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NBA Thread 2011-12


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Dwyane Wade and Ray Allen think players on the Olympic team should get paid.

If representing your country on a grand stage isn't enough for you, go fuck yourself, we can find someone else. This is one of the most moronic things I've ever heard. Disrespectful to the Olympics, disrespectful to the country. Sorry, we shouldn't have to pay you to be patriotic for month while you play a fucking game. You want to get paid to represent the country? Join the army or pawn whatever gold medals you win.

Fuck Dwyane Wade.

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I'm going to offer an opinion despite being entirely ignorant of the way it is all funded. My assumption is that money is made off the Olympics, you have merchandise, television rights, sponsors etc.

I am not sure where this money goes. Obviously to the IOC but I'm unsure if it is then shared out amongst the teams or just kept as profit, I know they don't pay for the infrastructure or buildings as we had to for Sydney (which is recouped through tourism).

So even if we remove all of the IOC money there remains the money that Team USA will generate through the sale of team singlets. What I'm getting at is even if the IOC doesn't foot the bill for travel etc each country still generates an income stream. So lets say that this income stream ends up being in profit. What currently happens to it?

In Australia we have an institute of sport. Basically once you are a certain age you can attend the institute where they monitor your performance and all that crap. So rightly I would assume that any profit goes to them to continue operations and continue to build our future Olympians.

But I don't know if this exists in America. My understanding is that your athletes are developed through high school programs and NCAA where they generate their own income stream through ticket sales etc.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if the cash isn't going into future development of athletes then it should go to the current athletes. There is a difference between patriotism and making someone else rich.

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Previous NBA players on Olympic teams donated any money they received to charity, because they didn't feel like they needed to get paid to represent their country. This generation doesn't give a shit about anything but money and it's disgusting. Anything the Olympics could pay them wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket compared to what they make on their NBA contracts, let alone the money they make on endorsement deals. It's petty, it's ridiculous and it shows just how money grubbing someone like Wade really is. Especially when you consider they get prize money if they win.

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Maloofs basically said "Nah" to the arena deal in Sacramento, apparently they just pointed out these new and previously-unmentioned concerns and it sounds like the Kings might be on the move. David Stern stands by his good buddies the Maloofs and feels their concerns were "understandable" or whatever. Bullshit.

Sorry Sacramento, hopefully there's some justice and the Kings move to Seattle.

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It's rumored that Dwight Howard might sit out the playoffs if Stan Van Gundy is the coach of the team. That is one of the most outrageous basketball stories I've ever read. The top star, and supposed top 5 player in the NBA, won't play because of his coach.

His PR might take more of a hit than Lebron's.

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