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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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Tarzan understands the game, he made a lot of sense at times during this episode but Alicia failed >_< Was so weird seeing her be all convinced of taking out Chelsea and going to the end with Tarzan and Christina to just telling everything to Kim the moment she came back. She says she's running the game, but she's hilariously being played by Kim, like everyone else.

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Alicia seems to be the complete opposite of Tarzan - she lacks perception. In the Aras Podcast with Rob C, Aras hit the nail on the head - the key to winning Survivor is perception. Alicia lacks perception - she talks that she is making moves and quite possibly, she thinks she is making moves. But she is not. She is rolling over, allowing Kim to call the shots.

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Kim's had this game in the bag since before the jury was selected. Unless she bring Chelsea to the final three, in which case we may see a few sour people choose her over Kim. Naw, I'm wrong, Kim has this in the bag. Seriously what a terribly boring season.

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They won't choose her over Kim. Every exit interview I've seen with every man on the jury implies that they really, really hate Chelsea.

Really, at best maybe Sabrina can sway some people over but I'll be shocked if she's not gone next.

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I'm disappointed in Sabrina, because she seemed to play hard at the start and had a clear vision for the future. Ever since the merge she has just stopped playing, letting Kim do all the work. You can try and be the one that isn't hated for doing all the dirty work, but thing is Kim has played so well nobody actually hates her for being the boss. Sabrina is going to be sitting at the final TC with nothing to say. Chelsea will come off as a puppet of Kim and Alicia as someone who thinks she made moves but actually ended up doing nothing, plus she's been a bitch. Christina....well, she's fucked no matter what but she should be in the final 3 because of that. The only way the final can be interesting is if Kim gets eliminated, which is highly unlikely and they haven't teased it either.

As for the whole season, there have been some good to great episodes, but the all girls domination has hurt the game, and the naivety of some players like Jay, Kat, Alicia, Troyzan. This season did provide us with some good characters though and it feels like they held back a bit on some so they can expand in the future (they have started doing this a while ago now). Returns of Troyzan, Kat, Colton and maybe even Kim (purely for being a very good strategic player) wouldn't surprise me down the line.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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One of the all-time worst seasons Survivor has ever seen. Kim is one of the best female players of all time, but I never want to see her again because she's boring TV.

EDIT: Okay, three medivaced former players on next season. Surely this is Mike Skupin vs. Jonathan Penner vs, I don't know, Russell Swann?

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The rumors I have read are saying its those three GoGo. As soon as I heard about this I was terrified it'd be Colton, but he's probably not coming back until the next season. I approve of those three choices if that's who it really ends up being. Russell Swan I can take or leave, but Skupin and Penner are both people I think deserve to come back and will be interesting to watch.

I agree Kim was a phenomenal player and deserved that win completely, but it was a really meh season. She was such a cerebral player that it did make her come off as boring most of the times. I also blame the casting partially for the boringness of this season. They were clearly going for people with big personalities who were wacky. They got that, but they also got stupid people who were easily picked off by smarter players and a completely unfair playing field. Honestly the only guy on the island I feel like knew how to play the game was Troyzan, and I seriously question even that a lot of times, especially after last night.

Even final tribal was boring last night. Just a rough season, hopefully producers learn from their casting mistakes.

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Yeah, the field of medivaced players who are big enough characters to come back is pretty much Mike, Penner, James, Russell S., and Colton. Colton certainly doesn't look like he's just come off the island judging from the reunion, and bringing James back a fourth time would be pretty ridic.

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Good bye 24, hello 25.

I'm not down as much on this season as much as the others, but it's still middle of the pack for me. For me, the top 5 will always be Borneo, Amazon, Pearl Islands, China and Micronesia. They just had really strong seasons, not necessarily strategically, just in terms of overall entertainment. From this season, I really am only interested in seeing Kim (is she really that good?) and Kat play again. I'd guess that Kat (barring any huge health problems) and Colton are probably most likely to appear on upcoming seasons, just to see if they mature as individuals and play the game differently.

I think One World's reputation will improve in the long run. I think this will probably be the last Survivor season with an entirely new cast and that is a bit of a bitter sweet moment and will make people reflect a bit more positively on the season.

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is she really that good?

Yes. The men did stupid things, Alicia did stupid things, but everything we saw of Kim made me think that her social game really is that good. I got bored of Final Jury after a certain point (to be honest, I skipped at least half of the episode once Alicia was gone because at that point who went next was a formality), but the way she handled jury questions and the cards she played were masterful. Between her jury management/ability to handle people, shrewd strategic moves, and individual challenge domination, I'm willing to call Kim a three-tool player and there are very few of those in Survivor.

I mean, yes, there were stupid people on her cast. But the vast majority of winners, even the "great" ones, benefit from someone's strategic weakness or spinelessness.

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Kim seriously did have an incredibly sharp mind. She was so smart in every thing she said, you could tell she was thinking about every single word, every single bit of punctuation, every pause. She was exceptional. I just mean, people are putting her in the upper echelons of winners, like among Brian H and Tom. She was fantastic though. A lot of people complained she was boring as a winner, but I find her to be reasonably entertaining. Than again, I liked watching Sophie.

It's fantastic that Survivor had back-to-back strong female winners. Sophie and Kim did fantastic in the social, strategic AND, probably most importantly, physical game. Both of them had multiple IC/RC wins under their belt and were serious contenders for every challenge post-merge. Sophie freaking knocked challenge God Ozzy out of the game, which is probably a big part of why she won and Kim dominated the last immunity challenges, which probably helped in getting her jury votes.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Yeah, but comparing Kim to Brian is totally fair and I would put them on par with each other. If anything, Kim didn't have as glaring a weakness as Brian's failure to actually get to know everyone else out there. He was a great salesman but against anyone but Clay or maybe Jan he would have lost. Of course, going up against Clay at the end was his plan all along and he executed it perfectly, but still. The biggest thing in Brian's favor is that he did it first and he offered a model for future players to study, but at the same time the flipside is that the game is more complicated and players are more strategy-savvy than they were in Thailand.

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Kim was fantastic, although I don't think she would have won if 1) Colton didn't leave the game, 2) the men didn't give up immunity and 3) if the tribe switch didn't happen. Ofcourse every winner has had luck throughout the game though.

How stupid is Christina? She's one of the worst players ever to get that far, just completely delusional. When she talked to Jeff at TC her case was Sabrina should maybe go because she sucked in challenges? What the hell? She didn't even understand she was the perfect woman to take cause she would get no votes. Delusional.

And yeah, the rumors were true then, Skupin/Swan/Penner definitely. All three players you'd not bring back for an All Stars type deal.

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Sucks has potential season 26 spoilers up and man are they HORRIBLE.

Fans vs. Favorites

5 male favorites are indeed Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan and Shane.

5 female favorites are Corrine, Kat, Francesca, Brenda and Shambo.

Bad choices: Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan... basically the men.

Good choices: Shane, Corrine, Kat, Brenda.

WTF: Francesca, Shambo.

Honestly, this is a trainwreck of a season if this is true. I'm FUCKING stoked for the return of Shane. Corrine is a oddball choice, but she did pretty decently her season, was an OK character, understood the game and you don't want to have too many people from one season. Brenda and Kat are also very great choices. Why the fuck is Francesca coming back?

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Apparently they fly out next week. So things could change. I mean, I can't remember how I felt pre-Fans vs. Favorites regarding the cast. Maybe this will turn out to surprise and be amazing? Honestly, the cast has to be fake, right? It can't be... that bad? Right?

If Shane doesn't make merge, I riot.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Sucks has potential season 26 spoilers up and man are they HORRIBLE.

Fans vs. Favorites

5 male favorites are indeed Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan and Shane.

5 female favorites are Corrine, Kat, Francesca, Brenda and Shambo.

Bad choices: Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan... basically the men.

Good choices: Shane, Corrine, Kat, Brenda.

WTF: Francesca, Shambo.

Honestly, this is a trainwreck of a season if this is true. I'm FUCKING stoked for the return of Shane. Corrine is a oddball choice, but she did pretty decently her season, was an OK character, understood the game and you don't want to have too many people from one season. Brenda and Kat are also very great choices. Why the fuck is Francesca coming back?

It should be entertaining atleast... I don't mind Troyzan but I don't fully remember Shane. I googled him and I still vaguely remember, must've been the period where I wasn't fully into it (between Guatemala - Fiji, completely didn't watch China then I picked back up from the first FvF).

The only choices I dislike are Francesca and Shambo. Atleast Brenda is hot... Corrine doesn't ring a bell either.

EDIT -- Didn't watch the finale but I recorded the Reunion which was pretty bland. Colton's mom got more air time than half the cast.

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Sucks has potential season 26 spoilers up and man are they HORRIBLE.

Fans vs. Favorites

5 male favorites are indeed Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan and Shane.

5 female favorites are Corrine, Kat, Francesca, Brenda and Shambo.

Bad choices: Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan... basically the men.

Good choices: Shane, Corrine, Kat, Brenda.

WTF: Francesca, Shambo.

Honestly, this is a trainwreck of a season if this is true. I'm FUCKING stoked for the return of Shane. Corrine is a oddball choice, but she did pretty decently her season, was an OK character, understood the game and you don't want to have too many people from one season. Brenda and Kat are also very great choices. Why the fuck is Francesca coming back?

It should be entertaining atleast... I don't mind Troyzan but I don't fully remember Shane. I googled him and I still vaguely remember, must've been the period where I wasn't fully into it (between Guatemala - Fiji, completely didn't watch China then I picked back up from the first FvF).

The only choices I dislike are Francesca and Shambo. Atleast Brenda is hot... Corrine doesn't ring a bell either.

EDIT -- Didn't watch the finale but I recorded the Reunion which was pretty bland. Colton's mom got more air time than half the cast.

Shane is from Panama/Exile Island. I highly recommend going back and watching his season, if only for Shane alone. The guy is just a hugh functioning, ADHD sociopath, and not a strategic sense. I think at multiple points during the season he threatens to kill a few cast members.

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Spoiler cuts, RPS :angry:

Also, Corrine playing again I am 1000% for just so she can be an unbelievably awful person to anyone who irritates her.

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Sucks has potential season 26 spoilers up and man are they HORRIBLE.

Fans vs. Favorites

5 male favorites are indeed Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan and Shane.

5 female favorites are Corrine, Kat, Francesca, Brenda and Shambo.

Bad choices: Cochran, Brandon, Phillip, Troyzan... basically the men.

Good choices: Shane, Corrine, Kat, Brenda.

WTF: Francesca, Shambo.

Honestly, this is a trainwreck of a season if this is true. I'm FUCKING stoked for the return of Shane. Corrine is a oddball choice, but she did pretty decently her season, was an OK character, understood the game and you don't want to have too many people from one season. Brenda and Kat are also very great choices. Why the fuck is Francesca coming back?

It should be entertaining atleast... I don't mind Troyzan but I don't fully remember Shane. I googled him and I still vaguely remember, must've been the period where I wasn't fully into it (between Guatemala - Fiji, completely didn't watch China then I picked back up from the first FvF).

The only choices I dislike are Francesca and Shambo. Atleast Brenda is hot... Corrine doesn't ring a bell either.

EDIT -- Didn't watch the finale but I recorded the Reunion which was pretty bland. Colton's mom got more air time than half the cast.

Shane is from Panama/Exile Island. I highly recommend going back and watching his season, if only for Shane alone. The guy is just a hugh functioning, ADHD sociopath, and not a strategic sense. I think at multiple points during the season he threatens to kill a few cast members.

Are there any good sites to watch it online? Can't really find a site that has an entire season... although I haven't really looked too hard. :shifty:

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