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2012 Major League Soccer Thread


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Yeah, I was expecting something more like Wednesday and instead got a repeat of last Saturday's awful, awful team that played Montreal. I wish we had just played a weaker side and focused on the USOC match on Tuesday, which I now have incredibly little confidence in us winning given the lack of downtime between matches and the fact that it's away vs. apparently the best team in the West.

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In less depressing Sounders news, it's confirmed that they've offered Tiffert a three-year contract and he sounds like he's weighing his options but isn't entirely opposed.

This, of course, brings up the question of whether he's being brought in as a DP or not. If he is, I expect to see Alvaro Fernandez transferred elsewhere. If he isn't then it's an absolute coup from Adrian Hanauer.

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In less depressing Sounders news, it's confirmed that they've offered Tiffert a three-year contract and he sounds like he's weighing his options but isn't entirely opposed.

This, of course, brings up the question of whether he's being brought in as a DP or not. If he is, I expect to see Alvaro Fernandez transferred elsewhere. If he isn't then it's an absolute coup from Adrian Hanauer.

i think that's how it'd play out as well which is a shame. Alvaro is bad ass. He needs to stay in the league.

Also, Timber's Army Tifo from yesterday:


Non call at the end of the FCD/CHV match:

<object width="620" height="349" id="cf247e2oi" name="cf247e2on" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1038404/mls_2012-06-23-231304.640hq.mp4"><param'>http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1038404/mls_2012-06-23-231304.640hq.mp4"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed width="620" height="349" src="http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1038404/mls_2012-06-23-231304.640hq.mp4" id="cf247e2ei" name="cf247e2en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" /></object>

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I like Flaco a lot, but he's been seriously underperforming this year aside from the season opener where he and Estrada had some great link-up play. Of our three DPs, he's the most expendable if it comes to that.

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I like Flaco a lot, but he's been seriously underperforming this year aside from the season opener where he and Estrada had some great link-up play. Of our three DPs, he's the most expendable if it comes to that.

Agreed. I really hope they can move him within the league though. He's someone the league needs around.


Bakary Soumare Is Your New CB

^ Man was great for Chicago. This is a huge signing (not just because he's 6'4)

Even more news out of that, is that (GoGo you'll be happy) it apparently poops on the Boca to Vancouver rumors because now Vancouver doesn't hold the #1 allocation spot (NE now does).

Houston is looking at Sone Aluko if the whole "they're all free agents" thing plays out or Aluko doesn't accept the Newco or however all that shit is going to work out. NE is also in the running for him.

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US Open Cup semi-finals are Sounders vs. Chivas USA and SKC vs Philly. Pulling for Philly in the other semi because I think they're more beatable than SKC is, but either option would make for a great final. Chivas will be interesting because we rarely have an easy time getting a result vs. them.

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Toronto pastes Montreal 3-0.

Also, Mr Ricketts turn your man card over to Mr Frings. He freaking owned the hell out of you:

<object width="620" height="349" id="cf0508coi" name="cf0508con" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1044022/mls_2012-06-27-205922.640hq.mp4"><param'>http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1044022/mls_2012-06-27-205922.640hq.mp4"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed width="620" height="349" src="http://p.mlssoccer.com/SAu5a/video/1044022/mls_2012-06-27-205922.640hq.mp4" id="cf0508cei" name="cf0508cen" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" /></object>

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I will never stop laughing at Portland's obvious, generic card tifo being an example of "quality over quantity." This year's Tifo at JELD-WEN was undeniably fantastic, though.

Also fantastic was David Beckham's free-kick goal tonight.

EDIT: And then Quakes find a way to win anyway. I hate those guys.

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Speaking of Beckham...


What magnificent aim and what a magnificent response to San Jose Earthquakes Dinner Theatre.

EDIT: Okay, this GIF is wonderful too. Thank god for the Quakes' incredibly bizarre mascot.


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That Mascot is hilarious. It is by far the strangest I have seen.

Beckham's free kick was spot on from a position on the pitch he is known to score from. It's why you know given the chance Beckham will score and it's been a hard week for him with being left out of Team GB. So he deserved a good goal. Just shocked how he missed the later chance, but it was a good save from the San Jose keeper.

The defending was shocking from Galaxy. But clearly two hand balls in that game and how the referee missed that god only knows.

I have not seen the confrontation with San Jose and Galaxy yet, so will have to look out for it.

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