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Survivor: Caramoan **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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I'm going to miss Brandon, I think out of all the Hantz's we've seen on reality television, he's the the most stable one, and quite frankly, alot of hatred he gets is underseved. Think about, hes trying to be his own man and hes always going to be compared to, and labeled as Russell Junior, and if South Pacific showed us anything, he doesn't want to be Russell Junior.

He might of pointed out what everyone already knew, but in leaving he gave the fans a huge advantage point. Now, if the six of them can move foreward and really come together as one, they have a clear target - thats more then they had before. Also, I'm guess the tribes get rearranged next week?

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I'd like to think they all are just equally fucked up, but Brandon threatening to pee in the beans and burn down their camp and to than jokingly tell that to their faces definitely put him on another level of fucked up. I do think he is probably the most likeable of the bunch, mainly because it is obvious that a lot of his issues are stemming from his family and the fact he was thrown on a television show that can screw with people who are insecure and have a boat load of problems, which Brandon does.

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Yeah, Brandon is definitely the most likable, and I do think he's a victim of his insane family/upbringing. But he's definitely more unstable than Russell in the context of Survivor.

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I was more pointing to South Pacific was an example as he wanted to show that not all Hantz are completely batshit insane then this season. I can't shake the feeling that theres alot we didnt see, where people, not just Phil, pushed and pushed him. I don't know if it was just missing is children (which was a low blow for Phil to bring up, even in Survivor), the elements, or the people he was playing with - but something we didn't see definitely pushed him over the edge, was the point in the end I was trying to make.

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Holy shit, that was intense but great television. I actually read spoilers by accident that Brandon was going to make the final 3 so I'm glad he's out :D I respect how Philip handled the situation to be honest and Jeff did very good too, sort of a father figure to Brandon.

Surprised how good Philip has been in the challenges, he's been a beast.

Definitely tribe swap next week :)

Russell is the more stable Hantz by far. He didn't have crazy mood swings and he never threatened anyone like this.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Thank God for the tribal swap, I feared for Brenda without one. Although I am still very, very puzzled by her edit.

I am still hoping somehow Brenda and Malcolm end up working together. That will be my new favorite pairing since Rudy and Rupert teamed up for an episode!

As for Brandon...my biggest fear from this whole episode is that it will lead to a Russell vs Phillip season somehow

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Corinne was on fire tonight. "You know I love my gay!" She said what we were all thinking. Other than Corinne and Phillip's conversation with Julia (his inability to light the fire + his inept ramblings about flipping sum up Phillip's skills up to this point), pretty boring episode. The prospect of Malcolm teaming with Eddie and Reynolds next week seems like a bad idea on paper, but there is something to the idea. Malcolm is so obviously a target after the merge, so why not team up with the other immunity threats to take the target off of you? I get the feeling Corinne shot herself in the foot with her "I'd take these guys over some of my other allies" and she may be in trouble. Oh, also, hello Brenda and Erik!

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Yeah Cochran has been decent this season. Brenda was hysterical last night and she barely got any screen time. Her dance and comments during the RC were great.

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I will say about this season - it is pretty tough to call who is going to win at this point and who is playing the best game. I could draw a list of people who won't win - Phillip & Corinne jump to mind pretty quickly - but the list of people who could win is pretty big. I'd say it's pretty much anybody elses game beyond that. Erik and Brenda have been under-edited, so them winning is unlikely, but, I still could see it happening.

In terms of who is playing the best game, I think it has to be Malcolm. Right now, he's got the hidden immunity idol, a 6 person alliance (that seems on the brink of being destroyed) and a pretty solid 4 person back-up alliance (I'm assuming 5 because Brenda would most likely follow Erik). It likely won't last, because he is a post-merge threat. Sherri was doing a pretty great job the first few weeks, but the loss of Shamar I think really hurt her gameplay. She was probably in the best position to go far in the game, but the loss of Shamar made it a lot easier to kick Laura to the curb. Had Shamar still be around, I'm pretty sure that Eddie or Reynold might have been sent packing as the need to have muscle on the tribe wouldn't have been as obvious. Dawn & Cochran seem to be playing pretty subtle and quiet games. I was a bit down on Dawn until this week. Her and Cochran both seem to be controlling Phillip pretty well and letting him think he is in charge. When Julia came to Dawn to talk strategy and she instantly used it to turn Phillip on Julia was very well played on her behalf.

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Finally got around to watching it and I expected a boring episode with one of the Fans obviously going but it was very entertaining. Cochran and Malcolm stole the show, Philip and Corinne were both "special" in their own ways. The merge is going to be interesting with so many good challenge competitors :w00t:

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Given the chips on the table, I think Corinne played a pretty good game. She tried her best, but no way in hell was she going to go far when it seems like people are dragging Phillip far to be a goat again. I don't think it was any mistake that the four most aware returning players - Cochran, Dawn, Malcolm and Corinne - ended up on the upside side of the numbers tonight. One couple was going to end up running the game and I get the impression Erik probably saw himself going further with the odds and sods than he did with the young folks.

Highlights include Cochran winning an immunity, Erik being completely unaware of what was going on around him and Phillip's spit bubble. The theme of this season seems to be that the players are going to end up playing the exact same game. Erik is an idiot. Andrea falls for the cute guy with no brains. Cochran turns on his own at the merge. Corinne got burnt because a flip turned her game upside down and because she was a bitch. Dawn cries a lot. Phillip's the goat.

EDIT: Also forgot... Brandon goes nuts and Fran gets voted off first.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Fantastic episode, so much going on. Not sure Erik made the right move, because once they get rid of Reynold, Eddie and even Malcolm he's the biggest threat in the challenges and it'll be like Micronesia all over again. He has to win every immunity to make it 'till the end. Whilst with the other alliance I think Malcolm would have carried him 'till the end just because of how shit he'd be in the final tribal council.

Cochran has been on fire the last few episodes, his subtle gameplay is impressive and the way he describes situations too. He's not a threat in (most) challenges either and well liked so he's my pick right now to win the whole thing (or Dawn). I like how hard Malcolm is playing too, so I hope he goes far but I somehow doubt he'll do better than in his first season. They need to figure out a way to use those 2 idols wisely to switch the tribe dynamic. Perhaps tell the favs Eddie has the idol, so they split the votes, most of them on Reynold. Reynold plays the idol, Reynold/Malcolm/Michael/Eddie vote for Andrea or something.

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