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Rasiak can do a job short term. He's a competent enough target man (one of few people to get the ball into the net against the scousers this season even if it did end up disallowed) with a decent header but he's obviously not in the same sort of class as Mido and with us chasing that 4th place spot I don't think he's going to be able to influence us as much as the Egyptian could.

IIRC we've got Mido until after the Liverpool game on the 14th and in the case of Egypt getting to the final he is away until the 10th of Feb (12th if a couple of days rest given as an example).

This would mean Mido misses games against Villa (home), Fulham (away), Charlton (home) and possible Sunderland away on the 12th February. Now that we've got him for the Liverpool game before that run Rasiak should be able to do the job for the side over this period as there's noone THAT taxing in that group. Not to say they are going to be easy games but it's games that we can make do without Mido looking at Rasiak in his brief appearences.

The Mido m,ove needs to be made permanent though since although Rasiak can do a job he's nowhere near the class as Mido and I can't see him being made use of too often in the clubs longer term future.

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I hope that isn't true. Why spend 7 million on a teenager and then send him back to where he came from? He did exactly the same (to a lesser extent) to Huddlestone and Davenport.

Tottenham have offered a trial to Czech midfielder Marek Suchy, with negotiations between Spurs and Slavia Prague ongoing.

The 17-year-old looks to have a bright future ahead of him and has already established himself as a regular in the Slavia first team, after making his full debut at the end of last season.

Suchy, who has played in the UEFA Cup for his club this season, has been watched by Spurs scouts this season although his current club may be reluctant to lose the youngster while still in Europe.

Martin Jol wants to take a first-hand look at the teenager and has offered him the chance to impress on trial, with a view to a permanent switch to White Hart Lane.

Slavia spokesman Alexander Kliment admitted: "Tottenham have given an indication that they want to test Suchy, but we are still in a phase of talks."

No comment, never heard of the guy.

Manchester City defender David Sommeil has been charged with violent conduct by the Football Association for a foul on Spurs' Lee Young-Pyo in the 2-0 defeat on Wednesday.

A statement on the FA's website confirmed: 'Sommeil has been offered the penalty of a three-match suspension and has until 6pm on Friday January6 to accept or deny the charge.

'A disciplinary commission will hear the charge on Tuesday January 10.

Spurs head coach Martin Jol had blasted Sommeil for the tackle that saw Lee stretchered from the pitch 16 minutes from time at Eastlands.

Jol fumed: 'Lee said it was the worst tackle ever and I believe him. It looked a bit horrific.

'I can understand why the referee missed it because he was focused on the first tackle (by Michael Brown on Joey Barton).

'My problem is that Lee has bad bruising on his knee and will probably be out for a couple of weeks.'


Later on today...


Manchester City defender David Sommeil has decided to appeal against an FA charge of violent conduct for a foul on Spurs' Lee Young-Pyo in the 2-0 defeat on Wednesday.

A statement on the FA's website confirmed: "Sommeil has been offered the penalty of a three-match suspension and has until 6pm on Friday January 6 to accept or deny the charge.

"A disciplinary commission will hear the charge on Tuesday January 10."

The Citizens have now confirmed that Sommeil will appeal against the FA rap.

Spurs head coach Martin Jol had blasted Sommeil for the tackle that saw Lee stretchered from the pitch 16 minutes from time at Eastlands.

Jol fumed: "Lee said it was the worst tackle ever and I believe him. It looked a bit horrific.

"I can understand why the referee missed it because he was focused on the first tackle (by Michael Brown on Joey Barton).

"My problem is that Lee has bad bruising on his knee and will probably be out for a couple of weeks."

I hope the bastard gets charged. Who's our back-up left back?

Edited by Messiah-Dice
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From what I've seen of Walcott I rate him higher then Rooney so it'll be interesting to see what we do with him, I can't believe we'd spend that money just to lan him back though :\

As Jol said I can understand the referee missing it and not taking action at the time due to the Brown incident just before. However what I can't understand is how he can appeal. The incident was brought to the board who looked at it and decided to ban him. Now he's to go back to the same board and appeal, what a waste of time.

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From what I've seen of Walcott I rate him higher then Rooney so it'll be interesting to see what we do with him, I can't believe we'd spend that money just to lan him back though :\

As Jol said I can understand the referee missing it and not taking action at the time due to the Brown incident just before. However what I can't understand is how he can appeal. The incident was brought to the board who looked at it and decided to ban him. Now he's to go back to the same board and appeal, what a waste of time.

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1) Rooney is not a striker he's an attacking midfielder who is usually misallocated, and is at his best running from midfield.

2) Rooney has no positional sense, what point is there in your pacey striker playing full back when you need to hit someone on the break?

3) INCONSISTENCY - When Rooney has a good game everyone raves about him. Funnily enough he's had far more games where he is entirely annonymous, people don't mention them often... (what happened to him in Europe eh?)

4) discipline - Rooney has none, simple enough, not only is he one of the worst offenders for discipline but again his footballing discipline second rate (abck to the lack of positional sense.)

5) Walcotts got there without the hype. Rooney scored a free kick against seemingly unbeatable opposition. Didn't do much else for the rest of the season, however was talked up to unbelievable proportions by the mass media.

Don't get me wrong Rooney is a good player with stacks of potential but has too many little inconsistencies in his game and lacks the mental capacity to be thought of as "the saviour" just yet. Walcott seems to be a more mature player from what I've seen and read about him and I think he could definatly do the striking role better then Rooney. Rooney on his day is unquestionable but once every two or three months isn't the sort of thing that justifies the blind faith shown in him. Hey, who am I to argue with José Mourinho though?

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Walcott got there without the hype? :lol: The kid's all hype, for fucks sake.

To me, he's nothing but overated. A few good performances for Southampton and anyone can look like a hero, but throw him into the reasonably deep end (fuck that power-shifting bollocks) with Spurs and then you'd get a better assessment of his ability or lack of.

Rooney's the kind of player that instantly commands his place in the first team for both club and country and although he's understandably not at his best in every game, his very involvement alone can often change games. He's still young, he still has a lot to learn but compared to this month's flash in the pan, Walcott...he's light years ahead.

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I understand what you're saying, as you for one can actually supply a valid argument, but playing against weak opposition in the lower leagues is no test of character especially if its the premiership you aim to eventually play in.

When Rooney was Walcott's age he was coming through into the first team and constantly being pulled back out to aid his development, Moyes put in a lot of effort with him and really got the pay-off. Walcott to me is still very much unproven and although I have my doubts, he could theoretically become the star that Rooney is or will go on to be. That however, is in the distant future and to compare the two now to the extent that lanky has is ridiculous given the two vastly different jobs they each have.

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Guest muddatrucker27

Wow, wait until hes at least played in the premiership, publicenemy is right about the hype, thats all he is at the moment because the vast majority haven't even seen him play at all.

What you're reading Lanky is hype, its all hype, he's being hyped, thats hype. Thats possibly the most retarded statement you ever made.

At least wait until he plays a game at premiership level before you start declaring him the new jesus.

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