ve got No Chance!”

Chris Jericho: “B... But I’m telling you, it wasn’t me!”

It’s too late, as Vince has already walked past Y2J, who runs after him hoping to change his mind.

OR: 100

Commercial Break.

Jericho Meets his Match

We come back from the break to find Vince McMahon Jr. standing in the ring, microphone in hand. The fans are repeatedly chanting “Asshole!”, but McMahon seems unfazed.

Vince McMahon: “Now I know you’re all expecting me to come out here and tell you how I’m gonna’ kill the WWE, right?”

The fans boo.

Vince McMahon: “Well, think again! Now, as you all know, earlier on tonight Ric Flair was taken to a local hospital after suffering a brutal attack, at the hands of some “unknown” person.”

McMahon does the ‘bunny quotes’ as he says ‘unknown’ and the fans boo, before Vince carries on.

Vince McMahon: “So I’m going to be the one that chooses Chris Jericho’s opponent for tonight, but first, I want the Undisputed Champion himself to come down to this ring – RIGHT NOW!”

After thirty seconds or so of waiting, the Y2J countdown begins and the Undisputed Champion is met with a thunderous round of boos as he makes his way down the ramp, and then gets into the ring.

Vince McMahon: “Now Chris, I’m sure this isn’t how you planned your revenge on Flair is it?”

Jericho continues to protest his innocence, telling Vince he had nothing to do with the attack on Flair.

Vince McMahon: “So Chris, without further ado, your opponent for tonight is... THE MACHO MAN, RANDY SAVAGE!”

The fans go wild as the Macho Man’s music hits, and out steps... Steven Richards!? The fans’ cheers immediately turn to a loud groan followed by unanimous boos, as Stevie “Macho Man” Richards makes his way down to the ring, for his title match with Chris Jericho!

OR: 93

Chris Jericho © vs. Stevie Richards: WWF Undisputed Title Match

Richards slides under the bottom rope but is instantly jumped by Jericho who, as Mr. McMahon watches, drills his fists into the head of Stevie Richards. Jericho pull himself up and whips Richards into the ropes before knocking him down with a big Clothesline on the rebound, before looking over at Vince.

Vince McMahon: “Oh, and one more thing. This match will be a NO DISQUALIFICATION match!”

Jericho smiles and quickly heads to the outside, where he grabs a steel chair from behind the announcers’ table. Y2J gets back into the ring and lines up Richards, before nailing him across the back! Jericho continues to use the chair on Richards, driving it down all over his upper body and neck, before finally throwing the weapon to the outside. Jericho grabs the legs of Richards and quickly locks in the Walls of Jericho!, which Richards quickly taps out to giving Jericho the win!

Winner and Still Undisputed Champion: Chris Jericho

The bell rings and the fans jeer as McMahon raises Y2J’s hand in the air, as the SmackDown! copyright info appears, and the show fades to a close!


Overall Rating: 76

Best Segment: No Chance, That’s What Jericho’s Got

Worst Segment: Chris Jericho vs. Steven Richards

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WWF Newsline

- RAWsome.com

Smackdown! Rating and Notes

This week’s Smackdown! scored a 5.72 overall, well up from last week’s extremely disappointing 5.09.  The highest rated segment was the Vader/Rock matchup, whilst many viewers turned away during both of the tag team matches.  This could mean that the three-way tag match at No Way Out could well be the opener, especially seeing as it seems to be the least anticipated match of the night.

No Way Out (Feb. 17) is now starting to take shape, with the Stone Cold/Mr. Perfect match announced this past week on Smackdown! as well as the aforementioned tag team titles match.  Some of sort of Cruiserweight match is expected to be announced as well, as Tajiri – the current champion, was ‘injured’ at the hands of The Undertaker.

Despite the attack on Ric Flair this past week, the co-owner of the WWF has been confirmed for Monday Night’s RAW.  Expect to see Flair confront Jericho after what happened on Smackdown, as well as maybe add a stipulation to Jericho’s No Way Out match.

Vader, Goldberg and Jimmy Hart’s XWF

Vader made his return to WWF programming this past week, losing to The Rock in their match on Smackdown!  Despite this loss, Vader will remain on TV for the foreseeable future.  Meanwhile, former WCW megastar Bill Goldberg recently said in an interview with talkWRESTLE that whilst him performing in the WWF was a possibility, not to expect to much for the near future.  Goldberg has a lot of overseas tours booked with Japanese promotions, as well as some high-profile public appearances that will tie him up for the coming months.

Jimmy Hart’s X Wrestling Federation is reported to be in financial troubles.  PWInsider reported that whilst it isn’t bad enough to force the promotion to shut down yet, it could well go that way unless something changes within the company.  The XWF currently has only 4 workers on a pay-per month contract, with the rest being paid by the appearance.  With a weekly TV show, this is putting an incredible amount of strain on their resources.

- RAWsome.com

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  • 2 months later...

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‘The King’ Fired from the WWF!

The WWF announced today on it’s website that colour commentator Jerry “The King” Lawler had been released from the company.  Lawler, who has been seen on both RAW and SmackDown! over the past few weeks, reportedly missed a string of photo shoots organized by the WWF earlier in the year.

Things cam to a head over the last couple of days, where Lawler missed a house show and an autograph signing session, without notifying the WWF management.  Lawler was notified of his release this morning via phone call, but could very well be back in the WWF at some point down the line.

Edited by The Rock Box
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Terri Suffers Injury, HeAt Preview

Former wife of Dustin ‘Goldust’ Rhodes and current WWF Diva Terri Runnels suffered an injury yesterday afternoon whilst out running with friends.  Doctors say that she will need to rest the ankle for a week or so, but should be able to come back to her position as backstage interviewer within the fortnight.

This week’s HeAt will see the debut of “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson in the WWF, as he takes on Justin Credible.  Danielson has reportedly impressed in his short time in OVW, which has lead to the WWF giving him a chance to showcase his technical abilities on HeAt.  Also on the show, Christian will defend his European Title against Taka Michinoku, whilst Taka’s partner Funaki will take on Chavo Guerrero Junior.

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Guest MrBenjamin

Nice Diary dude!!...I really enjoyed those shows...I really didn't like the idea of putting Big Show over Chris JerichO...I havent seen KanE...Is he injuried or something?..Other than that this diary kicks ass!!...Keep it UP...

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WWF Heat

Commentating Team: The Coach and D’Lo Brown

Date: Sunday 3rd February 2002

Location: Taped at The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee

A small fireworks display marks the beginning of Heat, and the opening video package plays before we join ‘The Coach’ and D’Lo Brown at the announcers table.

The Coach: “Good evening everybody, I’m your host Jonathon Coachman and besides is my broadcasting partner D’Lo Brown. Now, before we get started I’d just like to congratulate D’Lo – and his tag partner Lance Storm on a big win on RAW against The Hardy Boyz”

D’Lo Brown: “Thanks Coach, and after No Way Out you can congratulate me when I’m sitting here with one of the Tag Titles around my waist! Hell, if I’m really lucky maybe I’ll be able to get off this show permanently!”

The Coach: “You don’t mean that D’Lo, you love it here.”

D’Lo raises his eyebrow and then looks away, grinning slightly.

The Coach: “Well, our first match tonight features a promising newcomer to the WWF Bryan Danielson, who calls himself ‘The American Dragon’. He’ll be taking on a man who’s not just the coolest… not just the best… he’s Justin Credible!”

Justin Credible vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

Credible clearly underestimated the debutant in this match, but paid for it and was nearly humiliated by the American Dragon very early on following a beautifully executed Dragon Suplex from Danielson, with Credible barely kicking out just before the three. From there on in however Credible began to look stronger and stronger, eventually finishing Dragon off with That’s Incredible.

Winner: Justin Credible

OR: 63

The Coach: “Justin Credible with the win there D’Lo, but you couldn’t help but notice how impressive Bryan Danielson was. If he carries on performing like that then I could see him go far here in the WWF.”

D’Lo Brown: “Impressive Schimpressive, he lost Coach.”

The Coach: “Well, up next we’ll take you back to this past SmackDown!, where ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin confronter Mr. Perfect after his attack on RAW.”

The Bottom Line

We come back from the commercial break and a No Way Out preview, to see Mr. Perfect standing in the ring!  Perfect has a microphone in his hand and is smiling confidently, despite the fans’ boos and “Asshole!” chant.

Mr. Perfect: “Steve Austin...”

The fans cheer at the mention of Stone Cold’s name.

Mr. Perfect: “Steve Austin, now YOU know what it’s like to be screwed over with a chair shot to the head!  Ya’ see Steve, this past Monday Night; I outsmarted you.  I out-foxed you.  I showed all your moronic little fan base just how easy it is to put you down on the mat!”

Perfect soaks up the jeers before continuing.

Mr. Perfect: “But not only that, I defeated Triple H in the middle of the ring; one... two... three.  I mean, that’s understandable n’all because, hey, I’m Perfect!  But, what isn’t understandable is how I, the man who pinned the number one contender to the Undisputed Title, hasn’t been given even a chance to go to Wrestlemania!”

Perfect lowers the mic and shrugs his shoulders to enforce just how ridiculous he thinks it is, when suddenly, the Glass Shatters!  The fans erupt as “Stone Cold” makes his way out onto the ramp, and wastes little time in getting into the ring!  He does his usual all-corners taunt, before grabbing a mic from Lillian Garcia.

Steve Austin: “Before you get the wrong idea, I ain’t here to fight ya’.”

The fans, somewhat disappointed, begin to boo.

Steve Austin: “I just wanted ta’ come out here, and shake your hand.”

Mr. Perfect looks surprised, as do the fans.

Steve Austin: “Yeah, that’s right.  I wanted to shake tha’ hand of tha’ man who embarrassed – humiliated Stone Cold Steve Austin!”

Stone Cold extends his arm and Perfect goes to except, but can’t help himself from speaking as he does so.

Mr. Perfect: “Well Steve, I’m glad you finally had a slice of Humble Pie, and...”

STUNNER!  Stone Cold Stunner out of nowhere on Perfect!  The fans all begin to cheer as Austin flies on top of Perfect, trash talking him and giving him the finger!  Steve gets back up to his feet and takes his microphone, as he has something else to say.

Steve Austin: “Boy, if you want to fight Stone Cold, then you do it on Stone Cold’s terms!  February Seventeenth; No Way Out; It’s gunna’ be Stone Cold Steven Austin versus Mr. Perfect... in a good old fashioned STREET FIGHT!  Anything goes, falls count anywhere!  And that’s the bottom line...”

The fans join in.

Steve Austin: “Cause’ Stone Cold SAID SO!”

The glass shatters once more and Austin signals for a couple of Steveweisers, which he is thrown and begins to down them over Mr. Perfect, who is still down and out on the mat!

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I liked the show, but just a note, never give someone like Danielson a nickname, indy guys/development guys should remain a simple name until you give them a gimmick/repackage them. Oh and people shouldn't bleed often on the 'A' Shows, let alone 'B' Shows, it's a perk of PPV's and Main Eventers. Still, glad to see this is back.

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WWF RAW Preview

Monday February 4th, 2002

After a vicious assault by the WWF Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho, Ric Flair has promised that there will be hell to pay. Flair has sent a message out to Y2J, telling him that he WILL be facing Flair’s mystery opponent tonight – with a special stipulation added – it’ll be inside a 15 foot Steel Cage! The match, which promises to be difficult enough for the champion, is made even worse by the fact that he doesn’t know who he’s facing! Does this spell the end for Jericho’s reign on top?

Mr. Perfect will also be in action, as he prepares for his match at No Way Out against “The Texas Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin! Perfect will take on “Mr. Monday Night” Rob Van Dam, however, the match will be a singles match and therefore RVD’s Hardcore Title will not be on the line.

The current WWF European Champion Christian has requested some interview time this very week on RAW, as he has “an announcement that will change the WWF forever!” What could Christian’s announcement possibly be? Tune into RAW to find out.

RAW comes to you from the Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – be sure not to miss what promises to be another explosive RAW!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Announcers: Jim Ross and “The Coach” Jonathon Coachman

Date: Monday 4th February 2002

Location: Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Clips of last week’s Thursday Night SmackDown! play, before fading into the opening RAW video and music. A large pyro display marks the beginning of the show, and as the camera pans JR welcomes us to the show – along with his new co-host ‘The Coach’ Jonathon Coachman!

Jim Ross: “Good evening everybody and welcome to another episode of WWE Monday Night RAW! I’m Jim Ross and besides me is my NEW broadcasting partner, Jonathon Coachman!”

The Coach: “Well it’s great to be here JR and please, call me The Coach.”

Jim Ross: “Well Coach, we’ve got a huge show lined up for you tonight, and in our Main Event the WWF Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho will defend his title inside a Steel Cage, against an opponent of Ric Flair’s choosing!”

The Coach: “And don’t forget JR that this match should’ve happened this past SmackDown!, but a certain someone’s attack on Ric Flair prevented that from happening.”

Jim Ross: “Also tonight Mr. Perfect will go one-on-one with Rob Van Dam in a Singles Bout – so the Hardcore Title will NOT be on the line. But up first is a match between --"


JR is cut off mid-sentence by The Big Show’s music, as the 7 foot, five-hundred pound Big Show steps out onto the ramp, being booed by all the fans in attendance. The giant slowly walks down the ramp and then climbs up onto the ring apron, before stepping OVER the top rope to get into the ring! Show takes a mike from Lillian Garcia, and begins to talk.

Big Show: “Last week on SmackDown, you all saw just what I was capable of. I demolished The Rock in the middle of the ring, with not one… not two… but THREE Chokeslams.”

Show pauses and soaks up the fans’ boos, who a quick to voice their dislike of Show’s actions this past Thursday.

Big Show: “This past Thursday, I proved to the entire world just why, come No Way Out, I will be walking out with the World Heavyweight Title. I’m seven feet tall… I’m five-hundred pounds. I could snap The Rock and Chris Jericho’s necks in half at the click of a finger. Whether you like it or whether you don’t like it, The Big Show WILL be going to Wrestlemania as the WWF Undisputed Champion!”


The familiar catchphrase sends the fans into delirium, as The Rock comes sprinting down the aisle at full speed! He slides into the ring and ducks a big right hand attempt from The Big Show, before unloading on Show with a barrage of right handed jabs! Rock nails a spit-punch which sends Show into the ropes, and as he bounces back The Rock catches him with a Spinebuster! Rocky bounces back up to his feet and stands at the head of the fallen behemoth, before whipping off his sunglasses and tossing them into the crowd! He bounces off one set of turnbuckles, hops of Show into the other set…

Jim Ross: “Here it comes Coach, the most electrifying move in Sports Entertainment today!”

… and hits The People’s Elbow to send the fans into even more of a frenzy! “If ya’ Smell!” hits the P.A. System once more, and this time The Rock heads backstage to a standing ovation, leaving The Big Show down on the mat!

Jim Ross: “What a statement The Rock just made Coach! He put The Big Show down on the mat and nailed The People’s Elbow! If he can do that at No Way Out, then he’ll get a rematch against Chris Jericho!

The Coach: “Exactly JR, and what a way to start off RAW!”

As The Big Show slowly comes too and drags himself backstage, a WWF “Don’t Try This at Home” message is played, with voiceovers from numerous WWF stars – the most prominent being Triple H. We come back to RAW and the carnage that we left has now been cleared up, and standing in the ring is Chavo Guerrero, with Bryan Danielson standing across from him.

Jim Ross: “Our first match of the night comes from Chavo Guerrero Junior and Bryan Danielson, now Coach you saw this Danielson kid on HeAt last night, and from it seems like he was VERY impressive, despite being defeated by Justin Credible.”

The Coach: “That’s right JR. This kid has an enormous amount of potential, and Chavo Guerrero is going to have to be on the ball if he wants to pick up the win tonight.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Bryan Danielson

In a match which saw the youngster Brian Danielson try to prove himself against one of the WWF’s cruiserweights, Chavo used every dirty trick in the book that he could to try and pick up the victory. However, it took him a while as Danielson held on and showed everyone what a talent he is, and unluckily lost. The end came after Danielson looked like he could have the victory as Chavo attempted another Vertical Suplex but this time Danielson blocks it, and after a bit of jostling manages to hit Chavo with a Suplex of his own! Having caught his second breath, Danielson quickly gets to his feet and begins hooking up the arms of Chavo, before flipping himself over! Chavo immediately begins screaming in agony, and begins to desperately try and twist his feet towards the ropes, and when he eventually does the referee tells Danielson to release the hold. Thinking he’s won, Danielson raises his hands in the air and begins to celebrate, but the referee explains to him that Chavo reached the ropes! Danielson begins to argue with the referee, not believing that Chavo didn’t tap out. Suddenly, from behind, Chavo rolls up Danielson with a fistful of tights, but the referee doesn’t see it and counts the 1-2-3!

Winner via Pinfall: Chavo Guerrero

Chavo quickly slides to the outside, where the referee raises his arm in the air. In the ring, Danielson puts his hands on his head, wondering just how he lost when he was in control.

Jim Ross: “What an impressive performance from that kid there Coach, and it’s a shame that he was defeated by such underhand tactics – Chavo Guerrero should be ashamed of himself.”

The Coach: “He certainly doesn’t look it JR, but perhaps Danielson will learn from his mistakes and not take his eyes of his opponent next time.”

Jim Ross: “Well folks I’m sure you can all see just what a talent Bryan Danielson is, but up next we have a tag team match that came about two weeks ago on RAW, as the Hardy Boyz take on The Dudleyz.”

A video package plays on the Titantron, showing clips from the tag team match between The Hardy Boyz, and D’Lo Brown with Lance Storm. After Storm and D’Lo pick up the surprise win, Bubba and D-Von Dudley storm the ring from the commentary table and assault both Matt and Jeff, which culminated in Matt Hardy receiving a 3D through a table!

The Dudleyz vs. The Hardy Boyz

After a back and forth contest, Matt and D-Von Dudley have both put one another down on the mat and are slowly beginning to make their ways to their separate corners. Lita and Jeff get the fans behind Matt as the stomp and pound on the ring apron, as Stacy tries to encourage D-Von to get to Bubba’s outstretched hand. Finally, Matt musters up to energy to tag in Jeff just as D-Von made the tag to Bubba, and the two begin charge each other. Jeff ducks a Clothesline and bounces off the ropes and knocks Bubba off his feet, before dropping his leg down across his throat. D-Von is now back on his feet so Jeff turns his attention to him, and knocks him backwards with a few forearms to the forehead. Before he can do any real damage however Bubba cuts Jeff off from behind, and shoots him off into the ropes! The crowd rise to their feet as The Dudleyz line up for the 3D, but Matt pushes D-Von out of the ring whilst Jeff slides through the legs of Bubba Ray! Bubba turns around but gets kicked in the gut by Matt, who then plants Bubba with the Twist of Fate! As he does so Jeff hops onto the top rope, poses, and then nails Bubba with a Swanton Bomb! Jeff scampers back onto Bubba and hooks the leg, 1… 2… 3!

Winners: The Hardy Boyz

Lita slides into the ring and Team Xtreme celebrate, whilst the groggy D-Von helps Stacy drag Bubba out of the ring. The three re-gather themselves and then begin to head back up the ramp, with Stacy clutching their two stolen Tag Team Titles.

Be the man, Jericho

We’re immediately taken backstage into Ric Flair’s office, where the co-owner of the WWF is going through some paperwork He has a large bandage on his forehead and a couple of other scratches and bruises over his face, following the attack on SmackDown! The fans give a loud “Whoo!” as when they see Flair, and almost straight away there’s a knock at the door.

Ric Flair: “Come in.”

The office door can be heard opening followed by footsteps, bringing the Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho into view! The fans in the arena are quick to show their hatred for Jericho with boos and jeers, but Jericho pays no attention to them.

Ric Flair: “Aaah Chris! All ready for your match ta’night, I hope!”

Chris Jericho: “Ric, just who the hell do you think you are? Putting me in a Cage Match, when I don’t even know who I’m facing! It isn’t fair Ric, it isn’t fair and you know it!”

Ric Flair: “Oh, is that so Chris? And I suppose it was perfectly fair when you attacked me from behind on SmackDown! last week?”

Chris Jericho: “I’ve already told you Ric, IT WASN’T ME!”

Ric laughs and places his hand on Jericho’s shoulder – but Chris doesn’t see the funny side.

Ric Flair: “Chris, I’m not stupid. I know it was you, the fans know it was you… even Vince knows it was you. And tonight, you’re going to face my mystery opponent, like you should’ve done on SmackDown! And the cage? Well, let’s just say; it evens the score. Good luck, Champ”

Ric gently slaps Jericho’s cheek a couple of times before exiting the room, leaving a concerned Chris Jericho wondering what he’s going to do.

Jim Ross: “Well Coach, it looks like Chris Jericho is finally gonna’ get what’s been coming to him – but just WHO is his opponent?”

The Coach: “I haven’t got a clue JR, but I can guarantee that Ric Flair will make this match as difficult as possible for Y2J.”

Jim Ross: “You’re absolutely right there Coach, and folks we’re going to go backstage where Mr. Perfect is standing by with Marc Lloyd.”

A Perfect Match

Before we’re taken backstage a quick video montage plays showing what happened on SmackDown! between Mr. Perfect and Steve Austin, before we cut to the interview area.

Marc Lloyd: “Well I’m standing by with Mr. Perfect, who will take “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on in a Street Fight at No Way Out. However, tonight he has to go one-on-one against the current WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam in a singles match. Now, Mr. Perfect, how do you feel about your match tonight; AND your match at No Way Out.”

Mr. Perfect: “First of all, lets get one thing straight. I didn’t agree to ANY match with Austin, let alone a match so brutal as a street-fight. You really think that I’d put my chiselled, Adonis-like body in a match THAT brutal against someone so… so, violent as Stone Cold?”

Marc Lloyd: “So are you saying that you WON’T be fighting Steve Austin at No Way Out?”

In the arena, the fans begin to boo.

Mr. Perfect: “That’s exactly what I’m saying Michael…”

Marc Lloyd: “No no, it’s Marc.”

Mr. Perfect: “Whatever. Ya’ see, Stone Cold is just jealous of Mr. Perfect. He’s jealous because I’m perfect, and he isn’t. But if Steve Austin wants a piece of Mr. Perfect SO badly, then he’s going to have to earn it. At No Way Out, I propose a tag team match. “Steve Austin” and a partner of his choosing, versus a myself and a partner of his choosing. If Austin wins, then I’ll face him in a street-fight at Wrestlemania. If I win, then we forget about the whole thing.”

Mr. Perfect turns away from Marc Lloyd and walks off-screen, as Lloyd hands us back to JR and The Coach.

JR: “Well Coach, I don’t know about you but it seems like Mr. Perfect is scared about the possibility of facing Stone Cold.”

The Coach: “I couldn’t agree with you more JR.”

JR: “Well up next folks it’s gonna’ be Mr. Perfect’s match against ‘Mr. Monday Night’ Rob… Van… Dam! Stay tuned, all the action is coming up next!”

We cut to a No Way Out promo video, followed up by a Commercial Break.

Mr. Perfect vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD got a tremendous ovation as he made his entrance, and for every move he hit on Mr. Perfect during the match. However, after the first five minutes or so these were few and far between – often hit in desperation – as Perfect, clearly annoyed after Stone Cold’s attack last week, dominated Van Dam with a mixture of technical wrestling and high-impact manoeuvres. Van Dam mounted a fight back towards the end of the match, after catching Perfect off guard with a trademark Spinning Heel Kick. Following up with a Rolling Thunder, Van Dam seemed to be heading for the win, until – like him or not – a stroke of genius put Perfect straight back in the driving seat. RVD pulled him up and looked to send him off into the ropes, but Perfect countered. The Hardcore Champion springboarded off the middle rope and flew backwards at Mr. Perfect, only to be caught with an awesome German Suplex, that dropped Van Dam almost vertically on his head! Perfect covered RVD and got the three count, leaving Van Dam completely out of it.

Winner: Mr. Perfect

The victorious Mr. Perfect slowly rolls out of the ring and heads back up the ramp, as RAW takes a commercial break.

Still in Dreamland

We come back from the commercials and a No Way Out promo video, to see Rob Van Dam sitting on a bench holding an icepack over his head. His eyes are extremely gazed over, as a doctor checks him over.

Doctor: “I’m going to go and get another icepack, DON’T MOVE.”

Rob (barely) nods his head and the doctor exits the room, but no sooner has the door shut it bursts open again – and Tommy Dreamer bursts into the room brandishing a Singapore Cane! Dreamer instantaneously delivers a vicious Cane shot straight to the head of Van Dam, knocking him down to the floor. However, Van Dam takes THIRTEEN more brutal shots to the mid-section from the crazed Dreamer, who, before leaving the room, has some choice words for Mr. Monday Night.

Tommy Dreamer: “Now we’ll see who the Whole… F’n… Show is Van Dam! You… me, at NO WAY OUT!”

Dreamer laughs before driving his boot straight into the head of Van Dam, before calmly leaving the room. As the camera fades out, we’re left with an image of the bloodied RVD lying in a foetal position on the cold concrete floor.

Jim Ross: “I don’t know what we’ve just seen Coach, but something has gotten into Tommy Dreamer over these past couple of weeks…”

The Coach: “Well you’re right JR, and I don’t think ANYBODY is safe from Dreamer right now. The guys’ a nutcase, and judging by that attack on RVD, it seems like he can do anything.”

Christian’s Announcement

The current WWF European Champion’s music begins to play and sparks fall from the top of the Titantron, and Christian steps out from behind the curtain! Spreading his arms, Christian makes the most of this time he has been given for his ‘monumental announcement.’ With the European Title Belt wrapped around his waist, Christian slides into the ring and takes a microphone from the ring announcer, before taking the belt from around his waist and slinging it over his shoulder.

Christian: “First of all, I’d like to thank our illustrious boss Vince McMahon for giving me the time to come out here, and tell all you idiots about the revolution, that will change the WWF… heck, the ENTIRE WRESTLING WORLD forever!”

The fans don’t take too kindly to being called idiots, and begin to chant ‘Asshole’ at Christian.

Christian: “But what is this groundbreaking announcement?, I hear you ask. Well, over the last couple of weeks I’m sure that you’re undoubtedly aware, I have been relegated to appearing on that… that b-show Heat. It seems that Ric Flair doesn’t appreciate my undeniable talent… but I’m the European Champion for god’s sake! However, don’t worry, because Vince McMahon has once again done the right thing. Starting from TWO WEEKS tonight, Mr. McMahon has given me… your European Champion… a weekly TALK SHOW!”

The fans quickly begin to boo, but Christian remains unaffected with a huge smile on his face.

Christian: “And just to wet your appetites a little more, next week on RAW I will be revealing the name of my talk show!”

Christian’s music hits again, and the European Champion exits the ring and heads up the ramp, the goofy smile still fixated on his face.

Jim Ross: “THAT was his announcement? I hardly think that’s going to change ANYTHING in the WWF, let alone the world of wrestling.”

The Coach: “Well Christian IS extremely arrogant, but then again he is the WWF European Champion – which you have to admit JR is impressive.”

Jim Ross: “I can’t argue with that Coach, but the man is still extremely arrogant. But folks we’re just moments away from our Main Event, as Chris Jericho takes on an opponent of Ric Flair’s choosing, inside a STEEL CAGE! Oh, and the Undisputed Title WILL be on the line for this one!”

If you Can’t beat The Game, Cheat

The camera focuses on the Steel Cage which hangs above the ring, when suddenly Motorhead’s “Time to Play the Game” rips through the Bradley Center! The fans all rise to their feet and begin to cheer as Hunter – accompanied by Stephanie McMahon – walks out onto the ramp, wearing his street clothes. He makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring, all with a slight limp following Kurt Angle’s assault a couple of weeks ago, before producing a microphone from his back pocket.

Triple H: “At No Way Out, I’ll be going up against Kurt Angle – with MY title shot at ‘Mania on the line!”

The fans boo at the mention of Angle’s name.

Triple H: “And I bet you think that (points to his ankle) what you did last week is gonna’ give you the advantage, huh? Uh-uh. Ya’ see Kurt, I AM The Game for a reason, and that reason is that I am BETTER than you could ever hope to be. You’re a big man when you’ve got a chair and Sledgehammer Angle, but one-on-one, you don’t stand a chance against me.”

The fans like HHH’s confident attitude, as does Stephanie McMahon who stands in the background applauding her husband.

Triple H: “At Wrestlemania, it’s gonna’ be myself versus one of three men. Chris Jericho, The Rock, or The Big Show. But you know what? It doesn’t matter who I face. I’ve beaten them all. I won the Royal Rumble, coming off the back of a quad injury which, quite frankly, would’ve forced most into retirement. I fear NO-ONE. Because I am The Game, and I am THAT… DAMN… GO-”

Suddenly, Hunter is cut off as “Medals” begins to play, and the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle begins making his way down to the ring! The fans chant “You Suck!” at Angle in time with his music, which angers Hunter’s No Way Out opponent.

Kurt Angle: “First of all, I’d like to point out that the only thing that sucks in this ring right now is Stephanie, so why don’t you chant at her instead of me?”

The fans’ dislike for Trips’ wife is apparent, as they immediately begin to laugh at Angle’s comment. Hunter however, doesn’t see the funny side.

Kurt Angle: “Hunter, if you didn’t notice, these medals around my neck represent just what I am. A WINNER. Have you ever won an Olympic Medal? Heck, let’s not run before we can walk – have you ever COMPETED in an Olympic event? No, didn’t think so. Now ya’ see Hunter, you can run your mouth all you want, but the truth is these fans don’t want ‘The Game’, they want a TRUE, American hero to go onto Wrestlemania.”

Kurt seems to have it all wrong, as the fans boo and begin to chant Triple H’s name.

Kurt Angle: “And that’s exactly where I come in Hunter. At No Way Out, I will beat you – and I will go to Wrestlemania. But Hunter, why wait until February Seventeenth?”

Angle drops the microphone and signals for Hunter to ‘come on’, and Hunter is ready for the fight as he begins moving towards Angle. Suddenly, Triple H is taken down from behind by a big Superkick from Lance Storm, immediately taking Hunter down! Storm stomps away on Hunter and is joined by Angle, as well as his Tag Partner D’Lo Brown. Stephanie tries in vain to help Hunter but D’Lo simply tosses her to the outside, before heading up to the top rope! Lo Down onto Triple H! Storm and Brown begin to taunt the fans, as Angle spins Hunter onto his stomach and grabs his ankle, before locking in the Ankle Lock! HHH screams in agony and grabs the bottom rope, but it doesn’t matter as Angle keeps the hold locked in. Triple H begins to tap but Angle STILL won’t let go, and referees try to get into the ring but are blocked by Storm and D’Lo! Eventually, Kurt drop Hunter’s ankle once The Game has seemingly passed out, before he is joined by Storm and D’Lo and the trio raise their hands in the air. As the three head back up the ramp referees tend to Triple H, as JR and The Coach mull over what has just happened.

Jim Ross: “Can you believe the… audacity of those three men Coach? Blindsiding the man and then trying to SNAP his ankle – it isn’t right, and something needs to be done about it!”

The Coach: “Well, I don’t think anything CAN be done about it JR, especially not now. It’ll be a miracle if Triple H can even make it to No Way Out, let alone defend his Wrestlemania spot!”

Lower the Cage

Back at ringside, the Steel Cage has been lowered into position, and as it is checked over by officials a loud “Whooo!” can be heard, and out comes the co-GM Ric Flair to a tremendous pop! The Nature Boy has a broad smile on his face and a microphone in hand as he steps through the Cage door and into the ring, before placing his hands at his side. As soon as Flair’s music has died down, the Y2J countdown begins and Chris Jericho makes his entrance, looking extremely nervous about his upcoming match. We cut to a commercial break, but when we come back we’ll find out who Jericho’s mystery opponent is!

We come back to see Chris Jericho in the ring, egging with Flair to reconsider this match. However, Flair just laughs it off.

Ric Flair: “Now Chris, last week on SmackDown! you attacked me, and left me in a bloodied mess on the backstage floor. And, as you are undoubtedly aware, I’m NOT a forgiving man. And Jericho, now you’re going to pay the price. Now, you’re going to defend your title against – Whoo – a man HAND-PICKED by myself!”

Flair steps out of the ring and out of the Cage and begins heading up the ramp, whilst Jericho looks on, worried.

Ric Flair: “So, without further ado, bring out the man who WILL punish Jericho for his actions!”

The sound of a siren fills the arena, and the unmistakable…


A look of sheer fear sweeps across Jericho’s face, but the fans erupt as ‘Big Poppa Pump’ SCOTT STEINER steps out onto the RAW ramp! Steiner passes Flair as he walks down the ramp, before climbing into the ring through the Cage door, which is promptly shut and locked behind him.

Chris Jericho © vs. Scott Steiner: Undisputed Title

As soon as the bell rang, Jericho scrambled towards the side of the cage and immediately began to climb, but Steiner was quick to pull back into the ring! Steiner wore Jericho down with a few of his trademark power-moves, and even has Y2J busted open by the 5-minute mark, as he scraped Jericho’s head along the Cage’s walls! Steiner made the cover at this point, but Jericho was still able to kick almost straight away. Steiner continued to simply bash Jericho around, and although Y2J did show signs of a comeback at points, the blood flowing from his head took its toll and allowed Steiner to re-capture control. However, against the run of the match, Jericho somehow picked up the win – much to the dismay and disbelief of the fans. Steiner, after gorilla-pressing Jericho into the Cage, took to much time in taunting before looking for the Steiner Recliner, which allowed the Champion to crawl back onto his knees. Steiner turned and had his chances of reproducing ruined with a Low Blow from Jericho, which Y2J followed up by darting Steiner into the Cage! Poppa Pump was now also bleeding as he fell back down to the mat on his back, and Jericho followed up with the Lionsault for the victory!

Winner and Still Undisputed Champion: Chris Jericho

Jim Ross: “And Chris Jericho retains his title here on RAW, against none other than Scott Steiner!”

The Coach: “And like him or not JR, that was a mightily impressive victory over Big Poppa Pump!”

Jim Ross: “It certainly was Coach, and folks – we’ll see you next time on Monday Night RAW!”

As RAW goes off the air, Jericho exits the Cage through the door and raises his Undisputed Title in the air, as blood runs down his face onto the title.

Television Rating: 6.42

Best Segment: Be a Man, Jericho

Worst Segment: Still in Dreamland

Edited by The Rock Box
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WWF SmackDown! Preview

Thursday February 7th, 2002

As a result of his actions this past Monday Night RAW, Lance Storm will be forced to take on The Rock in one-on-one action! The match, signed by Ric Flair is sure to make Storm think twice before helping out Kurt Angle again!

Also, WWF Chairman Vince McMahon will not be at SmackDown! for personal reasons, but HAS sent a tape to WWF officials which he demands be played at some point during the evening. What is on the tape is anyone’s guess, but it’s sure to be important if Mr. McMahon is so desperate for it to be played!

Following their victory against The Dudley Boyz on RAW, Matt and Jeff Hardy have asked Ric Flair to give them one more chance to earn their spot in the Tag Team Title match at No Way Out. Flair has told Team Xtreme that if they can beat Justin Credible and X-Pac on SmackDown!, then he will give them one more chance to earn their spot. However, if they lose then they must forfeit any title shots for ONE YEAR!

The departure of Jerry 'The King' Lawler from the WWF has left SmackDown! commentator Michael Cole without a broadcast partner, and since the favourite for this post has ended up on RAW, Ric Flair has promised that he will appoint a NEW commentator for SmackDown from outside the company! Who has Flair hired for the job?

All this and more on SmackDown!, which comes to you live from The Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

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