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Hecarim is so much damn fun, especially top lane, because TP and Homeguards is just way too strong. I was actually losing lane hard, but when it came to team fighting I could peel anyone off our ADC. Except one dragon fight, I actually went back to base during the Dragon Dance to TP to their Red Buff and use my monster speed boost to 100% their ADC from behind when he thought he was 100% safe behind a tank wall.

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2-2 so far.

3-0-5 Leona, Win @ 20:35

5-6-4 Jinx, Loss @ 28:00

0-4-3 Leona, Loss @ 26:07

1-9-24 Braum, WIn @ 62:25

Ave KDA of 2.25-4.75-9 is OK, but i'm dying too much it feels like. Especially in midgame teamfights.

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Finally! I have won 13 of my last 16 ranked games to finally get promoted (2 of my loses of course were the 1st promo series). Going 4-1 on Hecarim and 4-0 on Blitz (2-1 on Taric and Braum and a lone Xerath win).

Hecarim + tp + homeguards is one of the most ridiculously fun combos in the game, because with just Trinity Force you have a brief second with 500 AD, and you can Q as your are charging to do a ton of burst, and still be super tanky. End game fight for my last game was smack in the middle, I tped behind the team and their backline trying to peel from our Amumu/Annie ran right into me, murdered Graves then ulted into the fight to peel for our carries.

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I forgot that his Q adds passive damage as he gets lower on health, so I shouldn't have dueled him at all - Died level two. I got ignited for a second death, then I got ganked twice. I was 0-4 in lane and down five levels. I got yelled at for feeding, so I was like "I am just going to farm under tower until I get 6". Then I got yelled at for not pushing. (Kappa) I needed to ward river to protect my midlaner from Trynd, who had basically free license to roam, but I got yelled at for not going to my tier 2 tower by Lee (who was closer but also not going to it. Like it's "our" tower, jackass. You help too.) I went to TP in to help at the end of a teamfight but I was going to cancel it if Morg missed her binding. It looked like she hit, but as I completed the TP, it turned out the binding hit a minion instead, so that was dumb. After that I just tried to clear the wave out from my inhib tower, keep our jungle warded, and just not die anymore. I was so rattled that I missed most of my equalizers...(not total whiff, but that did happen twice - just not by usual best).

Every single time i've played ranked i've died the least or second-fewest times. That's just something i've been working really hard on is dying less. It just seems that every time I play against a lane opp Silver IV or higher I get my shit caved in. Even Silver V I can handle. Bronze 2/3 here I come >_<

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Just keep trying, it can be super annoying but you will win eventually.

My 13-3 streak to get promoted turned into a 4 game losing streak... 5th game we were losing but we were still putting up a fight, a minor server error allowed us to catch vayne out and get back into it... then a bad dragon fight on their end gave us the game to at least end my steam of bad luck, so yay for that.

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Never surrender! Holy poop.

OUr jungle was bad, our bot lane got out farmed hard, our mid laner was toxic, and I was having a less than stellar performance. We tried to surrender 3 times...but it was always 3-1. They took down one of our nexus turrets....and yet? We still won. WW and I caught their jungle out of position, letting the rest of the team do a 3v2, we pushed and won.

And now went 11-0-14 to win my series 2-0. Silver 3 :D

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Yay Plubby! I think I also started in Bronze 1, fell to Bronze 4, then eventually started to climb my way up.

And no, Silver 5 is no worse than Bronze 1. You are playing with basically the exact same people. I've had toxic games from Bronze 4 all the way up to Silver 1, but none are worse than the others.

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