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EWR 2013 Stats Update: April ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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-Raise John Zandig's wages to 30,000.

-Lower Necro Butcher's overness to 58.

-Raise Jonathan Gresham's technical to 85, stiffness to 48, and overness to 40. Lower his selling to 62 and charisma to 43. Uncheck SS Look.

-Raise Biff Busick's brawl to 73, speed to 42, technical to 64, and overness to 30. Change his primary finisher to Half and Half Suplex (Impact) and secondary finisher to Lariat (Impact).

Edited by KrisClassic
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All of these overness ratings are ridiculously buffered, especially in comparison to their stance in the rest of the independent world. There is more to the independent world than just ROH. Bolded my suggestions in the quote next to them.

I saw a couple of ROH's worker stats and thought they need a big change, so I had a go at them, only been watching ROH for 4ish months so if there's anyone who has watched ROH for awhile that suggests changes to these stats I'm open for discussion.

Raise ACH's Overness to 63 Lower his Charisma to 76. Leave charisma and overness as is.

Raise Adam Cole's Overness to 66. Agreed.

Change Archibald Peck's Name to R.D. Evans, He may use the name Archibald Peck in CHI (I don't watch it so I wouldn't know) but ROH is the bigger company so I think it should be changed. Disagree, keep his name as what he is more known for.

Raise BJ Whitmer's Overness to 57 Charisma to 69 Overness 50.

Raise Bob Evans's Overness to 52 Brawl to 61 Technical to 63 Overness 48.

Raise Bobby Fish's Overness to 59 Speed to 56 Charisma to 80 - Maybe check Fonz Factor as he's a pretty cool character. Overness 49.

Raise Caprice Coleman's Overness to 54 43.

Raise Cedric Alexander's Overness to 54 42.

Lower Davey Richards's Overness to 71 Disagree.

Raise Eddie Edwards's Overness to 72 There is no way that Eddie Edwards is more widely known than Davey Richards.

Raise Grizzly Redwood's Overness to 50 Disagree. Again, you need to account for more than just ROH on the independent scene. He is fine as is.

Raise Harlem Bravado's Overness to 47 Disagree.

Raise Jay Briscoe's Overness to 73 Agree. His brother should be close or matching.

Raise Jimmy Jacobs's Overness to 63 Disagree, fine as is.

Raise Kevin Steen's Overness to 75 Fine as is.

Raise Kyle O'Reilly's Overness to 62 54.

Raise Lancelot Bravado's Overness to 47 Disagree.

Raise Matt Taven's Overness to 56 Brawl to 51 Speed to 66 Technical to 66

Raise Michael Elgin's Overness to 67 Speed to 62 Technical to 67 Charisma to 74 Disagree on overness.

Raise Mike Bennett's Overness to 64 Disagree on overness.

Raise Mike Mondo's Overness to 58 Fine as is.

Raise Mike Sydal's Overness to 48 35.

Raise Nigel McGuinness's Overness to 77 Fine as is.

Raise QT Marshall's Overness to 59 39

Lower Roderick Strong's Overness to 64

Raise Steve Corino's Overness to 68 Fine as is.

Raise Truth Martini's Overness to 58 Fine as is.

Raise Veda Scott's Overness to 49 33

Add Tadarius Thomas to the game and put him on an open contract with ROH, he might already be in the game and I'm just dumb and cant find him, if he is then ignore this V.


Heavyweight 235lbs 5'9 Can't remember his age it's somewhere in the early 30's, I'd go for 33. Alter-Ego's: TD Thomas, TD, Tadarius Davis. Overness 57 Brawl 58 Speed 81 Technical 63 Charisma 65 Attitude 86 Behaviour 91. Add a team between him and ACH 10 exp active.

Overness 57? He is barely more than an unknown on the vast indy scene. Late 20s top.

Most of the stats I suggested are based on the way the crowd react to them during entrances, matches and promos. As I said I don't watch any other indie promotions but I think that a lot of ROH guys deserve an overness boost, so if someone else who watches a lot of indie promotions suggested stats it'd be perfect.

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Wanted to make some notes while I was working...

Add Danny Davis to TNA, idk about stats for him I'll look into it later if someone doesn't do it, But I think he deserves Overness 75 Charisma 84 Tick Trainer non-wrestler Staff Member gimmick.

Danny Davis is the owner of OVW.

Suspend the TNA Knockouts Title Eric Young and ODB don't even wear them to the ring anymore.

They're still listed on the website as the tag champs... I don't see any reason to suspend them, just because they aren't worn to the ring. Kane and Daniel Bryan have had many matches where they haven't had their tag belts in tow, either.

I also jotted down some notes while watching RAW tonight and wanted to see what people thought. So, feel free to offer opinions on the following:

Brad Maddox: Should he have an Authority Figure Gimmick and be made a non-wrestler? From what I gather, he's Vickie's assistant, so I am guessing he could make matches... I just don't actually recall if he ever has or not. Non-Wrestler is a bit more tricky, as I know he's wrestled before and, unfortunately, once a worker is made a NW in the game, they can't work matches at all besides PPV's.

Vickie Guerrero: I kept her as a Manager, so that she could wrestle, as she had done so on RAW... But, now that she hasn't in a while, I'm leaning toward putting her back as a Non Wrestler. Perhaps I could set Maddox to "Manager" and have him "manage" Vickie, while giving him the Authority Figure gimmick... He'd still be able to wrestle in that scenario. Also, is it too much of a stretch to tick Diva for Vickie?

Theodore Long: Kinda in a similar boat as Maddox, as Booker's assistant, though he's made matches as of late. Thinking Authority Figure for him as well...

From what I've seen recently of Teddy, he's been doing things behind Booker's back, such as scheduling the Swagger/Ziggler match on RAW... Authority Figure only works for Tweeners and Heels... Should we consider turning Teddy into a tweener?

Brodus Clay: Currently, he's managed by Naomi, who is managed by Cameron, since one worker can't have two managers. Now with Tensai part of their group, perhaps I should set Cameron as Tensai's manager instead...? Also, regarding the Funkadactyls, should we be thinking about changing their gimmick from Dancer to Cheerleader? They seem to have changed their wardrobe and are carrying pompoms now.

The Bella Twins: Their secondary finishers are pretty weak. Unfortunately, they rellay haven't used any "finishers" other than the sitout facebuster. I was thinking of putting "Twin Magic" as a secondary finisher for both, since they have won a fair amout of matches by doing the "Twin Magic" swap. Granted, in EWR, it won't reflect them actually changing places, but to the best of my knowledge, there really isn't a way to actually replicate "Twin Magic," so I figured this would eb the closest we'd be able to get.

Like I said, just kinda contemplating those things... Opinions and suggestions are welcome.


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I also jotted down some notes while watching RAW tonight and wanted to see what people thought. So, feel free to offer opinions on the following:

Brad Maddox: Should he have an Authority Figure Gimmick and be made a non-wrestler? From what I gather, he's Vickie's assistant, so I am guessing he could make matches... I just don't actually recall if he ever has or not. Non-Wrestler is a bit more tricky, as I know he's wrestled before and, unfortunately, once a worker is made a NW in the game, they can't work matches at all besides PPV's.

Vickie Guerrero: I kept her as a Manager, so that she could wrestle, as she had done so on RAW... But, now that she hasn't in a while, I'm leaning toward putting her back as a Non Wrestler. Perhaps I could set Maddox to "Manager" and have him "manage" Vickie, while giving him the Authority Figure gimmick... He'd still be able to wrestle in that scenario. Also, is it too much of a stretch to tick Diva for Vickie?

Theodore Long: Kinda in a similar boat as Maddox, as Booker's assistant, though he's made matches as of late. Thinking Authority Figure for him as well...

From what I've seen recently of Teddy, he's been doing things behind Booker's back, such as scheduling the Swagger/Ziggler match on RAW... Authority Figure only works for Tweeners and Heels... Should we consider turning Teddy into a tweener?

Brodus Clay: Currently, he's managed by Naomi, who is managed by Cameron, since one worker can't have two managers. Now with Tensai part of their group, perhaps I should set Cameron as Tensai's manager instead...? Also, regarding the Funkadactyls, should we be thinking about changing their gimmick from Dancer to Cheerleader? They seem to have changed their wardrobe and are carrying pompoms now.

The Bella Twins: Their secondary finishers are pretty weak. Unfortunately, they rellay haven't used any "finishers" other than the sitout facebuster. I was thinking of putting "Twin Magic" as a secondary finisher for both, since they have won a fair amout of matches by doing the "Twin Magic" swap. Granted, in EWR, it won't reflect them actually changing places, but to the best of my knowledge, there really isn't a way to actually replicate "Twin Magic," so I figured this would eb the closest we'd be able to get.

Like I said, just kinda contemplating those things... Opinions and suggestions are welcome.


I'm cool with all those suggestions. I wouldn't want to make Brad a non wrestler just because of how Vince randomly makes people wrestle (like he did with Coach), plus Maddox is actually trained to wrestle. I think authority fits Teddy well. The Twin Magic could work I guess if you use the way they win is by interference with the other Bella. I'm not sure about the Funkadactyls though. They have wrestled a few more times lately, So I could see them being used as workers since managers don't have any bearing in a match (unless they interfere as a way of winning or losing). Maybe you could add a stable with The Funkadactyls and Tons of Funk (Man, I hate that name), and making Broadus the leader. With that being said, maybe we should add a stable with Khali, Hornswaggle, and Natayla since they are seen together more lately.

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I'm not sure about the Funkadactyls though. They have wrestled a few more times lately, So I could see them being used as workers since managers don't have any bearing in a match (unless they interfere as a way of winning or losing). Maybe you could add a stable with The Funkadactyls and Tons of Funk (Man, I hate that name), and making Broadus the leader.

The thing is, workers that are designated as Managers don't have any restrictions on being put in matches. So, Naomi and Cameron could be listed as managers (as they pretty much still are for Brodus and Tensai) without interfering with their ability to wrestle matches, if the player so desires.

In other words, workers that are listed as managers can wrestle whenever the player wants... There's even the in game option of turning a manager into a wrestler, if the player chooses.


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Wanted to make some notes while I was working...

The Bella Twins: Their secondary finishers are pretty weak. Unfortunately, they rellay haven't used any "finishers" other than the sitout facebuster. I was thinking of putting "Twin Magic" as a secondary finisher for both, since they have won a fair amout of matches by doing the "Twin Magic" swap. Granted, in EWR, it won't reflect them actually changing places, but to the best of my knowledge, there really isn't a way to actually replicate "Twin Magic," so I figured this would eb the closest we'd be able to get.

Like I said, just kinda contemplating those things... Opinions and suggestions are welcome.


I would also make their Tag Team Finisher "Twin Magic".

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I'm not sure about the Funkadactyls though. They have wrestled a few more times lately, So I could see them being used as workers since managers don't have any bearing in a match (unless they interfere as a way of winning or losing). Maybe you could add a stable with The Funkadactyls and Tons of Funk (Man, I hate that name), and making Broadus the leader.

The thing is, workers that are designated as Managers don't have any restrictions on being put in matches. So, Naomi and Cameron could be listed as managers (as they pretty much still are for Brodus and Tensai) without interfering with their ability to wrestle matches, if the player so desires.

In other words, workers that are listed as managers can wrestle whenever the player wants... There's even the in game option of turning a manager into a wrestler, if the player chooses.


I can understand that. I forgot about managers being able to wrestle without restrictions.

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Dan Bynum (staff) should be around 60 according to his LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/danbynum

Here is a pic: danbynum.jpg

EDIT: Dave Lagana's age should be bumped up to 37-38. He graduated college in 1997 and had his first project (This Just In on USA Network) around then as well. I would imagine he'd be about 22 then, so 37 would be a conservative estimate on his age.

Thomas Simpson (owner) should be 44-45 according to Cage Match http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=6136&name=Thomas+Simpson

Here is a pic of Thomas Simpson (needs cut) 385610_3665941690153_1323095391_3432527_

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I'm not sure about the Funkadactyls though. They have wrestled a few more times lately, So I could see them being used as workers since managers don't have any bearing in a match (unless they interfere as a way of winning or losing). Maybe you could add a stable with The Funkadactyls and Tons of Funk (Man, I hate that name), and making Broadus the leader.

The thing is, workers that are designated as Managers don't have any restrictions on being put in matches. So, Naomi and Cameron could be listed as managers (as they pretty much still are for Brodus and Tensai) without interfering with their ability to wrestle matches, if the player so desires.

In other words, workers that are listed as managers can wrestle whenever the player wants... There's even the in game option of turning a manager into a wrestler, if the player chooses.


In my opinion, i would make them active wrestlers... Yes, they accompany Clay and Tensai tothe ing, but he other two also accompany them everytime aswell. If anything, i would put them all in a stable with Brodus as leader. Tha would be most accurate, cause at this point it is hard to consider them managers...

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Is the Archie Brooks in staff as a ref the same one here? https://www.facebook.com/archie.brooks.92

Says he worked in "Pro Wrestling", but according to Facebook posts, he might be facing prison time? He's in the game as 31, but he graduated high school in 1990, making him around 40-41.

EDIT: Sorry about the double post.

Anyway, why is August Liguori's wage so low? He's a production staff member for WWE with 85 in talent but only $10,000 for his wage? I'd raise it to around $30,000.

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Just looking at some of the Divas and a few can use a quick upgrade for stats.

Cameron Lynn - B: 38, S: 36, T: 33

Sasha Banks - B: 48, S: 46, T: 53

Summer Rae - B: 36, S: 37, T: 39, C: 72

Vickie Guerrero - B: 29, S: 22, T: 24 - I know a lot of people will disagree, but she can piece together a decent match depending on the opponent... She has never looked lost in the ring, whether it was against Trish Stratus, Santino Marella or Kaitlyn.

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