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Been on fire with Nidalee lately. Runeglaive is just ridiculous. It's amazing that there isn't more of an outcry to nerf Nid. She's way more effective than she was in the old full AP mid days and back then every other post on the forums was "Amagad nerf Nid plz".

People still think she's easy to play though, but you still have to hit a skill shot to do anything. (A skill shot that is easy to avoid when compared to, say, Morgana's Q.)

She's only easy when people refuse to build any sort of defensive items. Every game lately, the other team can see I'm ahead early but not a single piece of magic res is bought until 30 mins in, by which point they are spamming "Nid op, so easy"... whilst playing Katarina.

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How so? The spear hitbox is smaller and it moves at pretty much the same speed, and usually over a longer distance if people are doing it properly.

It depends on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to avoid the skillshot by any means, the spear is way harder to avoid because it A: moves faster, and B: travels further, which means it is much harder to avoid by dodging backwards.


If you're being lazy and trying to "matrix" the skillshot by avoiding it by the narrowest possible sidestep, then the Morg Q has a deceptively large hitbox so it's harder to do that. But that is a user error imo :P

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OK, I just looked it up. It's going to take a lot of convincing to show me how that item *isn't* hot garbage. I already have my normal ward, my ADC's ward and flash to protect against ganks, and my other summoner is Clairvoyance which 1: doesn't cost 800 gold 2: lets me assist my jungler by providing him continuous LOS of dragon/baron/colour buffs and 3: lets me cast it on their SP at the start so we can see what items they built and who is going to which lane..


*now gets angry with self if not placing a minimum of .7 wards per minute*

Edited by Plubby
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Decided to spam support Kennen in ranked.  I'm 6-2 right now, and I'm not sure how effective it is.  I mean, I'm annoying in lane, and I can stun a lot of people in team fights, but that's about it.  I almost feel my best quality is that greedy soloq players go for the easy kill on me and waste ultimates so my team can clean up.  I usually just rush in with my ult and proc as many stuns as possible and flash out so I don't die then just toss shurikens at people and exhaust whoever dives my ADC.

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It's super-OP with Kalista. He's also great early if you can land Shuriken as it's great for lane trading. If you can land Shuriken's and you're against a melee support, it's almost a free lane win.

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Tahm Kench is hilarious. Such a fun champion.

I didn't play him, but my friend did. His W to save you is SO helpful (can't figure out how to escape on my own, though)....and it does a surprising amount of damage.

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Plubby, your hatred of UoL made Kikis quit.

Jeez, they got smack-daddied (to quote Hai) without him :\

This split is fucking weird, man. Only FNC are any good. And C9? Never thought they'd do this poorly in a million years!

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Check out Sneaky on Summoning Insight - some interesting thoughts on C9. Just got uploaded.


This whole split is weird on both sides of the pond. I like watching H2K, Gravity and some Gambit games - but everyone else is fucking boring. Even Fnatic I only watch when Huni goes off. Only other team I watch is ROCCAT because YamatoCannon is a bro, and they've had the most exciting games really (the upsets over H2K and OG)

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Check out Sneaky on Summoning Insight - some interesting thoughts on C9. Just got uploaded.


This whole split is weird on both sides of the pond. I like watching H2K, Gravity and some Gambit games - but everyone else is fucking boring. Even Fnatic I only watch when Huni goes off. Only other team I watch is ROCCAT because YamatoCannon is a bro, and they've had the most exciting games really (the upsets over H2K and OG)

What's the TL;DW?

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