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2 hours ago, VerbalPuke said:

Good voice was poor choice of words on my part. I'd say just confidence in singing as opposed to a great voice or talent. 

Haha, I knew what you meant.

BandLab, using free-use loops and the like, is a great place for me to experiment, but it's definitely not the same as collaborating with a real person. Which, I suppose is why I'm treating everything I do with it as if they are demos. Ideally, I'll put it together, record vocals and hopefully attract someone or some people who may be able to take those demos and help mold them into a more solid set of tunes.

I was really excited to find BandLab for that reason, because every time I've been in a band, it's crashed and burned before we got a chance to play a show or properly release anything. The reason being, that every time I've managed to gather the troops, we go in with a set plan that had been discussed (song ideas, style of play, etc)... and then inevitably, all of those people have ended up whinging and complaining that they wanted to play something else entirely.

I figured it would be best to bring a more completed vision to players, who can them help to complete the vision. I think I like the idea of collaborations better than the idea of trying to find a full band. Also, that way, people can jump in and out on a song by song basis... there's no real commitment for anyone else... and I don't have to compromise what I'm doing.

Eventually, my end goal is to have a two-pronged attack of Cancerslug-type Punk Rock, where I can really just tap into my anger, toss my tongue into my cheek and probably offend a lot of people who don't get it... and then a more Horror Punk oriented prong, looking to bands like Blitzkid and obviously the Misfits as inspiration.

I've also got a scribble book of lyrics for a little black metal project, but like my foray into trying my hand at country, I have no intention of that being something I work on consistently. Probably something I'll just do a handful of tracks for and move on until I get the urge and time to do a little more down the road.

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't done much work on my tunes lately, what with having Covid and losing my grandfather and having the funeral all within a few weeks.

That said, I heard the newest Jamie Bower song for the first time this week and decided my grandmother needed to hear it... and they've been bugging me to do more since I sang in front of that side of my family for the first time at the celebration of life.

So, even though I'm not entirely happy with the recording, I wanted her to have it and did a vocal cover.


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  • 3 weeks later...

After going WAY out of my comfort zone for the last song I posted, I went back to an old favorite to record a vocal cover for my partner.


Five Cellars Below by Argyle Goolsby.

Again, I didn't spend a lot of time on it because it's just a vocal cover, not a full band cover or original tune. Much happier with the results though, than I was with my Jamie Bower attempt.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been some time. I had been working on my country tunes, but found that it became a chore because my mind just wasn't mentally there. With everything going on in the world, my work being an absolute dumpster fire right now with payroll being slashed like crazy, and just life in general... I've found myself just angry, and that wasn't working for what I was doing.

So, I just screwed around a little until I find something that flowed naturally, that felt more in tune with my headspace.

I've got lyrics written already, but I'm probably going to just make sure I have a bunch of tunes so I can do a big one-day recording on a day when I have the house to myself.

So here's the first black metal inspired tune. Options are limited on Bandlab for something so niche, but with the editing possibilities, I think it turned out solid. It probably helps that I know the lyrics and have a rough idea of what the vocals will sound like, but nonetheless, here you go:



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I've been feeling pretty musically stunted in the past few years.

I've been playing the guitar since I was 5 years old but I never really went too hard into my electric and over the past 15 years or so, it's really just turned into something that I get out every once in a while - but even then my acoustic is absolutely on its last legs. It's already had the neck cutoff and reset once and it can't stay tuned for more than an hour or so at this rate, so it's pretty much retired.

I have an old, jacked up bass from an old friend of mine and while I like playing it - I've taught myself most of what I wanted to - I don't really get a lot out of that either.

I tried to learn piano/keyboard for a bit but I think that I'll need a teacher for that and it's not really something I want to put the time and money into.

But then I saw a sampler demoed (specifically a Chompi) and my god - I really, really want to get the money together to get one of those because that's the kind of thing that I could probably fiddle with for hours on end. I took one look at that thing and felt a creative urge that I haven't in a very long time.

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