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The Buscher

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Everything posted by The Buscher

  1. Owners are discussing a potential 15 yard penalty for kneeling during the national anthem. Oh my word.
  2. Mets sign Jose Bautista. Jose Bautista, Jose Reyes, and Adrian Gonzalez on the same team. This makes the Mets the clear favorites to win the 2010 World Series.
  3. C Realmuto 1B Bour 2B Gordon SS Rojas 3B Anderson LF Ozuna CF Yelich RF Stanton That lineup absolutely could've gotten them into the playoffs. They just needed help on the pitching side - and rather than do that they decided to blow it all up. There aren't too many times where it's okay to actually change teams, no matter how much you may want to. But in the case of the Marlins, I think it's totally fine to give up on them after that. Blowing that team up was a giant middle finger to all 17 fans they had.
  4. I actually am too. I just don't see the need to saturate the league even further. As it is I'm not sure I see a reason for the Florida teams to exist at this point.
  5. The Mets announcers, as much I love them, have been very "old man yells at cloud" complaining about the shifts more this year than any year I can remember. Especially because it's reaching the point where teams are shifting to such a degree that they're ignoring basic fundamentals. On Saturday in the 9th inning, the Mets had a runner on 2nd with no outs, and the Arizona 3B played 5 miles back, which meant all the Mets needed to do was bunt it up the line to advance the winning run to 3rd. Walkoff sacrifice fly next batter. The shift actively cost them the game. Then today, the Mets were playing their 3B halfway between second and third as the only man on the left side of the infield, which allowed the runner to simply steal third uncontested which led to all of the announcers groaning. Yes there were two outs, so the Mets only cared about the batter at the plate. But letting him swipe third like that meant you were a wild pitch away from a run scoring. Ron Darling said that plays like that made the game "unwatchable". And Keith Hernandez has flat out said he won't watch another baseball game once he's done with broadcasting. As much as he enjoys his job, he thinks the game itself has been trifled with too much. Hates that pitchers are conditioned to only go five or six innings, hates that strikeouts go up exponentially every year, hates that teams stack their bullpens with specialists instead of guys that can get both sides out, hates replay, hates mound visit limits, hates the overall lack of "fundies", hates the idea that the league will eventually expand to 32 when there is already a shortage of talent and a half dozen teams that aren't even trying to win.
  6. Exactly. What's wrong with having a good right-handed reliever go out there in the first inning to get out the three good right handed hitters at the top of the lineup? You have to get 27 outs any way you can get them. Hell, Jason Vargas is starting for the Mets tonight. The second he leaves the bullpen to start the game, they should have someone else start warming up.
  7. I thought it was a decent idea. Especially since it exposed once again that so many baseball players have sticks up their ass about that dumbest things.
  8. I can’t wait for the 30-for-30 on this Vegas team.
  9. Just realized that Nick Markakis is on virtually the exact same pace Johnny Damon was as far as potentially getting 3,000 hits. Damon seemed like he was a lock to play til 40 and get it, but his production dropped in a big way at 38 and that ended his career. Markakis is having a nice season right now, but free agency has changed so much even in the past decade I'm just not sure he'll be able to find a full-time starting gig long enough to get the necessary ABs to reach 3,000. It would be kinda hilarious if he did get there though, because it would really test how firm the HOF committee is on 3,000 hits being an automatic HOF lock for non-PED tainted players.
  10. I can understand why the Browns dumped Eric Mangini after two years. He had just come off of overseeing the Jets chokejob where they started 8-3 and still missed the playoffs - so his dismissal after two straight 5-11 seasons for the Browns wasn't too big of a surprise. But I have no idea what they've been doing since then. It was unrealistic to expect Pat Shurmur to be able to turn everything around in two years. Rob Chuzinski's season probably should've been Shurmur's third season. And even if they did dump him when they did - Chudzinski had no business being fired after one year and should have gotten what wound up being Mike Pettine's two seasons. That the guy they finally gave a third year to has won three fewer games in two seasons than Chudzinski won in one season is just mind-blowing to me.
  11. Robinson Cano slapped with an 80 game suspension for PEDs. RIP to his HOF chances.
  12. The last episode of Seinfeld aired 20 years ago today. I did not see a single episode of that when it was first airing, as I was only nine and I only cared about watching cartoons and professional wrestling. Two decades later, I've seen every episode multiple times and can still flip on the 11 PM re-runs and find myself thoroughly enjoying it.
  13. Pretty much. It wouldn't shock me at all if he's done, to be honest.
  14. The Colts expect Andrew Luck to be ready for training camp despite the fact that he has not thrown a pass in the nearly 500 days since he had his surgery.
  15. deGrom was activated off of the DL today and he had one of the strangest starts I've ever seen. Walked the bases loaded in the first inning with no outs and 30 pitches thrown. A million foul balls. Force out at the plate, two strikeouts, and he escapes with 45 pitches thrown and no runs allowed. Then he got pulled for precautionary reasons because that's a ridiculous number of pitches to throw with no break.
  16. The Mets have lost 8 of 9 including 2 of 3 to the Reds who are the worst team in baseball by far. I'm actually glad that Mike Francesa is already back on WFAN after a four month retirement. He just went on a fantastic rant on the Mets and yelled "THEY STINK!!!!!!" in the middle of it and I laughed way too hard.
  17. Per a police report, Reuben Foster threw his girlfriend's dog across the room when they were having an argument. Either lock him up, or require him to be thrown by an elephant to see how he likes it.
  18. The Mets intended on having Wilmer Flores bat second and Asdrubal Cabrera bat third. The lineup card they actually turned in, however, had Cabrera second and Flores third. So Flores hit second and made an out, then Cabrera got a double. It wasn't until then that the Reds skipper brought it to the umpire's attention, so therefore Cabrera was automatically ruled out to end the inning.
  19. In something you'd almost never see in Little League, let alone a Major League game, the Mets just batted out of order in the first inning, wiping out a runner in scoring position. lol, this season is over.
  20. The Mets just went 0-6 on their homestand, getting shutout in three of those games, and today they scored two quick runs in the first inning only to disappear again.They've pissed away nearly their entire hot start of the season, going from 12-2 to 17-15. And of those 12 wins to start the season, most of them were really close wins that really could've gone either way. So those first two weeks were looking like a total fluke. It's not a good team. They can't do a thing offensively other than play the same station to station to baseball they always have under Alderson, which leads to massive stretches of offensive futility because Cespedes, Frazier and Bruce strike out 20 million times a week. Speaking of Cespedes, he's hurt his quad yet again. He's so fun to watch when he's on a hot streak, but the guy is made of glass. Conforto's shoulder injury may have wrecked his career, and he was the best homegrown offensive player the Mets have had in a decade. The starting pitching is absolutely atrocious outside of deGrom and Syndergaard. For being supposed pitching geniuses, Callaway and Eiland have done nothing at all to help Matz, Wheeler, or the recently departed Harvey. The nearly 8 ERA Vargas put up in the second half last year appears to be the real deal for Vargas, two starts in and he already looks like an automatic loss. There are so many holes on this roster. If I'm being realistic, I can't see this team finishing ahead of fourth place. And fourth place is essentially last place since the Marlins aren't trying to win games. Look at all of the exciting, young position players the Braves and Phillies have. The Nats have a few guys on the way too. The Yankees have had 5 million guys come up in the past two years and play amazing right out of the gate. The Mets? Damn near everybody they call up tears the cover off the ball in Vegas in the hitter-friendly PCL and the second they get to the big leagues, they're completely overmatched. Sustained winning can only come when you have young, cost controlled position players who can produce at the big league level and give you a window to go out and spend on pitchers who can reliably stay on the field. This "window" for the Mets has shown pretty conclusively that you can't build an entire organization around pitching and expect that to be enough. The injury risk is too high. As much as it pains me to say this.....if/when the Mets are out of it in July, they may need to bite the bullet and trade deGrom. He turns 30 next month and he has two years left on his contract. Teams would give up a lot for him and that could jumpstart a rebuilding effort.
  21. WONDERFUL!!!!! The obsolete vessel known has Broken Matt Harvey has been DELETED from the New York Mets roster! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!
  22. *turns on stream of afternoon Mets stream* *immediately Jason Vargas serve up a meatball which Nick Markakis rips for an RBI double* *realizes Julio Teheran is pitching for the Braves* *turns off stream*
  23. So that's Cowboys on three of the four primary network broadcast teams. Fire Troy Aikman.
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