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Survivor: Kaoh Rong ***SPOILERS***

GoGo Yubari

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IMPORTANT PRE-WEST COAST AIRING UPDATE: I found Neal's ice cream at my local Grocery Outlet, so I'm going to have some during the episode. Will it be any good at all? WE'LL FIND OUT.

EDIT: The ice cream is okay, especially considering it's organic. Though it's chocolate chip cookie dough and the dough is the absolute worst part, so that's not great.

Meanwhile, I think it's absolutely a credit to this season's editing/cast that "Alecia. Alecia. Act normal," made me burst out laughing

EDIT III: I fucking love this season, you guys.

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That was a great ending. Watching this with my girlfriend is the best, she has the best reactions. She also really fucking hates Brawn.

I love how Alecia is so dumb that she went and told Christy about the clue, which would have to do with the individual immunity idol, which, you know, is just for one person

The Super Idol thing is hilarious and reminds me of Power Rangers.

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I think I'm really the most impressed with Cydney of anyone in the Brawn tribe. Barring a bad swap I don't see why she couldn't at least make the jury and possibly even run deep.

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She clearly was making an effort to build relationships with everyone, as she is the only one we've seen talking to every single tribe member. I would probably say she is the best Survivor player on the Brawn tribe given everything we've seen. 

The beauty tribe we know nothing about. 

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3 hours ago, RPS said:

The bodybuilder name is Cidney, benkid. 

Well, it's hard to see the names when my girlfriend is jumping on top of me because she's so excited about them looking for the idol, then 5 seconds later wants us to just skip all the Brawn parts because they annoy, okay! :shifty:

Also, I really don't like the two guys on the Brawn tribe, something about them just rub me the wrong way.

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Unless something drastic happens, I cannot see any scenario of those three winning. Cidney maybe because she seems to understand how to deal with people she can't get along with.

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To be honest, the only person on that tribe I genuinely liked coming into this episode was Cydney. And that includes Alecia, who's an incredible Survivor character but I have to imagine would be infuriating to actually have to live with (she seemed to spend most of that horrible digging portion of the reward challenge kicking sand). And coming out of it, the only one I like is still Cydney. I think she's a very good, even-keeled player who, because of the disaster-area nature of her tribe, is stuck with the two guys who have basically been in power since tribal #1.

That first half of the episode was just horror-show uncomfortable, and the worst part is knowing that this isn't going to be the end of it.

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The only thing I have to add at the moment is I don't have any favorite players....yet. Just ones I'd love to see gone (see my previous post this thread). There is NO ONE from the Brawn tribe I want to see win. I just can't stand Kyle or Scot. Especially Kyle.


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