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EWB Fantasy Baseball Draft Discussion


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Guest mr. potato head

Handy tip: Our Yahoo league has a section for Pre-Draft Rankings. Seems useless because we're doing an off-Yahoo draft, but I'm using it to filter out players who have already been taken so I have an easy way of seeing who's left.

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As always you have 24 hours to make a pick. As soon the 24 hours are up next team can slide up and make a pick but you're free to jump back in when you show up (like it works with the actual NFL draft). So if MPH doesn't make a pick in 24 hours, Berober can jump in and make his and MPH is free to slide in and make his pick 2nd overall as long as the next team in line hasn't done so. Stay on top of it. If you'll be away send me or anyone else here a list. If you're sending a list to someone else please let me know first.
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That's how Maxx does it in the fantasy football league, and how I planned to do it in the fantasy basketball league next year. From personal experience life has a way of taking me away from the internet for some long gaps of time. I can try to get PMs in all I want, but at the end of the day what if the draft is flying by at African Swallow speed while I'm occupied with something more important?

But either way, we need to be probably be done round 3 by the end of the weekend and I don't know how that's at all feasible. We're probably going to have a small draft with a ton of guys to claim on waivers right before opening day.

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Cant people just get the next highest ranked player if they miss their pick? Seems unfair they would get skipped.

I don't think skipping is unfair. He can jump back in and make a pick. 24 hours is plenty of time to make a pick. People have different draft strategies. What if I pick a position player for someone and they wanted a pitcher that round or vice versa.

Especially with the weekend coming up. If you think you'll be away when you turn comes please send a list in so we can keep moving along.

Edited by sahyder1
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I'm talking about emergencies. I know if I find out I have to rush to the hospital or get called into work at the last minute sending off a PM of my preferred draft picks isn't high on my priority list. Obviously if we sat around by our computers all day 24 hours is more than doable, but things do come up.

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