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Silver 4 and 5 are genuinely worse than Bronze 1/2/3. At least those leagues are made up of people on the up, so to speak. Silver 4 and 5 is full of people who got lucky in placements or are new so started their placements with a higher base MMR. Then there are the Gold V people who have lost so much they have Bronze MMRs.

On that note, got demoted to Silver 5 today after a ridiculous run of losses :-(

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On that note, got demoted to Silver 5 today after a ridiculous run of losses :-(

Its the weekend, i am telling you. I did a few ranked matches and lost all of them, luckily i dident go "i need to win this back" like last weekend and dig myself into a hole i needed alweek to almost compleedly get out of.

Played some unranked instead to learn new Champions.

Taric is booring but i can see him being a very strong support - i often have the problem that my team completely ignores the minimap and looses towers to minions top and bot so i am not a big fan of a character like this that cant clear out big mob trains in seconds and return to the team/push the lane.

Sivir might be the most enjoyable ADC i tried yet, with EZ and Kog Maw i often got bored and did terrible.

Akali i actually had a good match or two with, still a lot to learn though, same goes for LeBlanc. Katharina i already own but never played.

Jax top lane seems ridiculously easy, but to be honest i found him quit boring to play. Dident enjoy my jungle runs with him, even more booring than top lane.

Just unlocked Leona a few hours ago, but had not had the chance yet to check out how to play her and go for a testdrive.

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In my ranked 5s promo series yesterday (we are a Bronze V team) we got matched up against Plats. TWO FUCKING PLATS ON THEIR TEAM.

I was against the higher of the two, a Plat II.

And even though I am only a silver, I kinda held my own.

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Sooooooo, my i hate this games comunety story for today! YAY!

Played two games. First one i ended up ADC as last pick, always bad because it´s the role i played the least. It did not go good, but it also dident go 20 deaths terrible (4/9/10 which is fairly bad). We won that match because of an OP Katha being able to 3 or even 4 on one the enemie team. It´s nice to have these matches to, you know were you suck and someone else dos the caring to save your mess. GG.

Next match, first Ban Katha! I am like "Hahahaha, did you play against us last match?" and he was like "Were you OP Katha or noob Sivir" and i told him "Sivir, but ADC is my least play role so relax" and he comes around with "Ok". He is first pick, puts in Quinn like last match and i offer Supp with Morgana because everyone else did not want to go Supp. He starts rageing, threatens to AFk because morgana is crap... been there, don that. Ideot children rageing on champion select, looking for the oh so glorious AFK thread attention, usually they behave if the game ends up ok.

Well, he dident. He died about one minute into laneingphase and emidiatly disconnected after telling me how i suck and he cant play with me. A few minutes later he reconects, rages at everyone, stands around, starts the home teleport over and over, pretends to play, marks enemies only to run away when the team enters a fight ect. pp. - Before the end of the match he disconnects two more times.

In the end we were like 9 kills down, so if he had not abandoned us from the beginning we likely would have stood a good chance of winning. But no, i picked Morgana, he cant play with me.

These people.

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So for the one time i actually raged at the fucker (must have been the AFK dick i described because it´s the only one i can remember ever having don this) i emediatly got reported and the tribunal warned me. It´s amazing how much of a fuck you this feels like not just because the guy so obviously caused it but also because i am a rather positive force in most games chats if i not just mute everyone.... the game is so full of people ruining the experience and you get kicked in the nuts for a person going AFK within one minute of laneing. Yay.

I only got a warning once before when i got the Teemo Bunny skin and talked about hopping around, hopping right over ect. all match long. Dident even play a bad game and maybe you can consider that trolling... but still, the game is so full of dicks that apparently just get away with it?!

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I know, thats what i usually do. Had a very bad streak the past days and am back in Bronze 5 now. I wonder if they give you worse teams if you get reported. I wish i could just have a bunch of matches that are somewhat competitive, i think in the past week or two most of my matches have either been roaring wins or terrible losses.

This game can be so good if you get the right people together.

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