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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

We should beat Panathinikos tonite, its about time we pulled our fingers out of our ass in the the european qualifiers, I'm sure Wenger will have had a word with the team since last time, I'm confident we'll win this one.

I hope Van Persie gets a look in tonite, but I want Reyes and Pires to play some part in the fixture, so I'm not sure, the goal doesn't necessarily warrant a 1st team place but it'd be nice to give him a chance (if not, definitely against PSV, he's got the experience in dutch football, so let him rip).

Campbell isn't fit, so Cygan will probably start, lets hope he'll hold himself together, surely Wenger will have a replacement by January, maybe give Senderos or Hoyte a chance (although, I'd rather give these guys first team football next to Campbell, since he seems to be a better influence on youth).

My Brother will be there tonite, so hopefully theres plenty of goals.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Its as if theres a curse upon us, against these imo, worthless european teams, we didn't play exceptionally bad, but sometimes in europe we'll take a lead and sit on it, and thats not the Arsenal that win games. Reyes was very unlucky with that chance, but he did nothing wrong, it just wasn't going to go in.

If anyone was going to screw it up, it'd be Cygan, it just seems the norm, I feel somewhat sorry for him because he looked truly gutted, but you can't flick on headers like that on the side of the ball, you've either gotta hit it blank on your 'bonce or take it on the face and fall down like a sack of shit. It use to seem that Headers were one of his only good points, but this fuck up shadows his otherwise decent performance.

And to the spurs fan that denied the penalty, I'll leave that decision down to bias, it was a foul, these fouls happen every match to every team and go unnoticed, we've just finally found a referee with the balls to punish it.

Vieira went down easily, but both him and Henry were being Hugged, in some countries that shit is called sexual assault, bravo to the ballsy referee.

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It's harsh to blame Pascal Cygan too much, but I think tonight is an example of why he isn't a Sol Campbell or a Martin Keown (who despite the stick was a good defender for Arsenal). Somebody like Campbell (or particularly Keown) would have been happy to take that in the face for the cause.

As with most of the team, Cygan didn't play awful, but didn't play great. Henry was unlucky a couple of times, things just didn't click for him. For me Reyes has got to start playing a full 90 minutes. I can't remember when he last did that but I think he's ready to now.

I still think we'll get through, if we beat PSV we can win the group.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I'd put tonites 20 minutes down to his knock he took against Southampton, the thing is Reyes plays in a position where many other of our talented players do. Bergkamp in Attack, Pires on the wing, these are players that you want to play some part in the fixture and aslong as they're on form they don't deserve to be dropped. Saying that in the next season or so, Bergkamp might retire and I feel Pires is starting to pass his prime, so he'll definitely have more than a look in.

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I was rather annoyed again that we couldn't get it done. That said, both were definetly penalties and I was amazed that the referee had the balls to give our one!

Cygan was obviosuly at fault, but I feel really sorry for the guy he truly did look gutted/embarressed/whatever you wanna say. I feel bad for him considering the ammount of stick he takes. Mind you; he does deserve it.

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It does look to be now what our future team should be, either next season or the one after, seeing as Bergkamp is retiring and Pires is getting old.

It should look something like this:

ML: Reyes

MC: Fabregas

MC: Vieira

MR: Ljungberg

SC: van Persie

SC: Henry

That is very good attack, and could be just as good as with Pires and Bergkamp in the team.

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It does look to be now what our future team should be, either next season or the one after, seeing as Bergkamp is retiring and Pires is getting old.

It should look something like this:

ML: Reyes

MC: Fabregas

MC: Vieira

MR: Ljungberg

SC: van Persie

SC: Henry

That is very good attack, and could be just as good as with Pires and Bergkamp in the team.

I'd change one thing from that and that is putting in Pennant for Freddie. Now, Pennant has yet to show what he is cappable of for Arsenal but if the guy ever PLAYED he would be awesome. To be honest, I don't think we'd lose much if Freddie wasn't a part of the side. While I don't want him going anyway, I wouldn't really be bothered all that much.

Anyway, this is the team I'd have out:

GK: Taylor

RB: Lauren

LB: Cole

CB: Toure

CB: Campbell

RM: Pennant

LM: van Persie

CM: Vieira

CM: Gilberto/Fabregas (they were talking about how we've missed him recently and I have noticed this. Fabregas isn't ready to be playing week in week out just yet)

ST: Henry

ST: Reyes

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I'd rather buy in an experienced keeper, Taylors chance has been and gone. I'm all for buying unestablished players and making them stars, but you can't do that type of thing in goal, a mistake made by an inexperienced midfielder can be cleared by his teammates, but a mistake by a keeper can cost you the game.

I believe Reyes should be alongside Henry, and eventually V.Persie on the left wing. I like Pennant, and I seriously do believe he'll want to move along if he isn't given his chance, but as it stands, only an injury to Freddy will get him on the subs bench, and that doesn't guarantee him a game.

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Wenger has said that van Persie is going to be a 2nd striker, and the player himself says he is better there, I think that too. He hasn't got the attributes to be a world class winger imo.

Reyes does, he has pace, and lots of it. And can also run with the ball amazingly well. But, I think Reyes could make an awesome centre foward, so maybe van Persie/Reyes will be partners up front when Henry retires. Reyes and Persie will be like 25 then, if they are still at the club (which they will)

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I've got to say our best attack this season has looked like being Henry and Reyes. They didn't click at first but watching some of the things they do playing together are great. That'd be my first choice - though Bergkamp with Henry and Reyes on the left works very well too (see game against Middlesbrough and our comeback).

It'd be nice to see Van Persie get a look in though, hopefully that'll start happening soon - he had a great pre-season and hasn't looked bad so far in the games he's played.

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Wenger has said that van Persie is going to be a 2nd striker, and the player himself says he is better there, I think that too. He hasn't got the attributes to be a world class winger imo.

Reyes does, he has pace, and lots of it. And can also run with the ball amazingly well. But, I think Reyes could make an awesome centre foward, so maybe van Persie/Reyes will be partners up front when Henry retires. Reyes and Persie will be like 25 then, if they are still at the club (which they will)

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

30? Aslong as he doesn't suffer a career ending injury theres nothing to say he'd retire earlier than the average player, I can see him going onto about 34, or until he physically can't do it anymore.

But lets not talk about retirement among young'ish players, since its not something that'll happen in the near future.

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