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Yeah, same, wish I'd never given the note, I'd have done a level without a kill.

Is anyone anyone else finding that post-Regent mission the game is a bit of a drag? I don't know whether it's because of story inconsistencies or the fact that

the pub and subsequently the lighthouse are crawling with enemies

it's just not as much fun.

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The majority of the criticisms levelled at the game are that later on the storyline and levels weaken a little - the levels become more linear with fewer free-choice. I enjoyed the

return to the pub

though because of it being the same but different and was pleased that I'd had a look around earlier while I still could.

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Just did the Dunwall Tower mission and fucked it up.

I went the non-lethal route, went to the trouble of getting the safe combo and doing all the audiograph nonsense, no problem. On my way out, saw him being arrested and marched off by two guards. I think nothing of it, carry on my way, when a couple of minutes later I get two achievements pop up. One for assassinating ten people who were unaware and the other for killing the Lord Regent. I thought it was a glitch until I remembered I rewired all the traps rather than just disabling them. Bugger. And they were the only three casualties in the mission.

I was going to play through again anyway, but it's a bit annoying that I spent so much time going the non-lethal route and cocked it up anyway.

This also happened to me!

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Is it me, or does this game remind anyone else of Batman: Arkham Aslyum - namely with the Dark Vision talent? With Batman, once you had access to his Detective Mode, in the first game people played through with it almost constantly on (I know I did). It seems like most people, once they get Dark Vision, keep it on and play through the game with it on in much the same way. Admittedly, I haven't played the game but rather watched some youtube personalities play it, and they all seem to get that talent, and then keep it on for the most part. Dishonored looks fun but it seems like it might be a tad, I dunno, over reliant? on Dark Vision at times.

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I rarely used Dark Vision except for some of the last level I think. I used Blink a lot throughout though.

Possession I didn't use at all to start with but later on I took over a few rats and a fish and it was helpful. Took over a man a couple of times but the first time I forgot that they would be right there when I took my body back again. The second time I choked him to sleep right away afterwards and he was puking everywhere (side effect of the possession) as I had him in my arm.

I used the heart quite a lot but I loved that heart. It really added to the whole atmosphere just pointing at random stuff with it. I highly recommend it if people ignored it first play through.

I didn't get the turn to dust power, or the swarm of rats, or the super killer blow though and got slow time but not stop it. I'd love to get stop time next time around which might be fun for the more chaotic approach.

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  • 1 month later...
Expect more steampunky plague-ridden open-level stealth in the future: Dishonored has outsold Bethesda's expectations, solidifying the project as a franchise for the publisher. Looks like new IP can succeed, even in a season filled with titles from triple-A heavy hitters like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed. "I can tell you that Dishonored is far exceeding our sales expectations, which is especially cool considering it’s new IP facing a host of well-established franchises this quarter," Bethesda VP of marketing Pete Hines told Destructoid. "We did terrific numbers again this past weekend, both in stores and on Steam, where Dishonored was listed as the No. 1 selling title over the holiday weekend. And Dishonored has really sold well overseas."

Bethesda didn't reveal specific sales numbers, but whatever they were, they were good enough to more or less guarantee a trip back to Dunwall--speaking of which, check out what we'd like to see in a theoretical Dishonored 2: Dishonored Harder.

"So, we’re very pleased and appreciate all the fans that have supported Dishonored and Arkane," Hines said. "We clearly have a new franchise."

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Most everywhere I looked this past weekend it was discounted to $25.00. That might have contributed to the sales from this past weekend anyway. I know I bought it on Black Friday for $25 from Amazon. Still, it's pretty good so far, so I'd love to see more.

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