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Euro 2004


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But you ARE an idiot.

Now thats another good start

You are not right, nor is the rest of the world on your side. It's no surprise that England who beat the Swiss - and the referee who was Swiss - were at the end of unfair decisions.

It's no conspiracy, it was a wrong decision.

yay, logic~! (did you even know that Switzerland dident even expect to even qualify for this tournament ? they were a major underdog, and of cause, meier was planed in from the start to distroy annyone who had the bad luck to be drawen against switzerland in the group stages - shure as hell, no conspiracy theroie AT ALL on your point)

And the rest of the world doesn't all share your one way minded falsey based opinions. You use the rule as your leverage, the rule was posted and broken down - it was found that Terry did not break this rule.

it was layed out wrongly, unfair has not to be intentional, end of story

You expect Terry to kindly step backwards (from mid air) to allow Ricardo a clear passage to a ball he WASN'T going to win?

The goaly must have a clean way to the ball in his smal box around the goal, if he gets blocked by anny player of the opposit team this is a foul. You cannot claim "he would not have gotten that ball annyway" and make up other fary tales

and nooooooooooooooooow you can, cry, bitch, moan, scream ad so on much as you want, no one will get punished for doing this, not on this board, not in the UEFA, england still is bye bye, and thats acording to a right decision like it would have been doon by anny other International Reffere that is doing a good job during an important match :P

you wont change annything expect giving me a good time by making me laugh even harder at your constant Chris Jerricoing (wcw gimmik) :D

I pity you Matzat, I really do. You believe you're right based on nothing more than a clear hatred for the English, and will ignore the facts (in this case official rules from FIFA) when proved wrong. You try to be sarcastic and smart, but fail miserably at both.

prove me that unfair dos exclude Intention in soccer :P

assides, the stuff you find on the official is only a very toned down version of the rules (i actually wondert why no one of you cryed about that book speaking of a corner, and besides, it never is mentioned that this rule is efecktive all the time in the smal box) - do you realy think such a sucksesfull game is covert rullwise by 32 ore so pages with a lot of pictures ? Serriusly. . .

Prove my hatred for the english, the only hatret i had was that you guys behaved like arogant prics after losing to france and claiming to have won fair and square against switzerland even with a guy sliding fully streched leg into the face of someone elth without pulling back by anny means after the ball long was held by the keeper.

Assides from that, tring to pull me into the racisem corner over and over again just proves that you guys are feeling the hatred, not against germans, thats just the exuse here, you are willing to flame everyone that dos not agree that england giot screewed, even against frace were england had two major missdecisions on their side. - England looses = "FUCKING ROBBED"

blind patriotissem is SOOOOOOO american <_<

WTF is going on with the quoting !?

Edited by Michael Matzat
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I'm in this thread late, I was out at a pub last night and back in school today. So without reigniting any flame wars:

- It was a foul, the linesman said so. Don't forget this is the person who saw Claude Makelele dive and sent the Monaco player off. However things happen in football - with the quality of players we have, we should have won outright, not defended for 115 minutes.

- Sven needs to go, or at least something needs to change. Whenever we play a good team - see France, Brazil, Portugal - we score early, and defend with long balls for the rest of the game. You cannot hold a one goal lead against world class opposition. Against Croatia we played complete football, last night we only defended.

- Sol, Neville and Cole were absolutely fantastic. I personally didn't like Ashley Cole before the tournament, but over our four games he has shone. I felt so sorry for Rooney; the biggest match of his career and he breaks his foot. It's quite interesting to think that Rooney and Beckham suffered the same injury and Beckham cried, whilst Rooney played on.

- When it went to penalties, I knew we'd lose. We can't take them. Each one went straight down the middle. As for Beckham, a £30,000,000 player, not being able to at least hit the target from 12 yards is awful. Sure blame the spot, but the fact remains that nine other players scored. If you are England captain and take the first penalty, you better be a 100% sure you will score - lift our morale. Unlike with David Seaman, it is hard to see James saving a penalty, so we knew we'd lost as soon as the ball went over. As for David James just watching a bad penalty roll past him...

I cried last night. I'll admit it; it sounds sad. Bear in mind how drunk I was, and the sheer drama of it was too much. Anyone got this text message yet?

"Posh Spice has set the record for world's largest gangbang - in a 120 minutes, her shaven cunt has fucked all of England"

Hahaha. Put the effort in Beckham, you could learn a lot from Gary Neville.

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I'm not even bothering with you Matzat. You're beginning to really annoy me with your troll style posts.

Sweden and Denmark conspiring against Italy is called a conspiracy theory.

One Swiss referee giving Portugal every advantage he can is not a conspiracy. I never stated anything was planned at all. You added that in.

I didn't ask for anyone to be punished, and I don't expect anything to be done at all.

And, you mean the official wording of the rule, as found on the official website was layed out wrong? Someone phone UEFA, and inform them they've wrote down there own rules wrong.

And yes, of course the decision was right, because you are Matzat and everything you say is right. I'm a stupid English man who has no idea what he sees when he's watching the match. Forgive me, Hit..err.. Matzat.

And you're making me laugh with your complete lack of knowledge, not just in football. But in general.

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prove me that unfair dos exclude Intention in soccer 

Read the rules again, and then read between the lines. Then again, that would prove you're wrong.

Prove my hatred for the english, the only hatret i had was that you guys behaved like arogant prics after losing to france and claiming to have won fair and square against switzerland even with a guy sliding fully streched leg into the face of someone elth without pulling back by anny means after the ball long was held by the keeper.

Prove you hate us? Or, you could go and re-read all posts you've made in this thread. They're clearly biased against England.

assides, the stuff you find on the official is only a very toned down version of the rules (i actually wondert why no one of you cryed about that book speaking of a corner, and besides, it never is mentioned that this rule is efecktive all the time in the smal box) - do you realy think such a sucksesfull game is covert rullwise by 32 ore so pages with a lot of pictures ? Serriusly. . .

The rules are toned down? That's the most retarded thing you've said yet. Why tone down the rules when everyone has to obey them, even at school-boy level? And the 'small box' could be invisible in this case, it doesn't matter where it is.

- It was a foul, the linesman said so. Don't forget this is the person who saw Claude Makelele dive and sent the Monaco player off. However things happen in football - with the quality of players we have, we should have won outright, not defended for 115 minutes.

The linesman gave the goal. But of course he was going to change his opinion, referees and linesman have to back each other up, not matter what.

I have yet to see Matzat back up any of his points with facts. Stokerino posted the rules and our argument has been based on the rules of the game, or are to to believe that Matzat is in fact Lord High Ruler of the World, and can change rules to suit his bias and grossly un-informed opinion?

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I'm not even bothering with you Matzat. You're beginning to really annoy me with your troll style posts.

at least i am not getting as verbaly agressife as you guys get.

One Swiss referee giving Portugal every advantage he can is not a conspiracy. I never stated anything was planned at all. You added that in.

"It's no surprise that England who beat the Swiss - and the referee who was Swiss - were at the end of unfair decisions." - your saing about one line later that this issent a conspiracy ? The swis reffere wistelt intentionaly against england becaus they beat his homecountry, absolutly no therorie of a conspiracy being there. Your right. Absolutly nothing. LMAO

And, you mean the official wording of the rule, as found on the official website was layed out wrong? Someone phone UEFA, and inform them they've wrote down there own rules wrong.

You guys made unfair into intentional, thats were it was layeed out wrong, there are so manny things in football that are unententionaly but unfair enough to ged redcarded for it. (how manny intentional red cards do you remember, i bet there were a few, but the majorety of guys just tired todo their job way to harsh and than got send of for it)

I'm a stupid English man who has no idea what he sees when he's watching the match. Forgive me, Hit..err.. Matzat.

First, i am not saing your genneraly a stupid person

second, you are a fan, Marking for england to say it in "wrestling words" - People that mark for something don´t see a clear picture (Hogan vs Andre, *hint hint* greatest match of all times *hint hint* )

Thrid, the Nazi remarcs are so tastless and absolutly unexcusebell, do not make me into a person that suports the murder of million of people becaus i am not marking with you for your team. - I stated this several times now, you guys had time to cool of after last night, show me that you are better than a Nazi, becaus the rasistic tackticks you are following right now (making me a silly person just becaus i am german and therfore evil, just like i would be a Jew in the late 1930s) are a lot more Nazi like than annything i ever did on this board.

And you're making me laugh with your complete lack of knowledge, not just in football. But in general.

It´s fun how someone can get so over his head becaus of loosing a football game fair and square. - Yes yes yes, you always hated me, i always was a stupid asshole, you just never toled me, but now, noooow that england lost and i am not not agreeing with you saing them being screed, it just must be out, because someone that issent Marking for england and is in a neutral position just cannot be more right in anny way than someone that has to carry out racisem to be able to hold his point (hey look at him, he is a german nazi and seriusly thinks in that position he has anny right to claim knowing annything about football ? - that just cant be, that lowlife must be wrong so we just ignore all the point he makes and spend the rest of the day rewriting UEFA rules so they fit in our conspiracy theroie that no one is alowed to call a conspiracy theory becaus conspiracy therories are SOOOOOOo not cool)

Face it, the only reason you feel strong is the the majorety here are England Fanboys Marking out just like you, everywere elth, people would laugh at you being a cry baby like you are here, and we all know what happens wen you laugh at english fans wen they are drunk and crying. (this last part wassent serius, but - see see see, now you know how it feels to be hit in the nuts by stupid rasistic points, and this one issent annywere near being called the suporter of Massmurder)

I love how Matzat has been complaining all tournament about bad refereeing decisions yet as soon as England are the victims of a poor decision he suddenly changes his tune.


I already answerd that one, open your eyes.

Read the rules again, and then read between the lines. Then again, that would prove you're wrong.

Sinc wen is "Law" about reading betwen the lines ? I must have missed that lesson wen i had my law classes (thes guys are actually so totaly picky in every word so it cannot be changed by it´s actuall meaning wen someone trys to read betwen the lines) You just want his decision so badly to be wrong that you somewere found your way of it not being a foul.

The thing online is only a public version annyway, the real rulebook is like 150 i think (i had it in my hands some years ago and i doubt they cutore added 100es of pages) and is written just like your genneral law book is written. Stuff like "unfair" dos not happen in such a book without being exactly explained what it means, your just making up foryourself now that Unfair means that he basicly tried to chain the keeper to one goal post so the other player is able to head in clearly, it just issent like that. . .

Prove you hate us? Or, you could go and re-read all posts you've made in this thread. They're clearly biased against England.

That would appley to annyone elth that dossent chere for england in this topic, i admit that i love seing you cry here, but that is something you guys started yourself after missbehaving after every game (just as kobra anounced it, english peopel totaly get assholes wen they whatch soccer, and with some people that missbehaved in this very topic iéd never had expected this, Football issent good for the brain of english people as it seems) - before that i could not have cared less about england winning this tournament even if they werent very high in my winner prediction list. (heck, look how you did at the WC, Euro has more good teams, you wont see teams of a qualety like Saudi arabia ore such at a Euro, so don´t tell me not predicting england as winner wen everyone of you said they would win this as hatreet.)

Edited by Michael Matzat
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I've called non-Germans Hitler within the last 48 hours. And yes, I'm a dirty racist, sure, whatever. Uh, no. And your analysing of my post isn't worth a retort. Not to mention, I said I'm done with it. So, I suggest you do the same, and stop claiming you're neutral.

Not to mention, I was "marking" for England. I began to support them more as the game went on, and the referee's decisions got worse. I'm still supporting, and "marking" for Denmark.

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Look how we did at the World Cup?  I'd say beating Argentina, getting to the Quarter-Finals and only losing to the eventual winners is pretty damn good.

So you say me not predicting England as the WInners of this Tournament dos Prove that i hate England ?

Annyway, it´s time for the next game, time to stop enjoying your crying, now it´s time to enjoy another great game so how about just shutting it on everybodys part and agreeing that england just is goon for whatever reason ? :smug:


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You guys shout at everyone that dossent agree with you, i don´t take that acusation of trolling as annything legit, sorry, at least i dident call you massmurderers. I was asking about stoping to talk about it not asking for you realising annything. Get get get get get get over it.

Now it´s tiem fore Haaarrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!


I´ll laugh so hard if Greece realy dos it, france wassent to great this tournament, lot´s of cool tricks but way to few preshure on the oponents goal.

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yay, logic~! (did you even know that Switzerland dident even expect to even qualify for this tournament ? they were a major underdog, and of cause, meier was planed in from the start to distroy annyone who had the bad luck to be drawen against switzerland in the group stages - shure as hell, no conspiracy theroie AT ALL on your point)

it was layed out wrongly, unfair has not to be intentional, end of story

The goaly must have a clean way to the ball in his smal box around the goal, if he gets blocked by anny player of the opposit team this is a foul. You cannot claim "he would not have gotten that ball annyway" and make up other fary tales

and nooooooooooooooooow you can, cry, bitch, moan, scream ad so on much as you want, no one will get punished for doing this, not on this board, not in the UEFA, england still is bye bye, and thats acording to a right decision like it would have been doon by anny other International Reffere that is doing a good job during an important match :P

you wont change annything expect giving me a good time by making me laugh even harder at your constant Chris Jerricoing (wcw gimmik)  :D

prove me that unfair dos exclude Intention in soccer :P

assides, the stuff you find on the official is only a very toned down version of the rules (i actually wondert why no one of you cryed about that book speaking of a corner, and besides, it never is mentioned that this rule is efecktive all the time in the smal box) - do you realy think such a sucksesfull game is covert rullwise by 32 ore so pages with a lot of pictures ? Serriusly. . .

Prove my hatred for the english, the only hatret i had was that you guys behaved like arogant prics after losing to france and claiming to have won fair and square against switzerland even with a guy sliding fully streched leg into the face of someone elth without pulling back by anny means after the ball long was held by the keeper.

Assides from that, tring to pull me into the racisem corner over and over again just proves that you guys are feeling the hatred, not against germans, thats just the exuse here, you are willing to flame everyone that dos not agree that england giot screewed, even against frace were england had two major missdecisions on their side. - England looses = "FUCKING ROBBED"

blind patriotissem is SOOOOOOO american  <_<

WTF is going on with the quoting !?

And this is now where you have lost absolutely everyone in this thread. Bashing America is soooooooooo passe. :thumbs-up: Way to go Asshole.

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"You guys" Great generalization there. Anyway, go and see if you can make some more stupid comments about tonights game. And I'll be back after the game to argue with you about them.

You guys refers to the people missbehaving here . . . should i list them annytime i try to make a point that gets ignored annyway (sinc i am a sucky german and all sucky germans hate england therefore cannot gfive a right comment (by saing this you disualify yourself all the time btw. your are england fans and admitting it, wen you claim people that hate england only try to make them look stupid you can imposible claim to be all in anny kind of neutral position that is far far away from tring to polish the team as great as posible)

And this is now where you have lost absolutely everyone in this thread. Bashing America is soooooooooo passe. Way to go Asshole.

your old enough to know better, so cry baby cry. You know exactly whom i was refering to with that comment if you ever read one of my iraq war and so on postings so shhhhhh.

Now just shut it, it´s time to talk about the teams that still are in the tournament :lol:

Greece vs Fraaaaanceeeeeeeeee~!

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your old enough to know better, so cry baby cry. You know exactly whom i was refering to with that comment if you ever read one of my iraq war and so on postings so shhhhhh.

Wow, your maturity has swayed me into believing you are correct, and that you are the High and Mighty Ruler of the World who has the right to change facts to support his opinion whenever he wants. I am very sorry for ever doubting you, but if you keep making posts like that, I'm sure I will never doubt you again.

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Wow, the greece fans already with tears in their eyes

Greece is doing an awsome job here, but i am afraid they need at least two goals to make it, france always is able to pull one from out of nowere

WOW, that almost was it

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