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Survivor: Kaoh Rong ***SPOILERS***

GoGo Yubari

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I think Tai rightfully knows that idoling Peter out is dumb because everyone hates him, so he can wait till his allies get sick of him. 

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Tai's in a good spot. Beauty doesn't have the numbers, he's more valuable than Julia if it comes to another tribal next week, Scot loves him, and he's more likable and trustworthy than Peter so if Joe and Aubry wanted they could get rid of Peter before he could do damage to them and still have Neal and Debbie on the other side.

and on the other tribe, Cydney's in a good spot too! Good night for my faves.

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Tai had me on the edge of my seat there. When he said he has been playing it straightforward I was almost certain he was going to reveal the idol.

Can people not talk if they're not addressed by Jeff, though? I would think that since Anna noticed that Tai wasn't going to reveal the idol, she'd tell the rest of the tribe that he has it at least. She just sat there and took it. Made no sense to me.

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Anna probably could have said something after the votes are read, as there isn't really too many rules as it pertains to what you can say or do when the cameras are on. You can't hit somebody or bribe them, but people have done more outrageous things after the votes were counted. But Tai and Anna were close and Anna had no connection with the Brains, so why would she blow up Tai's spot after it was already clear she was eliminated from the game. 

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That's true. I was more referring to when Tai didn't reveal it, though, after Jeff does the "it's time to vote" thing. I figured it wouldn't be against the rules for someone else to say that another person has the idol. It's what I would have done, since it was clear that she looked like she was being betrayed and that other people weren't in on the plan she was in on.

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I don't think Anna realized in that moment that she was necessarily going home before the votes are counted. She was probably confused as to what was happening. After the votes are read, she probably realizes that saying Tai  has the idol doesn't benefit her in any way because she is already out of the game. She had spent 15 days with Tai and 2 days with everyone else. She isn't going to throw the person under the bus who she spent the most time with, especially when she said that she liked the guy. 

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Two people I like this season actually removed for medical reasons. I hope both get another shot. 

Oh, and Aubry can go asap now. She seemed to be more worried about whether or not he would give her his idol than she did about him. (Actually, the entire Brains tribe members left in the game can go. But her first, please.)

If Tai doesn't make it to the final 3, we riot?

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Idk why I just have a gut feeling Tai is the other med evac. IIRC, theres supposed to be 3 med-evacs this season. 

Either brains will go thru a Pagoning right now or beauty is going to switch sides (Nick, Michelle and Julie). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Cidney and Aubry are worried that Julia will join with Tai, Scot and Jason. So... they vote off Debbie? Even though they have two idols and they'll be able to force a tie at 8 if Julia is with them. 

gg Aubry and Cidney. Julia and Michelle will join with the boys and bye bye Cidney and Aubry. 

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4 hours ago, RPS said:

So Cidney and Aubry are worried that Julia will join with Tai, Scot and Jason. So... they vote off Debbie? Even though they have two idols and they'll be able to force a tie at 8 if Julia is with them. 

gg Aubry and Cidney. Julia and Michelle will join with the boys and bye bye Cidney and Aubry. 

Yeah that made absolutely no sense. Do they not know how numbers work? They should've just went with Debbie and got rid of Julia since she was obviously leaning towards the guys alliance and they would still be five strong with the three guys left. Now they're even AND there are two idols left, so if either three of the guys win immunity they're all pretty much golden for another week and could even protect Julia with the super idol, if they decide to not to flush the idol, since they can use it after the votes have been read.


Now I'm not sure if it was explained, but could the super idol be used AFTER a tie has taken place and there's a re-vote between the remaining?


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I do not believe so. I think the rules would be something to the effect of being valid after the first vote and not any subsequent vote. 

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