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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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I liked the South Pacific cast a lot more. Hopefully, I grow to like the competitors as time goes on. I really can't stand Matt, though. I hope he gets voted off early and he's just dumbfounded because he thought he was the leader.

The girl who broke her wrist was very dumb. Jeff kept saying to land on your back and nobody listened until this girl was hurt. I feel bad for her, but there's a reason Jeff says how to do things. I would be much more concerned about my safety and not injuring myself than winning a silly competition. If you get hurt, you're off the show anyway. It doesn't make sense to put yourself at risk.

I really enjoyed the tribal council at the end. The girls started going at it and it throws in a nice little twist for things to come. Should be very interesting.

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Good second episode. A lot of focus on Colton and the women's tribe falling apart. Two things stood out

1) Colton's edit is a bit ... strange. They made a big show about him always being on the woman's camp and alienating himself from the men, but at the camp fire he said "I've got to make the younger guys think I'm still with them". What? He's made an alliance with the younger dudes? I don't think they've showed any strategic going-ons with the men outside the four hunks saying they are running the show. It seems like Colton is just trying to put himself into as many alliances as possible at this point, which is probably good for the next 3-4 votes but I think he's in jeopardy of being knocked out around the merge. He's gotta commit to one group and than venture outwards, not commit to every group and than pick which one he wants to stick with.

2) The women made a horrible decision. Even if the 5 want to stay strong, it's a stupid move to take out Nina who hasn't done anything reprehensible. Christina did screw up in balance beam challenge, clearly crossed Alicia and seems overly eager to get in with the guys. If I were the 5 girls, I would have taken her out first. Sabrina, Kim and Chelsea actually seem to be very smart, rational women; I'm actually really confused as to how they became aligned with Kat and Alicia, who seem to be functionally brain dead.

I'm enjoying the season. The women need to get their shit in order ASAP. I still think Kim (and I guess now Chelsea, as they are aligned) are in a really good position. They are young, smart and attractive women - in women vs. men seasons, the young and attractive women seem to have a much easier time persuading the men to make very bad decisions.

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It should have been Christina or Kat. I'm not a fan of Nina, mainly because her face horrifies me, but she has done nothing wrong. The only thing you can maybe accuse her of is being direct to people, but then again that's because she was clearly the one going home so she had to do something to save herself. Christina screwed up during the challenge, isn't a great athlete and seems to bring a negative energy to the tribe. Kat is just really, really dumb. This is actually quite dangerous for the alliance, because she might slip up and reveal info to the men, or just generally say something stupid. Wouldn't surprise me if they swapped Kat for Monica soon.

Colton needs to watch out he doesn't became a one man tribe. Being friends with the girls is nice but 1) it clearly won't help him now, and 2) they start to get annoyed by him so when he does reach the merge they don't want him around any more. I did not expect Leif, Troyzan etc to react so happily when Colton revealed the idol. For some reason I expected them to give Colton lip service and then just tell the Frat Boys, but I guess I underestimated them. Right now I'd prefer to see Michael get blindsided, what a twat.

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The idea of Colton grabbing allies and saying that they'll use the idol to take out matt.... Why? You've got allies now, why mention using the idol. 5 is greater than 4. Sure I didn't see Tarzan around the fire, but if Troyzan is self-aware enough to realize he's not in the poor man's four horsemen and... I am shocked by that, then Tarzan has to piece it together and side with the misfit toys.

I can actually see Colton being ignorant here... Destroying the macho men, maintaing the misfits, and then immediately flipping during a tribal swap or merge. I worry he's too dependent or set on the idea that he needs a woman. I see him easily screwing himself over down the line.

Christina didn't screw up the challenge anymore than Kat did, infact she screwed it up less. And Christina's crime about making a deal? Everyone on no salami tried to make a deal, including Alicia. Christina just didn't offer without discussion a married mother getting naked. Christina got results. Is she a bigger threat than Nina strategicly? That's debateable.

But I see neither Christina or Nina as a big a hinderance as frickin' Kat.

I fear that they're not keeping her because she's easy to control. I fear that they actually think she's going to be a benefit to their alliance, and other than a vote that they could easily get from Monica or even Nina? I don't see it.

I'm praying Sabrina ditches the nitwits and keeps her personality even keel. If she manages? I'll fully support her winning.

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You've got allies now, why mention using the idol

Because he didn't have allies before mentioning the idol. I mean, Jonas sums it up when he's like "so we were just going to get rid of Colton but hey, he has the Idol, maybe not so much."

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I don't really buy the Colton would go out first and because he had no allies edit from the last two shows. As he said to Jonas and Troyzan at the fire, he was going to have to play it up to the young guys that he was still with them. Still indicating that he was already in an alliance with the young dudes prior to the revelation of the idol at the camp fire. We didn't see it during the show, but I'm assuming there is a lot to the men than 4 young, 4 old and 1 girly boy who was obviously going to go home. Its just hard to know the power structure/dynamic of the men tribe because we are too focused on the girls, who had to go twice in a row. Using the idol serves to rally the old geezers to take out the young, because to an extent, it means he gets to call the shots.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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I don't think Colton was in an alliance. He was referring to when Matt went up to him and told him if he can give the men valuable info about the girls then he can be a valuable asset, but if he just goes there for shits and giggles he's a liability. Had the men lost and Colton didn't have the idol, I'm sure Colton would have either gone out first or second (maybe Tarzan first). It's clear the men don't like his work ethic, and he's clearly not some god in challenges.

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What a shit show of a third episode.

  • Glad the women are rebounding. I generally seem to like all the women left so far, while I'm hoping a few of the men get sent home soon.
  • Colton is stupid for getting too friendly to the women. But you know what is also really stupid? Alienating the women and treating them like shit. This whole being petty over embers and canoes is dumb. They really should work together, because Lord knows a swap is coming soon and they are going to merge at some point.
  • Why was Bill the puzzle solver? Bill has come across like a frat dude. Why not Matt or Michael, who seem to have a better head on their shoulder? Nevertheless, stupid move, in my opinion.
  • The mens tribe is full of irritating people. I completely understand why Colton wants Bill gone - he's annoying as all fuck. Him seeming to push Colton and get in his face next week just makes me dislike him more - it's a game, get over it and don't try and use physicality to threaten somebody. I like Jay - he seems to be smart, adaptable and seems to have the best connection with the older guys. I think he'll last the longest out of the frat boy alliance. Michael has faded into the background, but he was an idiot the first few episodes so I don't think he's magically become very intelligent. Tarzan seems to be in a power position, but I don't really know how much power he holds. Jonas... meh. I actually like Troyzan; we've seen a lot of interaction he has had with everybody and it's all been genuinely good interaction. Out of the men's tribe, I'm enjoying Jay, Troyzan and Colton. Colton is clearly playing for a role on a returning season and to be a memorable character, rather than a winner.
  • Matt was clearly the right person to go home.

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I think with Bill it was a calculated risk. He's ex-army so he was actually a great choice to be the caller, much like Sarge was in Vanuatu, and he was clearly much better at it than Sabrina. He wasn't great on the puzzle but it also seemed like the men's tribe totally failed to work with him on giving him instructions, whereas once they got to the puzzle the women worked together magnificently.

I fucking hate Colton, honestly. And I get that that's what he's deliberately doing, but the moment he said "ghetto trash" I officially lost patience with his shit. And he's definitely playing to be a returning player, even more blatantly and decisively than Cochran was. At least I could see what Cochran hypothetically thought he was doing. Matt sucked too, though, so it was lose-lose.

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It's kinda sad that Survivor has become a bit of a revolving door and that it can become a career for people. Russell, Jane, Cochran are three people who come to mind that came across like they were playing for a 2nd season, rather than the season they were on.

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I fucking hate Colton, honestly. And I get that that's what he's deliberately doing, but the moment he said "ghetto trash" I officially lost patience with his shit. And he's definitely playing to be a returning player, even more blatantly and decisively than Cochran was. At least I could see what Cochran hypothetically thought he was doing. Matt sucked too, though, so it was lose-lose.

That. This last episode made him seem like a priss (well more so?) with all his comments, especially the ghetto trash one. Not sure he's going to last too long, who announces they have the hidden immunity idol during the first vote when you know you have the votes? Then you don't even use it? That doesn't make much sense, just don't even mention it. But I think he'll get too power hungry in the next few episodes and eventually bite the bullet. Matt going was obvious because the frat boys didn't have the numbers and he was pretty much alienating the other five, aside from a random conversation with the chef (no idea what his name is...). So far this season isn't grabbing my attention, not much going on aside from random arguments over sharing items and fire.

Edited by Do You Smell It?
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Yeah I don't really get why Colton just revealed the idol to everyone there. It might pay off at first, as the Frat Boy Alliance will go home one by one, but then the guys can easily just gang up on him and flush the idol. As it stands right now though Colton makes the merge at least and he should be happy about this because if he wants to be a returning player he needs to make the merge. I liked Tarzan's contributions this episode, it showed his personality. Matt was an ass but I do think with the right people he could have done very well. He's a good talker and can sway people. At least he noticed the threat and tried to fix his place, Michael didn't do shit. Bill is next probably on the guys tribe and if Michael is smart he keeps himself on the down low. I'm surprised by Troyzan's play so far, he's not even that loony.

Did Cochran play for a returning player spot? He was useless the entire way until the merge. He never tried to strategize with people or look for the idol. He got carried to the merge and then flipped. You could argue the flipping was him trying to become famous but meh, I think he really thought it was for the best and got played by Coach.

I thought Troyzan would be a guy who would play to be memorable but he's been normal. Bill is just weird, didn't expect that. Seemed calm and collected first 2 episodes. Jonas is in a great position.

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Did Cochran play for a returning player spot? He was useless the entire way until the merge. He never tried to strategize with people or look for the idol. He got carried to the merge and then flipped. You could argue the flipping was him trying to become famous but meh, I think he really thought it was for the best and got played by Coach.

I think people think that because he said on multiple occasions that the game is all about making big moves.

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The interviews with Matt give some insight

Colton was aligned with the young guys, but when he found the idol, decided to side with the misfits. Matt actually had very high praise for Colton and described him as "underrated" and the biggest threat out there.

Matt was basically targeted from day #1 and there was never a chance that Bill was going home, but Matt was working with Troyzan and Jonas in the days leading up to his tribal to get rid of Bill instead of him.

Leif and Tarzan are "wishy-washy" and Jonas and Troy are very close and seem to be holding a lot of the cards in their tribe.

Bill he described as a floater and unreliable and was the fourth person in the young dude's alliance.

Was pretty quiet on Mike and Jay.

Kim, Sabrina and Chelsea are the clearly decision makers on the woman's tribe, with Kat and Alicia as secondary in the alliance.

So basically, the men's tribe is Jonas and Troyzan seem to be at the top, Leif/Tarzan are aligned with them but seen as wishy-washy, Colton is working all sides, seems to be leaning towards the misfits but he wants to make big moves, Jay and Mike are aligned but seem to have no allies other than Bill, who is a floater and seems to be off by himself. I think the next few episodes could be interesting, especially with prospects of swap. My guess is that Bill is probably next on the chopping block.


Hypothetical hierarchy of people with power on both tribes:

Jonas & Troyzan at the top. (closely aligned, young guys trying to work with)

Colton beneath them (immunity idol, in with misfits, great relations with the girls)

Tarzan & Lief (in with misfits, but seen as wishy washy)

Jay (higher than Mike because of his involvement in the strategy discussion down at the beach probably makes him closer to the misfits)

Mike (aligned with Jay and vaguely aligned with Bill, but has had no interaction with the misfits really)

Bill (was a target and seen as a floater)

Sabrina (the leader and clearly part of the power structure)

Kim and Chelsea (part of power structure, but not designated as tribe leaders... Sabrina was)

Alicia (in with power structure)

Kat (in with power structure, but seen as a challenge liability)

Monica (not much developed on her, just know she is not with the young chicks)

Christina (in a horrible position - not in with the majority and disliked by members, particularly Alicia. A positive is that she seems to have a good working relationship with the men)

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Did Cochran play for a returning player spot? He was useless the entire way until the merge. He never tried to strategize with people or look for the idol. He got carried to the merge and then flipped. You could argue the flipping was him trying to become famous but meh, I think he really thought it was for the best and got played by Coach.

What Cochran was actually trying to do, according to Cochran himself, was to play a Rob C-in-Amazon game and try to work with the people on the outside of the main alliance because he rightly recognized that by tagging along with Savaii he wasn't going to get anything going whatsoever. The problem is that a) he was the only member of his tribe to flip and b) the only members of Upolu willing to play ball were Albert and Edna, and nobody in the possible Cochran/Albert/Dawn/Whitney group from that one episode realized Edna would be willing to make a move until it was too late.

It was a bad move from Cochran and a good move from Coach but it's unfair to say that there was no plan on Cochran's part beyond "stay in the game" (which is what Jim usually accuses).

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Apparently tonight's episode features some huge, never-before-on-Survivor moment at tribal council. I'm trying to figure out what it possibly could be, but still at a loss. Maybe the winning tribe decides to go to tribal even though they won the Immunity challenge?

EDIT: From Facebook... "and for the first time, a play will be made that will change the game forever!" Hmmm... this could prove to be a great episode.

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Yeah, that was pretty crazy.

EDIT: And I'm completely on team Colton. Racist? Probably. Entitled brat? Definitely. Completely obnoxious? Oh hell yeah. But great television. The dude is running his tribe.

A swap next week?!... holy shit. One World is picking up. I think we are headed for a great run of eliminations and episodes.

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Colton Cumbie is the worst human being to ever play Survivor.

Legit, I'm trying to think of a player I have hated more than him. Maybe Lisi Linares?

EDIT: I mean, okay, no. There are probably worse people who've played but Jesus.

I mean, the best part is he's terrible at Survivor. I don't even think he's great TV because I don't love to hate him, I just hate him.

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