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PES 2013


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Yeah, I think it's brilliant.

Loved '12, this feels even better. Speed is toned down a notch.

  • Manual passing and shooting is glorious. Hard as shit, but glorious. Lots of practice needed for this, the benefits should be incredible when you really master it.
  • Talking of shooting, feels much better here.
  • Keepers feel a bit better so far, few new animations.
  • On the point of keepers, you can now finally sprint while they have the ball in hand and you can use the power bar to throw it, awesome.
  • Double tap A for tackling, overall it's a bit different to last year, very nice. Yellow cards are much easier to get with A/X now though, so less reckless challenges this year and mashing A like some morons do will likely result in two yellow cards eventually.
  • Ox is higher rated than Welbeck, madness. Not that ratings matter a great deal in PES, as it's all about stats (See Defoe having 69 OV last year).
  • Some new animations here and there.
  • Player ID is awesome. Ronaldo feels immense, Nani feels much better this year too. Rooney and Gerrard stand out alot too amongst numerous others.
  • Ronaldinho in the demo!

And numerous other stuff. Played about ten games so far, loving it. Got battered by Portugal on Top Player, Nani tore me apart. Loads of new controls and new features, I'd advise going into the pause menu and reading all of the new controls if you want to reap the full benefits of a lot of the new additions. Only Demo 1 too, expect there will be more improvements in Demo 2. Massive thumbs up so far.

Also, manual wise. You can turn full manual shooting on or instead have it turned off but use a manual shot at any time by holding LT. This is good to practice it. Also, hold LT and you get an arrow to show you a rough idea of where you are aiming, again this can help practice and learn manual passing and shooting.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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My complete lack of experience with the PES gameplay, coupled with my dislike of playing a proper all players type match rather than BAP, left me kind of useless in the demo.

I picked Germany against England, obviously, and somehow managed to win, not really keeping up with things as I kept trying to use FIFA controls. I scored by blasting the ball off the post with Podolski, having it bounce back and hit Joe Hart in the face and go in, so double victory there although I missed a penalty somehow even though by my reckoning I aimed top right corner and it went straight at Hart but eh. If I gave it enough time to learn the controls and nuances and stuff I think it could be pretty cool.

I had PES2011 and found it pretty tough to get into. I enjoyed the Pro mode in that, having international games and transfers to preferred squads and stuff was very cool but the gameplay didn't really feel as fun as FIFA for me.

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What's the button for this new "first touch control" thing? I think it may've been R2, but I wasn't doing anything like I've seen executed in the videos.

Yeah, R2 just as they're about to trap the ball. Hold R3 to flick it (which probably accounts more for what they showed in the preview video). As well as the move list in the menu, also here for anyone.

PES Full Control: http://winningeleven.es/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/22.jpg

New/Attack/Defence Controls: http://winningeleven.es/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/112.jpg

Been trying to use quite a bit of the lofted long pass, quite like that being added. Still need to try a few of the other new moves. Still pull off the nutmeg shot with Rooney.

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I'm more impressed with this year's version than last year's but it's still not better than FIFA. The controls, the graphics and general gameplay is still lagging behind. The defending in this is absolute lightyears behind the new system FIFA introduced last year and will no doubt improve upon this year.

I do like the touch of having ability to use the little arrow for manual controls though. I always thought the system had too steep a learning curve in FIFA and this could be the training wheels necessary to make it more used amongst the core players.

So yeah, it's an improvement but still don't have any real urge to return to this, still can't recapture the glory days for me whilst FIFA has come on leaps and bounds since 09

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Not being the best at PES, it's taken me four attempts on the demo to win on professional. I had a game on regular but found it too easy. I really need to take the time to learn any skill moves whatsoever...

Anyway, I sort of like it. Graphically it's superb, the passing seems wonderful. Not sure about through balls this year; its harder to get the angles right, which is good but when you do get it right the CPU seems to take a peverse pleasure in under or over hitting the pass anyway. CPU also freakishly good at free-kicks.

New tackling system is hard but good. Only gripe being double-tap X to tackle being the same as the pass button - a few times I've won the ball back and then have already passed the ball out of play/straight back at the CPU.

But...good, so far, I think. Though I've learned not to get my hopes up too quickly.

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The reason I find pes more fun is the variety and speed in which you can attack. Yes, the animations look unrealistic at times, but I just love building attacks in so many different ways, something you can't do against the ai on FIFA.

There's also the shooting. On FIFA, there's certain angles that you don't bother shooting from as you know the keeper will save it the same way every time, whereas it's a lot more random on pes.

That said, they've a ways to go to get near to FIFA's online play, but I'm someone who prefers offline stuff anyway. As much as 'rubberband' ai exists in footy games today, it's less infuriating than playing against a real person who takes advantage of every exploit to win.

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Okay, they've changed the running. Why can the computer run 500x as fast as I can, and what do I have to do now to be able to run quickly with the ball?

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Like on previous games? That's what I have been doing, but it doesn't seem to work - at least the touch isn't a substantial as in previous games. At first I thought it might be tiring legs or maybe just coming up against the odd quick defender; but twice in the first half of a match last night the CPU controlled Cassano opened up a gap big enough to build an out-of-town retail park between himself and the Germany duo of Lahm and Hummels with just one touch. It happened later again with a break in midfield.

So, I don't know then. I just assumed they'd buggered around with the sprinting controls.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yeah, got it earlier, even better than the first.

Finesse shots/RT are much improved now. Passing is brilliant and the player ID is glorious. Changed the shooting a bit, feels great. Kagawa looks brilliant in this too.

Loving it, cant wait for the full game. Juve are beasts on this, they've nailed them to near on perfection.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll be getting it tomorrow - really enjoyed the demo and, typically for PES, each game I've played has been totally different. Loving the movement of the AI off the ball, especially seeing defenders being drawn out of position by a strikers run. My one real gripe with FIFA has always been how rigid it feels once both the defence and attack are 'set' in their positions.

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Been busy for most of the week so didn't bother getting it early. Going to go down Game tomorrow to grab my copy as I've got the entire weekend off.

Caught up with my brother earlier though and he's got it on the PC. Had two games and it feels fucking awesome, loving the movement and the finishing. Chip shots are out of this world too (well, I've tried one and it was a beauty that went in, so I'm only basing it on that :lol: ). Torres at 78 is sheer madness though.

Looking forward to firing up MLO tomorrow.

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