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Survivor: Caramoan **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Yeah, I think Malcolm is unlikely to go as far as he did last season, especially now that he lost his closest ally, Corinne. I don't think it means Malcolm is a bad player, he just did the best with the cards he was dealt. He positioned himself as best as he could, but the players are all so fragmented at this point that he was never going to overthrow the main Favorite alliance. He was in a 'damn if you do, damn if you don't position'. He either pulls the trigger now and tries to take control of the game or he sits around, tries to win every immunity and waits to get picked off if he doesn't.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Key difference between Corinne's first game and Corinne's second; the first time she was voted out through basically no fault of her own. This time, it's 100% her fault because she made the completely unnecessary move of talking to Dawn. If they had held tight, not given Erik reason to flip (and I don't think he's really wrong to do so), and made sure Sherri was voting for who the fuck ever then they would have been able to get rid of Sherri and seize the numbers immediately. I'm sure she had what she considered a really good reason to believe that Dawn would flip, and I'll be listening to her Rob Has a Podcast interview tonight because I'm sure it'll be great, but I immediately groaned when I saw her making that move.

It's sort of hilarious how full of himself Cochran is getting, though. You'd think for someone who knows Survivor as religiously as he does he would have realized that Corinne's Gabon game was really strategically sound and she could have been problematic. Credit to her for hiding it mostly well.

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My guess is that she told Dawn because Dawn and Corinne were probably a lot closer than it seemed on television and she was very aware that Dawn was getting frustrated with Phillip. Corinne's was smart in prodding Dawn on Phillip because it was laying the ground work for the next vote, she just shouldn't have clued Dawn into the fact she had Reynolds and Eddie in her back pocket.

EDIT: And to add, Corinne probably knew that Erik was wishy-washy, so if she could convince Dawn to vote off Phillip, she'd still have the numbers.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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I know I keep bringing her up (because she is one of my favorites) but seriously is anyone else confused by the edit Brenda is getting? While I expected her to take it a little bit easier this season since playing hard early killed her in her season, she is virtually invisible right now. The most screen time she has had this season was jumping up and down for cookies last week. No one mentions her when discussing things, she never gets time to talk, hell Probst barely speaks to her at TC.

Just very odd.

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My guess is that : a) she is naturally a more laid back person, b) she is self censoring because she didn't like how she came across last time and/or c) she probably is inconsequential to the story being told. Or she just pissed off production.

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She's limping around and it was never explained why and also never brought up as a reason to vote her off. She votes with the Favs but nobody knows why she's so loyal 'cause she is not included in strategic talks. I think Rob said on his podcast that she now holds the record of having no confessionals in a row, like 6 episodes or something crazy. The strange thing is I don't see her going out anytime soon. The way she's going is at least top 6, a bit like Rick in South Pacific; we rarely get to know the person, but they are there and go far, but clearly are not winning.

I do remember Brenda saying in an interview before the game started that she's going to tone her personality down. During her first season she spoke up a lot but she feels that bit her in the ass so now she's quiet. A very strange game indeed.

Corinne said on the podcast that Dawn was a very close friend and comforted her every time she cried. That's why she thought Dawn might flip.

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Fuck. That was so close to being an epic Survivor move, undone by Andrea's justified paranoia. If she didn't freak out (and if Eddie weren't an idiot) then she'd be gone and shit would be real.

Brenda winning Immunity for a contest that boils down to "be the best at staying in one place doing nothing for the longest" and not getting to say a single word about it was absolutely hilarious.

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Another great episode, this season has upped its game since the merge. Malcolm was right in playing the idol, Philip really did make it seem like they were voting for him and he has great instincts. Strange how he asked for Reynold's and not use his own but in the end it was smart gameplay. You'd think he's screwed now anyway though. Also, how random was Brenda winning? She's been such a ghost this season and then pulls of an individual win, and she STILL doesn't get any confessional. Hilarious.

Cochran is definitely my pick at the moment. I don't buy that Dawn will leave next week, probably all hype.

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Another great episode, this season has upped its game since the merge. Malcolm was right in playing the idol, Philip really did make it seem like they were voting for him and he has great instincts. Strange how he asked for Reynold's and not use his own but in the end it was smart gameplay. You'd think he's screwed now anyway though. Also, how random was Brenda winning? She's been such a ghost this season and then pulls of an individual win, and she STILL doesn't get any confessional. Hilarious.

Cochran is definitely my pick at the moment. I don't buy that Dawn will leave next week, probably all hype.

This. The past couple of shows with the last minute shuffling really left everything in the air and by the time it was tribal I could've sworn Andrea had changed back to the original plan. Malcolm made a big move asking for the idol and it was a really smart one since no one else knows about his. He'll definitely need his idol next week if he doesn't come out with immunity. I'm still pulling for him to win it all but his chances aren't getting any better. :(

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I wonder how Malcolm's relationship with Reynold will now be, and I'm even more interested in seeing Reynold's reaction when Malcolm plays his own idol at tribal :lmao: Either that or Malcolm just straight up tells Reynold next episode that he has an idol too and he'll play it to benefit them etc.

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Malcolm's in desperation zone. I don't blame him. I think Malcolm saw where the game was heading and he figured he'd play hard when he had the numbers. He was either gonna be taken out early because of his huge moves or he sticks around and has to win immunities from final 8 onwards. Neither scenario is ideal.

If Cochran is hoping to take Dawn and Phillip to the end, the guy is smart - both are HUGE goats at this point. Andrea I'm assuming has the exact same strategy, but she's already setting herself up with this whole Eddie thing. Old habits die hard.

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Thinking Dawn is a goat is a gigantic mistake. Dawn is the reason why that alliance has worked. Everyone trusts her.

The only flaw in her game, tears aside, is that enough people will probably have realized that talking to her about their plan was the flaw in their game now that we're in the jury phase and she'll probably be the brunt of bitterness. Cochran won't.

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God is Dawn ever annoying.

Yeah Dawn's been a wreck for most of the season but this time it looks 10x worse. Who knows maybe Malcolm gets lucky another week with Dawn taking herself out.

The only options I see winning right now are Malcolm, Andrea, and Cochran. I don't know why, but I think Cochran can pull it off since he really isn't on anyone's radar and he's smart enough to maneuver a few deals when it comes down to the final four and him not being considered a threat to win. He's my dark horse for sure.

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Thinking Dawn is a goat is a gigantic mistake. Dawn is the reason why that alliance has worked. Everyone trusts her.

The only flaw in her game, tears aside, is that enough people will probably have realized that talking to her about their plan was the flaw in their game now that we're in the jury phase and she'll probably be the brunt of bitterness. Cochran won't.

Disagree 100%. Both Corinne and Michael have described Dawn as a bit of an emotional wreck out there and the preview for next week just goes to show it. You can be smart in the game and still be a goat. Dawn is Lisa W all over again.

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God is Dawn ever annoying.

Yeah Dawn's been a wreck for most of the season but this time it looks 10x worse. Who knows maybe Malcolm gets lucky another week with Dawn taking herself out.

The only options I see winning right now are Malcolm, Andrea, and Cochran. I don't know why, but I think Cochran can pull it off since he really isn't on anyone's radar and he's smart enough to maneuver a few deals when it comes down to the final four and him not being considered a threat to win. He's my dark horse for sure.

This, it to me atleast was pretty clear Cochran was 90% mugging for camera time and 10% actually playing Survivor, and well he made a good enough character to warrant a return, who would have thought that Cochran would be playing a completely flawless game at this point. South Pacific Cochran and FvF is like comparing night and day at this night.

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A lot of people are critiquing the move to take Phillip out and that they should have gone after a bigger threat, but

1) Phillip was a good target because he's the goat everybody is dragging to the end so instead they have to reshuffle who they are taking

2) Phillip wasn't the mastermind of the alliance, but I feel like Andrea and Sherry might be free votes now that he is gone.

3) The three Amigos need Immunity to win and taking out Phillip is wise because he's OK in challenges.

Great episode. The list of people who can win dwindles.

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I come back and find myself in a strange position of having noone to really root for.

Brenda I WANT to win, but I don't think she has any prayer.

Cochran kind of deserves it, having apparently learned from Sophie's game of "the best move is to make sure others don't make moves." but I think sitting against Andrea he loses 9 out of 10 times, and I don't think he'll have the gumption to engineer her ouster on his lonesome so if SRU takes her out, that's Brenda's move and Cochran hasn't done anything deserving of a million dollars other than being awesome at eating pork organs, dead baby birds, and bugs.

Dawn... I'm just over. If she wins? I cry.

Malcolm is a skilled cat, and a student of the game... But he really did benefit from Denise's aid last season. He NEEDED someone level headed and smart to work with, and unfortunately for them both Corrine isn't level headed. The only way he makes final 3 is an immunity run or with Reynold and Eddie, but if I was either of them? I'd ditch him at four and take Sherri.

Reynold completely read Cochran wrong with the whole bro-down invitation, and that along with the whole Revenge of The Nerds thing earlier this season? Prevents me from really liking him. He's a beast, but his closest ally and best bros 4 life? Ratted him out to the hot chick they were planning on voting out. He lost this game when he coupled up with Eddie, and really his only option is to alpha male his heart out.

Eddie? My money is probably wrong, but it's on Eddie going out the second he's the next to greatest threat. He probably has a few more days of fake dating Andrea before while one of his amigos are voted off, but unless he pulls an idol run he's done in my mind.

Andrea... I can't really predict. I think if she makes final 3 she can pull it out, but I don't know at this point if she'll make it. If anyone gets the idea for black widows alliance 2.0? I'd say it's her.

Sherri has no hope unless the women join forces and then the best she can aspire to is goat.


I guess Erik is my last best chance? Maybe he can Fabio his way to a well deserved victory?

Him or Brenda is my dream win. Malcolm or Cochran I could deal with happily. Andrea? I'd accept. That's about it.

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