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About Pippa

  • Birthday 27/11/1989

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  • Location
    West Midlands

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Pippa's Achievements

Development Deal

Development Deal (2/12)



  1. Gazz

    Exactly. The logic is faultless. :P

  2. Pippa

    We would have been EWBs ONLY couple...

  3. Gazz

    We could of been EWB's power couple... :(

  4. Is back... god knows why...

  5. Is back... god knows why...

  6. Pippa

    Haha, really? Didn't think i was even on there any more. Ah well, can't blame them! ;-)

  7. Gazz

    Plentyoffish says I should date you. :/

  8. Gazz

    Gone... and forgotten

  9. I wanna say something clever, but I've got nothing....


  10. I think I forgot this is the internet and chances are you're actually a middle aged man beating off over a keyboard.

  11. Time for a "zOMG gUrl" thread yet?

  12. I watched The golden Compass the other day, took me until the end of the film to realise that it is the Philip Pullman book, Northern Lights, as it says so at the end. Only read the first couple of chapters of Northern Lights so i'm not really to blame that i didn't get that right away...
  13. Who uses postcards anymore?

  14. Only two types of people come from Derbyshire - steers and queers. Which are you and more to the point what's a steer?

    Answers on a postcard.

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