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It´s so strange, today i actualy went up to almost getting a series and now i am back down to two points but i cant hate on my teams anywere near as much. One game we went 0 v 0 up till 16 minutes and when it ended we were like 21 v 25 and in another game you had people placeing wards all over the place jumping walls, baiting ect.

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Had two pretty good ranked games last night! Sadly, none were soloQ.

Did a ranked 5s, and as the top laner, went Shyvana (which I regretted immediately after locking in, because I don't have much practice with her). I went up against Teemo and....held my own! In the end, I went like...4-3-5, and ended up avoiding most of the team fights, because top lane...everyone ignores top lane.

Then, did a ranked 3s....went bot against Gragas as Darius, and ended up having a perfect game. Which was surprising, considering they had two super tanks in Udyr and Yorick.

Also? Xin? Fun as hell!

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Aaaah, the streak ended, back to zero points in bronz 4 with just one lost game.

We werent even bad, just malph top going 0 - 5 vs Master Yi made things difficult. Late game we actualy had a decent defence and got not only barron but also towers but they had us at a point were one ace with two survivers was enough to push the nexus with it´s two towers and win. - I am a bit sad because these two people might not have been alive if i had hit 3 instead of 2 on my keyboard to trigger the hourglass but we were already hanging at that special point for several teamfights and we would have needed to ace them at least two times to win it ourselfs.

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What do you do when your team is dieing all over the place and you end up being up against your counter? You play super save and see how Akali goes to town to bit by bit even the score while you back door every tower the other team has and eventually win.

We were doing so terrible in the beginning i was almost certain we would loose. And what do i get for it in the ende? One "Honorable opponent"...

It´s sort of sad, when i do very good with Morgana i can´t save my team. With Teemo and the imense DPS and Map vision i can do so much more if a lot falls apart.


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So a cupple of days ago i was checking out all the states for bronze 5 and found out that Galio is the champion that has the best win loose ratio in the division (60 / 40 i think) so i checked him out, saved up ip, bought him and did two matches vs Bots before diving in a normal unranked game to emidiatly go 11 3 7. Holy Shit dos he do terrible DMG in team fights.

I need to work on my early game with him, i rarely play champions that have mele atacks so Brand (who i actualy should hardcounter) held me at bay pretty good.

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I dont know what negative effect dropping a game in champion select has on your account, but i think it helps to sometimes just select no champions if the kids are fighting there already. Actually i dont like to do this often but right this second i had three janglers on my Team (all with smite and screamin at each other) and i was thinking of many ways that could be more fun than playing with them the next 20-40 minutes.

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